path: root/build2/version/init.cxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-08-01 16:10:48 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-08-01 16:41:08 +0300
commitda9cbf29c403d27c2940f9b31199c4648f8ae4a1 (patch)
tree9732de6f48bdaead2becf32be41b1284e1e83e00 /build2/version/init.cxx
parent8e69e09b7ec68377758c63092f9b254e95a0d7be (diff)
Move version build system module to separate library
Diffstat (limited to 'build2/version/init.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/build2/version/init.cxx b/build2/version/init.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 30f0f45..0000000
--- a/build2/version/init.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-// file : build2/version/init.cxx -*- C++ -*-
-// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
-// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <build2/version/init.hxx>
-#include <libbutl/manifest-parser.mxx>
-#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/config/utility.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/dist/module.hxx>
-#include <build2/version/rule.hxx>
-#include <build2/version/module.hxx>
-#include <build2/version/utility.hxx>
-#include <build2/version/snapshot.hxx>
-using namespace std;
-using namespace butl;
-namespace build2
- namespace version
- {
- static const path manifest_file ("manifest");
- static const in_rule in_rule_;
- static const manifest_install_rule manifest_install_rule_;
- bool
- boot (scope& rs, const location& l, unique_ptr<module_base>& mod)
- {
- tracer trace ("version::boot");
- l5 ([&]{trace << "for " << rs;});
- // Extract the version from the manifest file. As well as summary and
- // url while at it.
- //
- // Also, as a sanity check, verify the package name matches the build
- // system project name.
- //
- string sum;
- string url;
- standard_version v;
- dependencies ds;
- {
- path f (rs.src_path () / manifest_file);
- try
- {
- if (!file_exists (f))
- fail (l) << "no manifest file in " << rs.src_path ();
- ifdstream ifs (f);
- manifest_parser p (ifs, f.string ());
- manifest_name_value nv (p.next ());
- if (!nv.name.empty () || nv.value != "1")
- fail (l) << "unsupported manifest format in " << f;
- for (nv = p.next (); !nv.empty (); nv = p.next ())
- {
- if (nv.name == "name")
- {
- auto& pn (cast<project_name> (rs.vars[var_project]));
- if (nv.value != pn.string ())
- {
- path bf (rs.src_path () / rs.root_extra->bootstrap_file);
- location ml (&f, nv.value_line, nv.value_column);
- location bl (&bf);
- fail (ml) << "package name " << nv.value << " does not match "
- << "build system project name " << pn <<
- info (bl) << "build system project name specified here";
- }
- }
- if (nv.name == "summary")
- sum = move (nv.value);
- else if (nv.name == "url")
- url = move (nv.value);
- else if (nv.name == "version")
- {
- try
- {
- // Allow the package stub versions in the 0+<revision> form.
- // While not standard, we want to use the version module for
- // packaging stubs.
- //
- v = standard_version (nv.value, standard_version::allow_stub);
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- fail << "invalid standard version '" << nv.value << "': " << e;
- }
- }
- else if (nv.name == "depends")
- {
- // According to the package manifest spec, the format of the
- // 'depends' value is as follows:
- //
- // depends: [?][*] <alternatives> [; <comment>]
- //
- // <alternatives> := <dependency> [ '|' <dependency>]*
- // <dependency> := <name> [<constraint>]
- // <constraint> := <comparison> | <range>
- // <comparison> := ('==' | '>' | '<' | '>=' | '<=') <version>
- // <range> := ('(' | '[') <version> <version> (')' | ']')
- //
- // Note that we don't do exhaustive validation here leaving it
- // to the package manager.
- //
- string v (move (nv.value));
- size_t p;
- // Get rid of the comment.
- //
- if ((p = v.find (';')) != string::npos)
- v.resize (p);
- // Get rid of conditional/runtime markers. Note that enither of
- // them is valid in the rest of the value.
- //
- if ((p = v.find_last_of ("?*")) != string::npos)
- v.erase (0, p + 1);
- // Parse as |-separated "words".
- //
- for (size_t b (0), e (0); next_word (v, b, e, '|'); )
- {
- string d (v, b, e - b);
- trim (d);
- p = d.find_first_of (" \t=<>[(~^");
- string n (d, 0, p);
- string c (p != string::npos ? string (d, p) : string ());
- trim (n);
- trim (c);
- try
- {
- package_name pn (move (n));
- string v (pn.variable ());
- ds.emplace (move (v), dependency {move (pn), move (c)});
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- fail (l) << "invalid package name for dependency "
- << d << ": " << e;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- catch (const manifest_parsing& e)
- {
- location l (&f, e.line, e.column);
- fail (l) << e.description;
- }
- catch (const io_error& e)
- {
- fail (l) << "unable to read from " << f << ": " << e;
- }
- catch (const system_error& e) // EACCES, etc.
- {
- fail (l) << "unable to access manifest " << f << ": " << e;
- }
- if (v.empty ())
- fail (l) << "no version in " << f;
- }
- // If this is the latest snapshot (i.e., the -a.1.z kind), then load the
- // snapshot number and id (e.g., commit date and id from git).
- //
- bool committed (true);
- bool rewritten (false);
- if (v.snapshot () && v.snapshot_sn == standard_version::latest_sn)
- {
- snapshot ss (extract_snapshot (rs));
- if (!ss.empty ())
- {
- v.snapshot_sn = ss.sn;
- v.snapshot_id = move (ss.id);
- committed = ss.committed;
- rewritten = true;
- }
- else
- committed = false;
- }
- // If there is a dependency on the build system itself, check it (so
- // there is no need for explicit using build@X.Y.Z).
