path: root/libbuild2/build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/build')
21 files changed, 5553 insertions, 436 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba3c59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// This file was generated by CLI, a command line interface
+// compiler for C++.
+// Begin prologue.
+#include <libbuild2/types-parsers.hxx>
+// End prologue.
+#include <libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.hxx>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <utility>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstring>
+namespace build2
+ namespace build
+ {
+ namespace cli
+ {
+ template <typename X>
+ struct parser
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (X& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ using namespace std;
+ const char* o (s.next ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ string v (s.next ());
+ istringstream is (v);
+ if (!(is >> x && is.peek () == istringstream::traits_type::eof ()))
+ throw invalid_value (o, v);
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct parser<bool>
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (bool& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o (s.next ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ const char* v (s.next ());
+ if (std::strcmp (v, "1") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "true") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "TRUE") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "True") == 0)
+ x = true;
+ else if (std::strcmp (v, "0") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "false") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "FALSE") == 0 ||
+ std::strcmp (v, "False") == 0)
+ x = false;
+ else
+ throw invalid_value (o, v);
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct parser<std::string>
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::string& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o (s.next ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ x = s.next ();
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X>
+ struct parser<std::pair<X, std::size_t> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::pair<X, std::size_t>& x, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ x.second = s.position ();
+ parser<X>::parse (x.first, xs, s);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X>
+ struct parser<std::vector<X> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::vector<X>& c, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ X x;
+ bool dummy;
+ parser<X>::parse (x, dummy, s);
+ c.push_back (x);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X, typename C>
+ struct parser<std::set<X, C> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::set<X, C>& c, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ X x;
+ bool dummy;
+ parser<X>::parse (x, dummy, s);
+ c.insert (x);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
+ struct parser<std::map<K, V, C> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::map<K, V, C>& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o (s.next ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ std::size_t pos (s.position ());
+ std::string ov (s.next ());
+ std::string::size_type p = ov.find ('=');
+ K k = K ();
+ V v = V ();
+ std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
+ std::string vstr (ov, (p != std::string::npos ? p + 1 : ov.size ()));
+ int ac (2);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ const_cast<char*> (o),
+ 0
+ };
+ bool dummy;
+ if (!kstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (kstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<K>::parse (k, dummy, s);
+ }
+ if (!vstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (vstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<V>::parse (v, dummy, s);
+ }
+ m[k] = v;
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename K, typename V, typename C>
+ struct parser<std::multimap<K, V, C> >
+ {
+ static void
+ parse (std::multimap<K, V, C>& m, bool& xs, scanner& s)
+ {
+ const char* o (s.next ());
+ if (s.more ())
+ {
+ std::size_t pos (s.position ());
+ std::string ov (s.next ());
+ std::string::size_type p = ov.find ('=');
+ K k = K ();
+ V v = V ();
+ std::string kstr (ov, 0, p);
+ std::string vstr (ov, (p != std::string::npos ? p + 1 : ov.size ()));
+ int ac (2);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ const_cast<char*> (o),
+ 0
+ };
+ bool dummy;
+ if (!kstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (kstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<K>::parse (k, dummy, s);
+ }
+ if (!vstr.empty ())
+ {
+ av[1] = const_cast<char*> (vstr.c_str ());
+ argv_scanner s (0, ac, av, false, pos);
+ parser<V>::parse (v, dummy, s);
+ }
+ m.insert (typename std::multimap<K, V, C>::value_type (k, v));
+ }
+ else
+ throw missing_value (o);
+ xs = true;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename X, typename T, T X::*M>
+ void
+ thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
+ {
+ parser<T>::parse (x.*M, s);
+ }
+ template <typename X, bool X::*M>
+ void
+ thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
+ {
+ s.next ();
+ x.*M = true;
+ }
+ template <typename X, typename T, T X::*M, bool X::*S>
+ void
+ thunk (X& x, scanner& s)
+ {
+ parser<T>::parse (x.*M, x.*S, s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#include <map>
+namespace build2
+ namespace build
+ {
+ namespace script
+ {
+ // depdb_dyndep_options
+ //
+ depdb_dyndep_options::
+ depdb_dyndep_options ()
+ : file_ (),
+ file_specified_ (false),
+ format_ (),
+ format_specified_ (false),
+ what_ (),
+ what_specified_ (false),
+ include_path_ (),
+ include_path_specified_ (false),
+ default_type_ (),
+ default_type_specified_ (false),
+ adhoc_ (),
+ cwd_ (),
+ cwd_specified_ (false),
+ drop_cycles_ (),
+ target_what_ (),
+ target_what_specified_ (false),
+ target_default_type_ (),
+ target_default_type_specified_ (false),
+ target_extension_type_ (),
+ target_extension_type_specified_ (false),
+ target_cwd_ (),
+ target_cwd_specified_ (false)
+ {
+ }
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ parse (int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ bool erase,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+ {
+ ::build2::build::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);
+ bool r = _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ parse (int start,
+ int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ bool erase,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+ {
+ ::build2::build::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);
+ bool r = _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ parse (int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ int& end,
+ bool erase,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+ {
+ ::build2::build::cli::argv_scanner s (argc, argv, erase);
+ bool r = _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ end = s.end ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ parse (int start,
+ int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ int& end,
+ bool erase,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+ {
+ ::build2::build::cli::argv_scanner s (start, argc, argv, erase);
+ bool r = _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ end = s.end ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ parse (::build2::build::cli::scanner& s,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode opt,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode arg)
+ {
+ bool r = _parse (s, opt, arg);
+ return r;
+ }
+ typedef
+ std::map<std::string, void (*) (depdb_dyndep_options&, ::build2::build::cli::scanner&)>
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map;
+ static _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_;
+ struct _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_init
+ {
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_init ()
+ {
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--file"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, path, &depdb_dyndep_options::file_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::file_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--format"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, string, &depdb_dyndep_options::format_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::format_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--what"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, string, &depdb_dyndep_options::what_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::what_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--include-path"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, dir_paths, &depdb_dyndep_options::include_path_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::include_path_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["-I"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, dir_paths, &depdb_dyndep_options::include_path_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::include_path_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--default-type"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, string, &depdb_dyndep_options::default_type_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::default_type_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--adhoc"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, &depdb_dyndep_options::adhoc_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--cwd"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, dir_path, &depdb_dyndep_options::cwd_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::cwd_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--drop-cycles"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, &depdb_dyndep_options::drop_cycles_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--target-what"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, string, &depdb_dyndep_options::target_what_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::target_what_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--target-default-type"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, string, &depdb_dyndep_options::target_default_type_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::target_default_type_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--target-extension-type"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, map<string, string>, &depdb_dyndep_options::target_extension_type_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::target_extension_type_specified_ >;
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_["--target-cwd"] =
+ &::build2::build::cli::thunk< depdb_dyndep_options, dir_path, &depdb_dyndep_options::target_cwd_,
+ &depdb_dyndep_options::target_cwd_specified_ >;
+ }
+ };
+ static _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_init _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_init_;
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ _parse (const char* o, ::build2::build::cli::scanner& s)
+ {
+ _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map::const_iterator i (_cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_.find (o));
+ if (i != _cli_depdb_dyndep_options_map_.end ())
+ {
+ (*(i->second)) (*this, s);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ _parse (::build2::build::cli::scanner& s,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode opt_mode,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode arg_mode)
+ {
+ // Can't skip combined flags (--no-combined-flags).
