path: root/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
diff options
authorBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2021-01-30 11:06:22 +0200
committerBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2021-01-30 11:06:22 +0200
commitf6319b258bb478e19d4a17852a8406e6b1119b87 (patch)
tree69035ffe5280b76b1eeb948fe115faec4ed6da5e /libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
parentb7beffa3db7103f5b800dd2ee004fe62bb577cd8 (diff)
Rework include translation support
See the config.cxx.translate_include variable documentation in cxx/init.cxx for details.
Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
index 9afa29e..d068c20 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
@@ -3218,5 +3218,180 @@ namespace build2
return r;
+ // Table 23 [tab:headers.cpp].
+ //
+ // In the future we will probably have to maintain per-standard additions.
+ //
+ static const char* std_importable[] = {
+ "<algorithm>",
+ "<any>",
+ "<array>",
+ "<atomic>",
+ "<barrier>",
+ "<bit>",
+ "<bitset>",
+ "<charconv>",
+ "<chrono>",
+ "<codecvt>",
+ "<compare>",
+ "<complex>",
+ "<concepts>",
+ "<condition_variable>",
+ "<coroutine>",
+ "<deque>",
+ "<exception>",
+ "<execution>",
+ "<filesystem>",
+ "<format>",
+ "<forward_list>",
+ "<fstream>",
+ "<functional>",
+ "<future>",
+ "<initializer_list>",
+ "<iomanip>",
+ "<ios>",
+ "<iosfwd>",
+ "<iostream>",
+ "<istream>",
+ "<iterator>",
+ "<latch>",
+ "<limits>",
+ "<list>",
+ "<locale>",
+ "<map>",
+ "<memory>",
+ "<memory_resource>",
+ "<mutex>",
+ "<new>",
+ "<numbers>",
+ "<numeric>",
+ "<optional>",
+ "<ostream>",
+ "<queue>",
+ "<random>",
+ "<ranges>",
+ "<ratio>",
+ "<regex>",
+ "<scoped_allocator>",
+ "<semaphore>",
+ "<set>",
+ "<shared_mutex>",
+ "<source_location>",
+ "<span>",
+ "<sstream>",
+ "<stack>",
+ "<stdexcept>",
+ "<stop_token>",
+ "<streambuf>",
+ "<string>",
+ "<string_view>",
+ "<strstream>",
+ "<syncstream>",
+ "<system_error>",
+ "<thread>",
+ "<tuple>",
+ "<typeindex>",
+ "<typeinfo>",
+ "<type_traits>",
+ "<unordered_map>",
+ "<unordered_set>",
+ "<utility>",
+ "<valarray>",
+ "<variant>",
+ "<vector>",
+ "<version>"
+ };
+ // Table 24 ([tab:headers.cpp.c])
+ //
+ static const char* std_non_importable[] = {
+ "<cassert>",
+ "<cctype>",
+ "<cerrno>",
+ "<cfenv>",
+ "<cfloat>",
+ "<cinttypes>",
+ "<climits>",
+ "<clocale>",
+ "<cmath>",
+ "<csetjmp>",
+ "<csignal>",
+ "<cstdarg>",
+ "<cstddef>",
+ "<cstdint>",
+ "<cstdio>",
+ "<cstdlib>",
+ "<cstring>",
+ "<ctime>",
+ "<cuchar>",
+ "<cwchar>",
+ "<cwctype>"
+ };
+ void
+ guess_std_importable_headers (const compiler_info& ci,
+ const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs,
+ importable_headers& hs)
+ {
+ hs.group_map.emplace (header_group_std, 0);
+ hs.group_map.emplace (header_group_std_importable, 0);
+ // For better performance we make compiler-specific assumptions.
+ //
+ // For example, we can assume that all these headers are found in the
+ // same header search directory. This is at least the case for GCC's
+ // libstdc++.
+ //
+ // Note also that some headers could be missing. For example, <format>
+ // is currently not provided by GCC. Though entering missing headers
+ // should be harmless.
+ //
+ pair<const path, importable_headers::groups>* p;
+ auto add_groups = [&p] (bool imp)
+ {
+ if (imp)
+ p->second.push_back (header_group_std_importable); // More specific.
+ p->second.push_back (header_group_std);
+ };
+ if (ci.id.type != compiler_type::gcc)
+ {
+ for (const char* f: std_importable)
+ if ((p = hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, f)) != nullptr)
+ add_groups (true);
+ for (const char* f: std_non_importable)
+ if ((p = hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, f)) != nullptr)
+ add_groups (false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, std_importable[0]);
+ assert (p != nullptr);
+ add_groups (true);
+ dir_path d (p->first.directory ());
+ auto add_header = [&hs, &d, &p, add_groups] (const char* f, bool imp)
+ {
+ path fp (d);
+ fp.combine (f + 1, strlen (f) - 2, '\0'); // Assuming simple.
+ p = &hs.insert_angle (move (fp), f);
+ add_groups (imp);
+ };
+ for (size_t i (1);
+ i != sizeof (std_importable) / sizeof (std_importable[0]);
+ ++i)
+ add_header (std_importable[i], true);
+ for (const char* f: std_non_importable)
+ add_header (f, false);
+ }
+ }