- //
- {
- auto i (ds.find ("build2"));
- if (i != ds.end () && !i->second.constraint.empty ())
- try
- {
- check_build_version (
- standard_version_constraint (i->second.constraint, v), l);
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- fail (l) << "invalid version constraint for dependency build2 "
- << i->second.constraint << ": " << e;
- }
- }
- // Set all the version.* variables.
- //
- auto& vp (var_pool.rw (rs));
- auto set = [&vp, &rs] (const char* var, auto val)
- {
- using T = decltype (val);
- auto& v (vp.insert<T> (var, variable_visibility::project));
- rs.assign (v) = move (val);
- };
- if (!sum.empty ()) rs.assign (var_project_summary) = move (sum);
- if (!url.empty ()) rs.assign (var_project_url) = move (url);
- set ("version", v.string ()); // Project version (var_version).
- set ("version.project", v.string_project ());
- set ("version.project_number", v.version);
- // Enough of project version for unique identification (can be used in
- // places like soname, etc).
- //
- set ("version.project_id", v.string_project_id ());
- set ("version.stub", v.stub ()); // bool
- set ("version.epoch", uint64_t (v.epoch));
- set ("version.major", uint64_t (v.major ()));
- set ("version.minor", uint64_t (v.minor ()));
- set ("version.patch", uint64_t (v.patch ()));
- optional<uint16_t> a (v.alpha ());
- optional<uint16_t> b (v.beta ());
- set ("version.alpha", a.has_value ());
- set ("version.beta", b.has_value ());
- set ("version.pre_release", v.pre_release ().has_value ());
- set ("version.pre_release_string", v.string_pre_release ());
- set ("version.pre_release_number", uint64_t (a ? *a : b ? *b : 0));
- set ("version.snapshot", v.snapshot ()); // bool
- set ("version.snapshot_sn", v.snapshot_sn); // uint64
- set ("version.snapshot_id", v.snapshot_id); // string
- set ("version.snapshot_string", v.string_snapshot ());
- set ("version.snapshot_committed", committed); // bool
- set ("version.revision", uint64_t (v.revision));
- // Create the module.
- //
- mod.reset (new module (cast<project_name> (rs.vars[var_project]),
- move (v),
- committed,
- rewritten,
- move (ds)));
- return true; // Init first (dist.package, etc).
- }
- static void
- dist_callback (const path&, const scope&, void*);
- bool
- init (scope& rs,
- scope&,
- const location& l,
- unique_ptr<module_base>& mod,
- bool first,
- bool,
- const variable_map&)
- {
- tracer trace ("version::init");
- if (!first)
- fail (l) << "multiple version module initializations";
- // Load in.base (in.* varibales, in{} target type).
- //
- if (!cast_false<bool> (rs["in.base.loaded"]))
- load_module (rs, rs, "in.base", l);
- module& m (static_cast<module&> (*mod));
- const standard_version& v (m.version);
- // If the dist module is used, set its dist.package and register the
- // post-processing callback.
- //
- if (auto* dm = rs.lookup_module<dist::module> (dist::module::name))
- {
- // Make sure dist is init'ed, not just boot'ed.
- //
- if (!cast_false<bool> (rs["dist.loaded"]))
- load_module (rs, rs, "dist", l);
- m.dist_uncommitted = cast_false<bool> (rs["config.dist.uncommitted"]);
- // Don't touch if dist.package was set by the user.
- //
- value& val (rs.assign (dm->var_dist_package));
- if (!val)
- {
- string p (cast<project_name> (rs.vars[var_project]).string ());
- p += '-';
- p += v.string ();
- val = move (p);
- // Only register the post-processing callback if this is a rewritten
- // snapshot.
- //
- if (m.rewritten)
- dm->register_callback (dir_path (".") / manifest_file,
- &dist_callback,
- &m);
- }
- }
- // Register rules.
- //
- {
- auto& r (rs.rules);
- r.insert<file> (perform_update_id, "version.in", in_rule_);
- r.insert<file> (perform_clean_id, "version.in", in_rule_);
- r.insert<file> (configure_update_id, "version.in", in_rule_);
- if (cast_false<bool> (rs["install.booted"]))
- {
- r.insert<manifest> (
- perform_install_id, "version.manifest", manifest_install_rule_);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- static void
- dist_callback (const path& f, const scope& rs, void* data)
- {
- module& m (*static_cast<module*> (data));
- // Complain if this is an uncommitted snapshot.
- //
- if (!m.committed && !m.dist_uncommitted)
- fail << "distribution of uncommitted project " << rs.src_path () <<
- info << "specify config.dist.uncommitted=true to force";
- // The plan is simple: fixing up the version in a temporary file then
- // move it to the original.
- //
- try
- {
- auto_rmfile t (fixup_manifest (f,
- path::temp_path ("manifest"),
- m.version));
- mvfile (t.path, f, (cpflags::overwrite_content |
- cpflags::overwrite_permissions));
- t.cancel ();
- }
- catch (const io_error& e)
- {
- fail << "unable to overwrite " << f << ": " << e;
- }
- catch (const system_error& e) // EACCES, etc.
- {
- fail << "unable to overwrite " << f << ": " << e;
- }
- }
- }