+ //
+ assert (opt_mode != ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::skip);
+ bool r = false;
+ bool opt = true;
+ while (s.more ())
+ {
+ const char* o = s.peek ();
+ if (std::strcmp (o, "--") == 0)
+ {
+ opt = false;
+ s.skip ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (opt)
+ {
+ if (_parse (o, s))
+ {
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (std::strncmp (o, "-", 1) == 0 && o[1] != '\0')
+ {
+ // Handle combined option values.
+ //
+ std::string co;
+ if (const char* v = std::strchr (o, '='))
+ {
+ co.assign (o, 0, v - o);
+ ++v;
+ int ac (2);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ const_cast<char*> (co.c_str ()),
+ const_cast<char*> (v)
+ };
+ ::build2::build::cli::argv_scanner ns (0, ac, av);
+ if (_parse (co.c_str (), ns))
+ {
+ // Parsed the option but not its value?
+ //
+ if (ns.end () != 2)
+ throw ::build2::build::cli::invalid_value (co, v);
+ s.next ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set the unknown option and fall through.
+ //
+ o = co.c_str ();
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle combined flags.
+ //
+ char cf[3];
+ {
+ const char* p = o + 1;
+ for (; *p != '\0'; ++p)
+ {
+ if (!((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') ||
+ (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') ||
+ (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p == '\0')
+ {
+ for (p = o + 1; *p != '\0'; ++p)
+ {
+ std::strcpy (cf, "-");
+ cf[1] = *p;
+ cf[2] = '\0';
+ int ac (1);
+ char* av[] =
+ {
+ cf
+ };
+ ::build2::build::cli::argv_scanner ns (0, ac, av);
+ if (!_parse (cf, ns))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p == '\0')
+ {
+ // All handled.
+ //
+ s.next ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Set the unknown option and fall through.
+ //
+ o = cf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (opt_mode)
+ {
+ case ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::skip:
+ {
+ s.skip ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail:
+ {
+ throw ::build2::build::cli::unknown_option (o);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (arg_mode)
+ {
+ case ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::skip:
+ {
+ s.skip ();
+ r = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ case ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail:
+ {
+ throw ::build2::build::cli::unknown_argument (o);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Begin epilogue.
+// End epilogue.
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8c3440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// This file was generated by CLI, a command line interface
+// compiler for C++.
+// Begin prologue.
+// End prologue.
+#include <libbuild2/common-options.hxx>
+namespace build2
+ namespace build
+ {
+ namespace script
+ {
+ class depdb_dyndep_options
+ {
+ public:
+ depdb_dyndep_options ();
+ // Return true if anything has been parsed.
+ //
+ bool
+ parse (int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ bool erase = false,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode option = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode argument = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop);
+ bool
+ parse (int start,
+ int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ bool erase = false,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode option = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode argument = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop);
+ bool
+ parse (int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ int& end,
+ bool erase = false,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode option = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode argument = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop);
+ bool
+ parse (int start,
+ int& argc,
+ char** argv,
+ int& end,
+ bool erase = false,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode option = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode argument = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop);
+ bool
+ parse (::build2::build::cli::scanner&,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode option = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::fail,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode argument = ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode::stop);
+ // Option accessors and modifiers.
+ //
+ const path&
+ file () const;
+ path&
+ file ();
+ void
+ file (const path&);
+ bool
+ file_specified () const;
+ void
+ file_specified (bool);
+ const string&
+ format () const;
+ string&
+ format ();
+ void
+ format (const string&);
+ bool
+ format_specified () const;
+ void
+ format_specified (bool);
+ const string&
+ what () const;
+ string&
+ what ();
+ void
+ what (const string&);
+ bool
+ what_specified () const;
+ void
+ what_specified (bool);
+ const dir_paths&
+ include_path () const;
+ dir_paths&
+ include_path ();
+ void
+ include_path (const dir_paths&);
+ bool
+ include_path_specified () const;
+ void
+ include_path_specified (bool);
+ const string&
+ default_type () const;
+ string&
+ default_type ();
+ void
+ default_type (const string&);
+ bool
+ default_type_specified () const;
+ void
+ default_type_specified (bool);
+ const bool&
+ adhoc () const;
+ bool&
+ adhoc ();
+ void
+ adhoc (const bool&);
+ const dir_path&
+ cwd () const;
+ dir_path&
+ cwd ();
+ void
+ cwd (const dir_path&);
+ bool
+ cwd_specified () const;
+ void
+ cwd_specified (bool);
+ const bool&
+ drop_cycles () const;
+ bool&
+ drop_cycles ();
+ void
+ drop_cycles (const bool&);
+ const string&
+ target_what () const;
+ string&
+ target_what ();
+ void
+ target_what (const string&);
+ bool
+ target_what_specified () const;
+ void
+ target_what_specified (bool);
+ const string&
+ target_default_type () const;
+ string&
+ target_default_type ();
+ void
+ target_default_type (const string&);
+ bool
+ target_default_type_specified () const;
+ void
+ target_default_type_specified (bool);
+ const map<string, string>&
+ target_extension_type () const;
+ map<string, string>&
+ target_extension_type ();
+ void
+ target_extension_type (const map<string, string>&);
+ bool
+ target_extension_type_specified () const;
+ void
+ target_extension_type_specified (bool);
+ const dir_path&
+ target_cwd () const;
+ dir_path&
+ target_cwd ();
+ void
+ target_cwd (const dir_path&);
+ bool
+ target_cwd_specified () const;
+ void
+ target_cwd_specified (bool);
+ // Implementation details.
