path: root/brep/package-version-search.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'brep/package-version-search.cxx')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/brep/package-version-search.cxx b/brep/package-version-search.cxx
index a989434..d95b392 100644
--- a/brep/package-version-search.cxx
+++ b/brep/package-version-search.cxx
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <web/module>
#include <web/mime-url-encoding>
+#include <brep/page>
#include <brep/package>
#include <brep/package-odb>
#include <brep/shared-database>
@@ -60,14 +61,171 @@ namespace brep
throw invalid_request (400, e.what ());
- const char* title ("Package");
+ const char* ident ("\n ");
+ const string title ("Package " + name);
serializer s (rs.content (), title);
s << HTML
<< TITLE << title << ~TITLE
+ << CSS_STYLE << ident
+ << pager_style () << ident
+ << "a {text-decoration: none;}" << ident
+ << "a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}" << ident
+ << ".name {font-size: xx-large; font-weight: bold;}" << ident
+ << ".summary {font-size: x-large; margin: 0.2em 0 0;}" << ident
+ << ".url {font-size: small;}" << ident
+ << ".email {font-size: small;}" << ident
+ << ".description {margin: 0.5em 0 0;}" << ident
+ << ".tags {margin: 0.5em 0 0;}" << ident
+ << ".tag {padding: 0 0.3em 0 0;}" << ident
+ << ".versions {font-size: x-large; margin: 0.5em 0 0;}" << ident
+ << ".package_version {margin: 0.5em 0 0;}" << ident
+ << ".version {font-size: x-large;}" << ident
<< ~HEAD
- << BODY << name << ~BODY
+ << BODY;
+ transaction t (db_->begin ());
+ shared_ptr<package> p;
+ try
+ {
+ p = db_->load<package> (name);
+ }
+ catch (const object_not_persistent& )
+ {
+ throw invalid_request (404, "Package '" + name + "' not found");
+ }
+ s << DIV(CLASS="name")
+ << name
+ << ~DIV
+ << DIV(CLASS="summary")
+ << p->summary
+ << ~DIV;
+ s << DIV(CLASS="url")
+ << A << HREF << p->url << ~HREF << p->url << ~A
+ << ~DIV
+ << DIV(CLASS="email")
+ << A << HREF << "mailto:" << p->email << ~HREF << p->email << ~A
+ << ~DIV;
+ if (p->description)
+ s << DIV(CLASS="description")
+ << *p->description
+ << ~DIV;
+ if (!p->tags.empty ())
+ {
+ s << DIV(CLASS="tags");
+ for (const auto& t: p->tags)
+ s << SPAN(CLASS="tag") << t << ~SPAN << " ";
+ s << ~DIV;
+ }
+ // @@ Query will also include search criteria if specified.
+ //
+ size_t pvc (
+ db_->query_value<package_version_count> (
+ query<package_version_count>::id.data.package == name).count);
+ s << DIV(CLASS="versions")
+ << "Versions (" << pvc << ")"
+ << ~DIV;
+ if (p->package_url)
+ s << DIV(CLASS="url")
+ << A << HREF << *p->package_url << ~HREF << *p->package_url << ~A
+ << ~DIV;
+ if (p->package_email)
+ s << DIV(CLASS="email")
+ << A
+ << HREF << "mailto:" << *p->package_email << ~HREF
+ << *p->package_email
+ << ~A
+ << ~DIV;
+ size_t rop (options_->results_on_page ());
+ // @@ Use appropriate view when clarify which package version info to be
+ // displayed and search index structure get implemented. Query will also
+ // include search criteria if specified.
+ //
+ using query = query<package_version>;
+ auto r (
+ db_->query<package_version> ((query::id.data.package == name) +
+ "ORDER BY" + query::id.data.epoch + "DESC," +
+ query::id.data.canonical_upstream + "DESC," +
+ query::id.revision + "DESC " +
+ "OFFSET" + to_string (pr.page () * rop) +
+ "LIMIT" + to_string (rop)));
+ for (const auto& v: r)
+ {
+ static const strings priority_names (
+ {"low", "medium", "high", "security"});
+ assert (v.priority < priority_names.size ());
+ const string& vs (v.version.string ());
+ s << DIV(CLASS="package_version")
+ << DIV(CLASS="version")
+ << A
+ << HREF
+ << "/go/" << mime_url_encode (name) << "/" << vs << "/"
+ << ~HREF
+ << vs
+ << ~A
+ << ~DIV
+ << DIV(CLASS="priority")
+ << "Priority: " << priority_names[v.priority]
+ << ~DIV
+ << DIV(CLASS="licenses")
+ << "Licenses: ";
+ for (const auto& la: v.license_alternatives)
+ {
+ if (&la != &v.license_alternatives[0])
+ s << " or ";
+ for (const auto& l: la)
+ {
+ if (&l != &la[0])
+ s << ", ";
+ s << l;
+ }
+ }
+ s << ~DIV
+ << ~DIV;
+ }
+ t.commit ();
+ auto u (
+ [&name, &pr](size_t p)
+ {
+ string url ("/go/" + name + "/");
+ if (p > 0)
+ url += "?p=" + to_string (p);
+ if (!pr.query ().empty ())
+ url +=
+ string (p > 0 ? "&" : "?") + "q=" + mime_url_encode (pr.query ());
+ return url;
+ });
+ s << pager (pr.page (), pvc, rop, options_->pages_in_pager (), u)
+ << ~BODY
<< ~HTML;