+ //
+ protected:
+ bool
+ _parse (const char*, ::build2::build::cli::scanner&);
+ private:
+ bool
+ _parse (::build2::build::cli::scanner&,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode option,
+ ::build2::build::cli::unknown_mode argument);
+ public:
+ path file_;
+ bool file_specified_;
+ string format_;
+ bool format_specified_;
+ string what_;
+ bool what_specified_;
+ dir_paths include_path_;
+ bool include_path_specified_;
+ string default_type_;
+ bool default_type_specified_;
+ bool adhoc_;
+ dir_path cwd_;
+ bool cwd_specified_;
+ bool drop_cycles_;
+ string target_what_;
+ bool target_what_specified_;
+ string target_default_type_;
+ bool target_default_type_specified_;
+ map<string, string> target_extension_type_;
+ bool target_extension_type_specified_;
+ dir_path target_cwd_;
+ bool target_cwd_specified_;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+#include <libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.ixx>
+// Begin epilogue.
+// End epilogue.
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.ixx b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.ixx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20847c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.ixx
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+// This file was generated by CLI, a command line interface
+// compiler for C++.
+// Begin prologue.
+// End prologue.
+namespace build2
+ namespace build
+ {
+ namespace script
+ {
+ // depdb_dyndep_options
+ //
+ inline const path& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ file () const
+ {
+ return this->file_;
+ }
+ inline path& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ file ()
+ {
+ return this->file_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ file (const path& x)
+ {
+ this->file_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ file_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->file_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ file_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->file_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ format () const
+ {
+ return this->format_;
+ }
+ inline string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ format ()
+ {
+ return this->format_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ format (const string& x)
+ {
+ this->format_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ format_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->format_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ format_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->format_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ what () const
+ {
+ return this->what_;
+ }
+ inline string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ what ()
+ {
+ return this->what_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ what (const string& x)
+ {
+ this->what_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ what_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->what_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ what_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->what_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const dir_paths& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ include_path () const
+ {
+ return this->include_path_;
+ }
+ inline dir_paths& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ include_path ()
+ {
+ return this->include_path_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ include_path (const dir_paths& x)
+ {
+ this->include_path_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ include_path_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->include_path_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ include_path_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->include_path_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ default_type () const
+ {
+ return this->default_type_;
+ }
+ inline string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ default_type ()
+ {
+ return this->default_type_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ default_type (const string& x)
+ {
+ this->default_type_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ default_type_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->default_type_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ default_type_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->default_type_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const bool& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ adhoc () const
+ {
+ return this->adhoc_;
+ }
+ inline bool& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ adhoc ()
+ {
+ return this->adhoc_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ adhoc (const bool& x)
+ {
+ this->adhoc_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const dir_path& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ cwd () const
+ {
+ return this->cwd_;
+ }
+ inline dir_path& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ cwd ()
+ {
+ return this->cwd_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ cwd (const dir_path& x)
+ {
+ this->cwd_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ cwd_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->cwd_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ cwd_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->cwd_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const bool& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ drop_cycles () const
+ {
+ return this->drop_cycles_;
+ }
+ inline bool& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ drop_cycles ()
+ {
+ return this->drop_cycles_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ drop_cycles (const bool& x)
+ {
+ this->drop_cycles_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_what () const
+ {
+ return this->target_what_;
+ }
+ inline string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_what ()
+ {
+ return this->target_what_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_what (const string& x)
+ {
+ this->target_what_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_what_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->target_what_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_what_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->target_what_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_default_type () const
+ {
+ return this->target_default_type_;
+ }
+ inline string& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_default_type ()
+ {
+ return this->target_default_type_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_default_type (const string& x)
+ {
+ this->target_default_type_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_default_type_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->target_default_type_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_default_type_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->target_default_type_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const map<string, string>& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_extension_type () const
+ {
+ return this->target_extension_type_;
+ }
+ inline map<string, string>& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_extension_type ()
+ {
+ return this->target_extension_type_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_extension_type (const map<string, string>& x)
+ {
+ this->target_extension_type_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_extension_type_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->target_extension_type_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_extension_type_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->target_extension_type_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ inline const dir_path& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_cwd () const
+ {
+ return this->target_cwd_;
+ }
+ inline dir_path& depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_cwd ()
+ {
+ return this->target_cwd_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_cwd (const dir_path& x)
+ {
+ this->target_cwd_ = x;
+ }
+ inline bool depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_cwd_specified () const
+ {
+ return this->target_cwd_specified_;
+ }
+ inline void depdb_dyndep_options::
+ target_cwd_specified (bool x)
+ {
+ this->target_cwd_specified_ = x;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Begin epilogue.
+// End epilogue.
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/builtin.cli b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin.cli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aea034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/builtin.cli
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// file : libbuild2/build/script/builtin.cli
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+include <libbuild2/common.cli>;
+// Note that options in this file are undocumented because we generate neither
+// the usage printing code nor man pages. Instead, they are documented in the
+// manual.
+namespace build2
+ namespace build
+ {
+ namespace script
+ {
+ // Pseudo-builtin options.
+ //
+ class depdb_dyndep_options
+ {
+ // Note that --byproduct or --dyn-target, if any, must be the first
+ // option and is handled ad hoc.
+ //
+ // Similarly, --update-{include,exclude} are handled ad hoc and must
+ // be literals, similar to the -- separator. They specify prerequisite
+ // targets/patterns to include/exclude (from the static prerequisite
+ // set) for update during match (those excluded will be updated during
+ // execute). The order in which these options are specified is
+ // significant with the first target/pattern that matches determining
+ // the result. If only the --update-include options are specified,
+ // then only the explicitly included prerequisites will be updated.
+ // Otherwise, all prerequisites that are not explicitly excluded will
+ // be updated. If none of these options is specified, then all the
+ // static prerequisites are updated during match. Note also that these
+ // options do not apply to ad hoc prerequisites which are always
+ // updated during match.
+ //
+ // Note that in the future we may extend --cwd support to the non-
+ // byproduct mode where it will also have the `env --cwd` semantics
+ // (thus the matching name). Note that it will also be incompatible
+ // with support for generated files (and thus -I) at least in the make
+ // format where we use relative paths for non-existent files.
+ //
+ // Currently Supported dependency formats (--format) are `make`
+ // (default) and `lines`.
+ //
+ // The `make` format is the make dependency declaration in the
+ // `<target>...: [<prerequisite>...]` form. In the non-byproduct mode
+ // a relative prerequisite path is considered non-existent.
+ //
+ // The `lines` format lists targets and/or prerequisites one per line.
+ // If the --dyn-target option is specified then the target list is
+ // expected to come first separated from the prerequisites list with a
+ // blank line. If there are no prerequisites, then the blank line can
+ // be omitted. If the --dyn-target option is not specified, then all
+ // lines are treated as prerequisites and there should be no blank
+ // lines. In the non-byproduct mode a prerequisite line that starts
+ // with a leading space is considered a non-existent prerequisite.
+ // Currently only relative non-existent prerequisites are supported.
+ // Finally, in this mode, if the prerequisite is syntactically a
+ // directory (that is, it ends with a trailing directory separator),
+ // then it is added as fsdir{}. This can be used to handle situations
+ // where the dynamic targets are placed into subdirectories.
+ //
+ // Note on naming: whenever we (may) have two options, one for target
+ // and the other for prerequisite, we omit "prerequisite" as that's
+ // what we extract by default and most commonly. For example:
+ //
+ // --what --target-what
+ // --default-type --target-default-type
+ //
+ path --file; // Read from file rather than stdin.
+ string --format; // Dependency format: `make` (default),
+ // or `lines`.
+ // Dynamic dependency extraction options.
+ //
+ string --what; // Prerequisite kind, e.g., "header".
+ dir_paths --include-path|-I; // Search paths for generated
+ // prerequisites.
+ string --default-type; // Default prerequisite type to use if
+ // none could be derived from extension.
+ bool --adhoc; // Treat dynamically discovered
+ // prerequisites as ad hoc (so they
+ // don't end up in $<; only in the
+ // normal mode).
+ dir_path --cwd; // Builtin's working directory used
+ // to complete relative paths of
+ // prerequisites (only in --byproduct
+ // mode, lines format for existing
+ // paths).
+ bool --drop-cycles; // Drop prerequisites that are also
+ // targets. Only use if you are sure
+ // such cycles are harmless, that is,
+ // the output is not affected by such
+ // prerequisites' content.
+ // Dynamic target extraction options.
+ //
+ // This functionality is enabled with the --dyn-target option. Only
+ // the make format is supported, where the listed targets are added as
+ // ad hoc group members (unless already specified as static members).
+ // This functionality is not available in the byproduct mode.
+ //
+ string --target-what; // Target kind, e.g., "source".
+ string --target-default-type; // Default target type to use if none
+ // could be derived from extension.
+ map<string, string> // Extension to target type mapping in
+ --target-extension-type; // the <ext>=<type> form, for example,
+ // h=hxx. This mapping is considered
+ // before attempting to automatically
+ // map the extension and so can be used
+ // to resolve ambiguities.
+ dir_path --target-cwd; // Builtin's working directory used to
+ // complete relative paths of targets.
+ };
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer+for-loop.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer+for-loop.test.testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f8e6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer+for-loop.test.testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# file : libbuild2/build/script/lexer+for-loop.test.testscript
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+test.arguments = for-loop
+: redirect
+ : pass
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <| 1>|" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <|
+ '1'
+ >|
+ <newline>
+ : null
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <- 1>-" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <-
+ '1'
+ >-
+ <newline>
+ : trace
+ :
+ $* <"cmd 1>!" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ '1'
+ >!
+ <newline>
+ : merge
+ :
+ $* <"cmd 1>&2" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ '1'
+ >&
+ '2'
+ <newline>
+ : str
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <<<=a 1>>>?b" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <<<=
+ 'a'
+ '1'
+ >>>?
+ 'b'
+ <newline>
+ : str-nn
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <<<=:a 1>>>?:b" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <<<=:
+ 'a'
+ '1'
+ >>>?:
+ 'b'
+ <newline>
+ : str-nn-alias
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <<<:a 1>>>?:b" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <<<:
+ 'a'
+ '1'
+ >>>?:
+ 'b'
+ <newline>
+ : doc
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <<EOI 1>>EOO" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <<
+ 'EOI'
+ '1'
+ >>
+ 'EOO'
+ <newline>
+ : doc-nn
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <<:EOI 1>>?:EOO" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <<:
+ 'EOI'
+ '1'
+ >>?:
+ 'EOO'
+ <newline>
+ : file-cmp
+ :
+ $* <"cmd <=in >?out 2>?err" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ <=
+ 'in'
+ >?
+ 'out'
+ '2'
+ >?
+ 'err'
+ <newline>
+ : file-write
+ :
+ $* <"cmd >=out 2>+err" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ >=
+ 'out'
+ '2'
+ >+
+ 'err'
+ <newline>
+: cleanup
+ : always
+ :
+ $* <"cmd &file" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ &
+ 'file'
+ <newline>
+ : maybe
+ :
+ $* <"cmd &?file" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ &?
+ 'file'
+ <newline>
+ : never
+ :
+ $* <"cmd &!file" >>EOO
+ 'cmd'
+ &!
+ 'file'
+ <newline>
+: for
+ : form-1
+ :
+ $* <"for x: a" >>EOO
+ 'for'
+ 'x'
+ :
+ 'a'
+ <newline>
+ : form-3
+ :
+ $* <"for <<<a x" >>EOO
+ 'for'
+ <<<
+ 'a'
+ 'x'
+ <newline>
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.cxx
index d849ac9..e0d87fe 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.cxx
@@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ namespace build2
bool q (true); // quotes
if (!esc)
- {
- assert (!state_.empty ());
- esc = state_.top ().escapes;
- }
+ esc = current_state ().escapes;
switch (m)
@@ -78,6 +75,19 @@ namespace build2
s2 = " ";
+ case lexer_mode::for_loop:
+ {
+ // Leading tokens of the for-loop. Like command_line but
+ // recognizes colon as a separator and lsbrace like value.
+ //
+ // Note that while sensing the form of the for-loop (`for x:...`
+ // vs `for x <...`) we need to make sure that the pre-parsed token
+ // types are valid for the execution phase.
+ //
+ s1 = ":=!|&<> $(#\t\n";
+ s2 = " == ";
+ break;
+ }
// Recognize special variable names ($>, $<, $~).
@@ -94,7 +104,7 @@ namespace build2
assert (ps == '\0');
- state_.push (
+ mode_impl (
state {m, data, nullopt, false, false, ps, s, n, q, *esc, s1, s2});
@@ -103,12 +113,13 @@ namespace build2
token r;
- switch (state_.top ().mode)
+ switch (mode ())
case lexer_mode::command_line:
case lexer_mode::first_token:
case lexer_mode::second_token:
case lexer_mode::variable_line:
+ case lexer_mode::for_loop:
r = next_line ();
default: return base_lexer::next ();
@@ -128,7 +139,7 @@ namespace build2
xchar c (get ());
uint64_t ln (c.line), cn (c.column);
- state st (state_.top ()); // Make copy (see first/second_token).
+ state st (current_state ()); // Make copy (see first/second_token).
lexer_mode m (st.mode);
auto make_token = [&sep, ln, cn] (type t)
@@ -141,9 +152,10 @@ namespace build2
if (st.lsbrace)
- assert (m == lexer_mode::variable_line);
+ assert (m == lexer_mode::variable_line ||
+ m == lexer_mode::for_loop);
- state_.top ().lsbrace = false; // Note: st is a copy.
+ current_state ().lsbrace = false; // Note: st is a copy.
if (c == '[' && (!st.lsbrace_unsep || !sep))
return make_token (type::lsbrace);
@@ -156,7 +168,7 @@ namespace build2
// we push any new mode (e.g., double quote).
if (m == lexer_mode::first_token || m == lexer_mode::second_token)
- state_.pop ();
+ expire_mode ();
// NOTE: remember to update mode() if adding new special characters.
@@ -167,7 +179,7 @@ namespace build2
// Expire variable value mode at the end of the line.
if (m == lexer_mode::variable_line)
- state_.pop ();
+ expire_mode ();
sep = true; // Treat newline as always separated.
return make_token (type::newline);
@@ -179,11 +191,20 @@ namespace build2
case '(': return make_token (type::lparen);
+ if (m == lexer_mode::for_loop)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case ':': return make_token (type::colon);
+ }
+ }
// Command line operator/separators.
if (m == lexer_mode::command_line ||
m == lexer_mode::first_token ||
- m == lexer_mode::second_token)
+ m == lexer_mode::second_token ||
+ m == lexer_mode::for_loop)
switch (c)
@@ -205,7 +226,8 @@ namespace build2
if (m == lexer_mode::command_line ||
m == lexer_mode::first_token ||
- m == lexer_mode::second_token)
+ m == lexer_mode::second_token ||
+ m == lexer_mode::for_loop)
if (optional<token> t = next_cmd_op (c, sep))
return move (*t);
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx
index 646d3b9..3f51493 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ namespace build2
command_line = base_type::value_next,
- first_token, // Expires at the end of the token.
- second_token, // Expires at the end of the token.
- variable_line // Expires at the end of the line.
+ first_token, // Expires at the end of the token.
+ second_token, // Expires at the end of the token.
+ variable_line, // Expires at the end of the line.
+ for_loop // Used for sensing the for-loop leading tokens.
lexer_mode () = default;
@@ -67,6 +68,8 @@ namespace build2
static redirect_aliases_type redirect_aliases;
+ using build2::script::lexer::mode; // Getter.
next_line ();
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.test.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.test.cxx
index 1c47442..d8733ba 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.test.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/lexer.test.cxx
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// file : libbuild2/build/script/lexer.test.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
@@ -10,6 +9,9 @@
#include <libbuild2/build/script/token.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx>
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
namespace build2
@@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ namespace build2
else if (s == "second-token") m = lexer_mode::second_token;
else if (s == "variable-line") m = lexer_mode::variable_line;
else if (s == "variable") m = lexer_mode::variable;
+ else if (s == "for-loop") m = lexer_mode::for_loop;
else assert (false);
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-if.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-if.test.testscript
index a18a885..8b19186 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-if.test.testscript
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-if.test.testscript
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
- buildfile:12:1: error: 'end' without preceding 'if'
+ buildfile:12:1: error: 'end' without preceding 'if', 'for', or 'while'
: before
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-re-parse.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-re-parse.test.testscript
index a59b49c..3dbdc16 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-re-parse.test.testscript
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+command-re-parse.test.testscript
@@ -4,8 +4,16 @@
: double-quote
$* <<EOI >>EOO
-x = cmd \">-\" "'<-'"
+x = [cmdline] cmd \">-\" "'<-'"
cmd '>-' '<-'
+: literal-re-parse
+$* <<EOI >>EOO
+cmd >foo
+cmd >foo
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+diag.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+diag.test.testscript
index 30eb859..504c9a4 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+diag.test.testscript
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+diag.test.testscript
@@ -19,17 +19,99 @@ $* <<EOI >>EOO
name: echo
-: diag
+: name-operation
-$* <<EOI >>~%EOO%
- echo abc
- cat abc
- diag copy >= $>
- cp <- $>
+$* <<EOI >>EOO
+ a = 'b'
- %diag: copy >= .+file\{driver\.\}%
+ name: update
+: preamble
+ : disambiguate
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>~%EOO%
+ echo abc | set v
+ cat abc | set v
+ diag copy >= $>
+ cp <- $>
+ echo abc | set v
+ cat abc | set v
+ %diag: copy >= .+file\{driver\.\}%
+ : name
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ n = foo
+ diag copy $n
+ cp $n $>
+ diag: copy foo
+ : quoted
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >'diag: foo'
+ f = foo
+ diag "$f"
+ : quoted-eval
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >'diag: foo'
+ f = foo
+ diag "($f)"
+ : temp_dir
+ :
+ {
+ test.options += -t
+ : no
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >false
+ f = foo
+ diag $f
+ f = $~/f
+ foo "$f"
+ : no-depdb
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >false
+ f = $~/f
+ depdb hash "$f"
+ diag $f
+ f = $~/f
+ foo "$f"
+ : yes
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >true
+ f = $~/f
+ diag $f
+ foo $f
+ : yes-depdb
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >true
+ f = $~/f
+ depdb hash "$f"
+ f = $~/t
+ diag $f
+ f = $~/f
+ foo "$f"
+ }
: ambiguity
@@ -67,16 +149,6 @@ $* <<EOI >>~%EOO%
info: consider specifying it explicitly with the 'diag' recipe attribute
info: or provide custom low-verbosity diagnostics with the 'diag' builtin
- : none
- :
- $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
- a = 'b'
- buildfile:11:1: error: unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name
- info: consider specifying it explicitly with the 'diag' recipe attribute
- info: or provide custom low-verbosity diagnostics with the 'diag' builtin
: inside-if
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+expansion.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+expansion.test.testscript
index 9f1e774..eb99ae2 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+expansion.test.testscript
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+expansion.test.testscript
@@ -27,9 +27,26 @@ EOE
: invalid-redirect
$* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
-x = "1>&a"
+x = [cmdline] "1>&a"
cmd $x
<string>:1:4: error: stdout merge redirect file descriptor must be 2
buildfile:12:5: info: while parsing string '1>&a'
+: expansion-re-parse
+$* <<EOI >>EOO
+x = <foo> <bar>
+cmd $x
+x = foo
+cmd >$x
+x = [string] foo
+cmd >$x
+cmd '<foo>' '<bar>'
+cmd >foo
+cmd >foo
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+for.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+for.test.testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..847b253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+for.test.testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+# file : libbuild2/build/script/parser+for.test.testscript
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+: form-1
+: for x: ...
+ : for
+ :
+ {
+ : no-var
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:1: error: for: missing variable name
+ : untyped
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ for x: a b
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ cmd a
+ cmd b
+ : null
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >:''
+ for x: [null]
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ : empty
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >:''
+ for x:
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ : expansion
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ vs = a b
+ for x: $vs
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ cmd a
+ cmd b
+ : typed-values
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>~%EOO%
+ for x: [dir_paths] a b
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ %cmd (a/|'a\\')%
+ %cmd (b/|'b\\')%
+ : typed-elem
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>~%EOO%
+ for x [dir_path]: a b
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ %cmd (a/|'a\\')%
+ %cmd (b/|'b\\')%
+ : typed-elem-value
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>~%EOO%
+ for x [dir_path]: [strings] a b
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ %cmd (a/|'a\\')%
+ %cmd (b/|'b\\')%
+ : defined-var
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ x = x
+ for x: a b
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ cmd $x
+ cmd a
+ cmd b
+ cmd b
+ }
+ : end
+ :
+ {
+ : without-end
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x: a b
+ cmd
+ buildfile:13:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+ }
+ : elif
+ :
+ {
+ : without-if
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x: a b
+ elif true
+ cmd
+ end
+ end
+ buildfile:12:3: error: 'elif' without preceding 'if'
+ }
+ : nested
+ :
+ {
+ $* -l -r <<EOI >>EOO
+ for x: a b
+ cmd1 $x # 1
+ if ($x == "a") # 2
+ cmd2 # 3
+ for y: x y
+ cmd3 # 4
+ end
+ else
+ cmd4 # 5
+ end
+ cmd5 # 6
+ end
+ cmd6 # 7
+ cmd1 a # 1 i1
+ ? true # 2 i1
+ cmd2 # 3 i1
+ cmd3 # 4 i1 i1
+ cmd3 # 4 i1 i2
+ cmd5 # 6 i1
+ cmd1 b # 1 i2
+ ? false # 2 i2
+ cmd4 # 5 i2
+ cmd5 # 6 i2
+ cmd6 # 7
+ }
+ : contained
+ :
+ {
+ : eos
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x:
+ buildfile:12:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+ }
+: form-2
+: ... | for x
+ : for
+ :
+ {
+ : status
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x != 0
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:20: error: for-loop exit code cannot be checked
+ : not-last
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x | echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:20: error: for-loop must be last command in a pipe
+ : not-last-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x|echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:19: error: for-loop must be last command in a pipe
+ : expression-after
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x && echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:20: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : expression-after-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x&&echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:19: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : expression-before
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' && echo x | for x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:24: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : expression-before-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' && echo x|for x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:22: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : cleanup
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x &f
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:20: error: cleanup in for-loop
+ : cleanup-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x&f
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:19: error: cleanup in for-loop
+ : stdout-redirect
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x >a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:20: error: output redirect in for-loop
+ : stdout-redirect-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x>a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:19: error: output redirect in for-loop
+ : stdin-redirect
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x <a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:20: error: stdin is both piped and redirected
+ : no-var
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:1: error: for: missing variable name
+ : untyped
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ echo 'a b' | for -w x
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ echo 'a b' | for -w x
+ : expansion
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ vs = a b
+ echo $vs | for x
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ echo a b | for x
+ : typed-elem
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ echo 'a b' | for -w x [dir_path]
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ echo 'a b' | for -w x [dir_path]
+ }
+ : end
+ :
+ {
+ : without-end
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x
+ cmd
+ buildfile:13:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+ }
+ : elif
+ :
+ {
+ : without-if
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' | for x
+ elif true
+ cmd
+ end
+ end
+ buildfile:12:3: error: 'elif' without preceding 'if'
+ }
+ : nested
+ :
+ {
+ $* -l -r <<EOI >>EOO
+ echo 'a b' | for x # 1
+ cmd1 $x # 2
+ if ($x == "a") # 3
+ cmd2 # 4
+ echo x y | for y # 5
+ cmd3 # 6
+ end
+ else
+ cmd4 # 7
+ end
+ cmd5 # 8
+ end
+ cmd6 # 9
+ echo 'a b' | for x # 1
+ cmd6 # 9
+ }
+: form-3
+: for x <...
+ : for
+ :
+ {
+ : status
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <a != 0
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:10: error: for-loop exit code cannot be checked
+ : not-last
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <a | echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:10: error: for-loop must be last command in a pipe
+ : not-last-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for <a x|echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:9: error: for-loop must be last command in a pipe
+ : expression-after
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <a && echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:10: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : expression-after-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for <a x&&echo x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:9: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : expression-before
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ echo 'a b' && for x <a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:15: error: command expression involving for-loop
+ : cleanup
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <a &f
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:10: error: cleanup in for-loop
+ : cleanup-before-var
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for &f x <a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:5: error: cleanup in for-loop
+ : cleanup-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for <a x&f
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:9: error: cleanup in for-loop
+ : stdout-redirect
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x >a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:7: error: output redirect in for-loop
+ : stdout-redirect-before-var
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for >a x
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:5: error: output redirect in for-loop
+ : stdout-redirect-relex
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x>a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:6: error: output redirect in for-loop
+ : no-var
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for <a
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:1: error: for: missing variable name
+ : quoted-opt
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ o = -w
+ for "$o" x <'a b'
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ for "($o)" x <'a b'
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ for -w x <'a b'
+ for -w x <'a b'
+ : untyped
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ for -w x <'a b'
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ for -w x <'a b'
+ : expansion
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ vs = a b
+ for x <$vs
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ for x b <a
+ : typed-elem
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ for -w x [dir_path] <'a b'
+ cmd $x
+ end
+ for -w x [dir_path] <'a b'
+ }
+ : end
+ :
+ {
+ : without-end
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <'a b'
+ cmd
+ buildfile:13:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+ }
+ : elif
+ :
+ {
+ : without-if
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <'a b'
+ elif true
+ cmd
+ end
+ end
+ buildfile:12:3: error: 'elif' without preceding 'if'
+ }
+ : nested
+ :
+ {
+ $* -l -r <<EOI >>EOO
+ for -w x <'a b' # 1
+ cmd1 $x # 2
+ if ($x == "a") # 3
+ cmd2 # 4
+ for -w y <'x y' # 5
+ cmd3 # 6
+ end
+ else
+ cmd4 # 7
+ end
+ cmd5 # 8
+ end
+ cmd6 # 9
+ for -w x <'a b' # 1
+ cmd6 # 9
+ }
+ : contained
+ :
+ {
+ : eos
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ for x <'a b'
+ buildfile:12:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+ }
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser+while.test.testscript b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+while.test.testscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5587291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser+while.test.testscript
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# file : libbuild2/build/script/parser+while.test.testscript
+# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+: while
+ : true
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ while ($v != "aa")
+ cmd "$v"
+ v = "$(v)a"
+ end
+ ? true
+ cmd ''
+ ? true
+ cmd a
+ ? false
+ : false
+ :
+ $* <<EOI >>EOO
+ while ($v == "aa")
+ cmd "$v"
+ v = "$(v)a"
+ end
+ ? false
+ : without-command
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ while
+ cmd
+ end
+ buildfile:11:6: error: missing program
+: end
+ : without-end
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ while true
+ cmd
+ buildfile:13:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+: elif
+ : without-if
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ while false
+ elif true
+ cmd
+ end
+ end
+ buildfile:12:3: error: 'elif' without preceding 'if'
+: nested
+ $* -l -r <<EOI >>EOO
+ while ($v != "aa") # 1
+ cmd1 "$v" # 2
+ if ($v == "a") # 3
+ cmd2 # 4
+ while ($v2 != "$v") # 5
+ cmd3 # 6
+ v2=$v
+ end
+ else
+ cmd4 # 7
+ end
+ cmd5 # 8
+ v = "$(v)a"
+ end
+ ? true # 1 i1
+ cmd1 '' # 2 i1
+ ? false # 3 i1
+ cmd4 # 7 i1
+ cmd5 # 8 i1
+ ? true # 1 i2
+ cmd1 a # 2 i2
+ ? true # 3 i2
+ cmd2 # 4 i2
+ ? true # 5 i2 i1
+ cmd3 # 6 i2 i1
+ ? false # 5 i2 i2
+ cmd5 # 8 i2
+ ? false # 1 i3
+: contained
+ : eos
+ :
+ $* <<EOI 2>>EOE != 0
+ while
+ buildfile:12:1: error: expected closing 'end'
+: var
+$* <<EOI >>EOO
+while ($v1 != "a")
+ v1 = "$(v1)a"
+ v2 = "$v1"
+cmd $v1
+? true
+? false
+cmd a
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx
index b602880..3ecf23d 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.cxx
@@ -3,13 +3,25 @@
#include <libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx>
-#include <libbutl/builtin.mxx>
+#include <cstring> // strcmp()
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libbutl/builtin.hxx>
+#include <libbutl/path-pattern.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/depdb.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/dyndep.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/function.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/make-parser.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/script/run.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/build/script/lexer.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/build/script/builtin-options.hxx>
using namespace std;
using namespace butl;
@@ -28,13 +40,14 @@ namespace build2
script parser::
pre_parse (const scope& bs,
+ const target_type& tt,
const small_vector<action, 1>& as,
istream& is, const path_name& pn, uint64_t line,
optional<string> diag, const location& diag_loc)
path_ = &pn;
- pre_parse_ = true;
+ top_pre_parse_ = pre_parse_ = true;
lexer l (is, *path_, line, lexer_mode::command_line);
set_lexer (&l);
@@ -48,6 +61,7 @@ namespace build2
pbase_ = scope_->src_path_;
+ file_based_ = tt.is_a<file> () || tt.is_a<group> ();
perform_update_ = find (as.begin (), as.end (), perform_update_id) !=
as.end ();
@@ -79,15 +93,31 @@ namespace build2
info << "consider using 'depdb' builtin to track its result "
<< "changes";
- // Diagnose absent/ambigous script name.
+ // Diagnose computed variable exansions.
+ //
+ if (computed_var_)
+ fail (*computed_var_)
+ << "expansion of computed variable is only allowed in depdb "
+ << "preamble" <<
+ info << "consider using 'depdb' builtin to track its value "
+ << "changes";
+ // Diagnose absent/ambiguous script name. But try to deduce an absent
+ // name from the script operation first.
diag_record dr;
- if (!diag_name_ && !diag_line_)
+ if (!diag_name_ && diag_preamble_.empty ())
- dr << fail (s.start_loc)
- << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name";
+ if (as.size () == 1)
+ {
+ diag_name_ = make_pair (ctx->operation_table[as[0].operation ()],
+ location ());
+ }
+ else
+ dr << fail (s.start_loc)
+ << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name";
else if (diag_name2_)
@@ -113,16 +143,23 @@ namespace build2
// Save the script name or custom diagnostics line.
- assert (diag_name_.has_value () != diag_line_.has_value ());
+ assert (diag_name_.has_value () == diag_preamble_.empty ());
if (diag_name_)
s.diag_name = move (diag_name_->first);
- s.diag_line = move (diag_line_->first);
+ s.diag_preamble = move (diag_preamble_);
// Save the custom dependency change tracking lines, if present.
s.depdb_clear = depdb_clear_.has_value ();
+ s.depdb_value = depdb_value_;
+ if (depdb_dyndep_)
+ {
+ s.depdb_dyndep = depdb_dyndep_->second;
+ s.depdb_dyndep_byproduct = depdb_dyndep_byproduct_;
+ s.depdb_dyndep_dyn_target = depdb_dyndep_dyn_target_;
+ }
s.depdb_preamble = move (depdb_preamble_);
return s;
@@ -164,13 +201,27 @@ namespace build2
+ // Parse a logical line, handling the flow control constructs
+ // recursively.
+ //
+ // If the flow control construct type is specified, then this line is
+ // assumed to belong to such a construct.
+ //
void parser::
- pre_parse_line (token& t, type& tt, bool if_line)
+ pre_parse_line (token& t, type& tt, optional<line_type> fct)
+ // enter: next token is peeked at (type in tt)
+ // leave: newline
+ assert (!fct ||
+ *fct == line_type::cmd_if ||
+ *fct == line_type::cmd_while ||
+ *fct == line_type::cmd_for_stream ||
+ *fct == line_type::cmd_for_args);
// Determine the line type/start token.
- line_type lt (
- pre_parse_line_start (t, tt, lexer_mode::second_token));
+ line_type lt (pre_parse_line_start (t, tt, lexer_mode::second_token));
line ln;
@@ -203,22 +254,148 @@ namespace build2
+ //
+ // See pre_parse_line_start() for details.
+ //
+ case line_type::cmd_for_args: assert (false); break;
+ case line_type::cmd_for_stream:
+ {
+ // First we need to sense the next few tokens and detect which
+ // form of the loop we are dealing with, the first (for x: ...)
+ // or the third (x <...) one. Note that the second form (... | for
+ // x) is handled separately.
+ //
+ // If the next token doesn't look like a variable name, then this
+ // is the third form. Otherwise, if colon follows the variable
+ // name, potentially after the attributes, then this is the first
+ // form and the third form otherwise.
+ //
+ // Note that for the third form we will need to pass the 'for'
+ // token as a program name to the command expression parsing
+ // function since it will be gone from the token stream by that
+ // time. Thus, we save it. We also need to make sure the sensing
+ // always leaves the variable name token in t/tt.
+ //
+ // Note also that in this model it won't be possible to support
+ // options in the first form.
+ //
+ token pt (t);
+ assert (pt.type == type::word && pt.value == "for");
+ mode (lexer_mode::for_loop);
+ next (t, tt);
+ // Note that we also consider special variable names (those that
+ // don't clash with the command line elements like redirects, etc)
+ // to later fail gracefully.
+ //
+ string& n (t.value);
+ if (tt == type::word && t.qtype == quote_type::unquoted &&
+ (n[0] == '_' || alpha (n[0]) || // Variable.
+ n == "~")) // Special variable.
+ {
+ // Detect patterns analogous to parse_variable_name() (so we
+ // diagnose `for x[string]: ...`).
+ //
+ if (n.find_first_of ("[*?") != string::npos)
+ fail (t) << "expected variable name instead of " << n;
+ if (special_variable (n))
+ fail (t) << "attempt to set '" << n << "' special variable";
+ // Parse out the element attributes, if present.
+ //
+ if (lexer_->peek_char ().first == '[')
+ {
+ // Save the variable name token before the attributes parsing
+ // and restore it afterwards. Also make sure that the token
+ // which follows the attributes stays in the stream.
+ //
+ token vt (move (t));
+ next_with_attributes (t, tt);
+ attributes_push (t, tt,
+ true /* standalone */,
+ false /* next_token */);
+ t = move (vt);
+ tt = t.type;
+ }
+ if (lexer_->peek_char ().first == ':')
+ lt = line_type::cmd_for_args;
+ }
+ if (lt == line_type::cmd_for_stream) // for x <...
+ {
+ // At this point t/tt contains the variable name token. Now
+ // pre-parse the command expression in the command_line lexer
+ // mode starting from this position and also passing the 'for'
+ // token as a program name.
+ //
+ // Note that the fact that the potential attributes are already
+ // parsed doesn't affect the command expression pre-parsing.
+ // Also note that they will be available during the execution
+ // phase being replayed.
+ //
+ expire_mode (); // Expire the for-loop lexer mode.
+ parse_command_expr_result r (
+ parse_command_expr (t, tt,
+ lexer::redirect_aliases,
+ move (pt)));
+ assert (r.for_loop);
+ if (tt != type::newline)
+ fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;
+ parse_here_documents (t, tt, r);
+ }
+ else // for x: ...
+ {
+ next (t, tt);
+ assert (tt == type::colon);
+ expire_mode (); // Expire the for-loop lexer mode.
+ // Parse the value similar to the var line type (see above).
+ //
+ mode (lexer_mode::variable_line);
+ parse_variable_line (t, tt);
+ if (tt != type::newline)
+ fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t << " after for";
+ }
+ ln.var = nullptr;
+ ++level_;
+ break;
+ }
case line_type::cmd_elif:
case line_type::cmd_elifn:
case line_type::cmd_else:
- case line_type::cmd_end:
- if (!if_line)
- {
+ if (!fct || *fct != line_type::cmd_if)
fail (t) << lt << " without preceding 'if'";
- }
+ }
+ // Fall through.
+ case line_type::cmd_end:
+ {
+ if (!fct)
+ fail (t) << lt << " without preceding 'if', 'for', or 'while'";
// Fall through.
case line_type::cmd_if:
case line_type::cmd_ifn:
+ case line_type::cmd_while:
next (t, tt); // Skip to start of command.
- if (lt == line_type::cmd_if || lt == line_type::cmd_ifn)
+ if (lt == line_type::cmd_if ||
+ lt == line_type::cmd_ifn ||
+ lt == line_type::cmd_while)
else if (lt == line_type::cmd_end)
@@ -226,15 +403,24 @@ namespace build2
// Fall through.
case line_type::cmd:
- pair<command_expr, here_docs> p;
+ parse_command_expr_result r;
if (lt != line_type::cmd_else && lt != line_type::cmd_end)
- p = parse_command_expr (t, tt, lexer::redirect_aliases);
+ r = parse_command_expr (t, tt, lexer::redirect_aliases);
+ if (r.for_loop)
+ {
+ lt = line_type::cmd_for_stream;
+ ln.var = nullptr;
+ ++level_;
+ }
if (tt != type::newline)
fail (t) << "expected newline instead of " << t;
- parse_here_documents (t, tt, p);
+ parse_here_documents (t, tt, r);
@@ -252,22 +438,76 @@ namespace build2
*save_line_ = move (ln);
- if (lt == line_type::cmd_if || lt == line_type::cmd_ifn)
+ switch (lt)
- tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token);
+ case line_type::cmd_if:
+ case line_type::cmd_ifn:
+ {
+ tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token);
- pre_parse_if_else (t, tt);
+ pre_parse_if_else (t, tt);
+ break;
+ }
+ case line_type::cmd_while:
+ case line_type::cmd_for_stream:
+ case line_type::cmd_for_args:
+ {
+ tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token);
+ pre_parse_loop (t, tt, lt);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ // Pre-parse the flow control construct block line.
+ //
+ void parser::
+ pre_parse_block_line (token& t, type& tt, line_type bt)
+ {
+ // enter: peeked first token of the line (type in tt)
+ // leave: newline
+ const location ll (get_location (peeked ()));
+ if (tt == type::eos)
+ fail (ll) << "expected closing 'end'";
+ line_type fct; // Flow control type the block type relates to.
+ switch (bt)
+ {
+ case line_type::cmd_if:
+ case line_type::cmd_ifn:
+ case line_type::cmd_elif:
+ case line_type::cmd_elifn:
+ case line_type::cmd_else:
+ {
+ fct = line_type::cmd_if;
+ break;
+ }
+ case line_type::cmd_while:
+ case line_type::cmd_for_stream:
+ case line_type::cmd_for_args:
+ {
+ fct = bt;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: assert(false);
+ }
+ pre_parse_line (t, tt, fct);
+ assert (tt == type::newline);
+ }
void parser::
pre_parse_if_else (token& t, type& tt)
// enter: peeked first token of next line (type in tt)
// leave: newline
- // Parse lines until we see closing 'end'. Nested if-else blocks are
- // handled recursively.
+ // Parse lines until we see closing 'end'.
for (line_type bt (line_type::cmd_if); // Current block.
@@ -275,25 +515,21 @@ namespace build2
const location ll (get_location (peeked ()));
- if (tt == type::eos)
- fail (ll) << "expected closing 'end'";
// Parse one line. Note that this one line can still be multiple
- // lines in case of if-else. In this case we want to view it as
- // cmd_if, not cmd_end. Thus remember the start position of the
- // next logical line.
+ // lines in case of a flow control construct. In this case we want
+ // to view it as cmd_if, not cmd_end. Thus remember the start
+ // position of the next logical line.
size_t i (script_->body.size ());
- pre_parse_line (t, tt, true /* if_line */);
- assert (tt == type::newline);
+ pre_parse_block_line (t, tt, bt);
line_type lt (script_->body[i].type);
// First take care of 'end'.
if (lt == line_type::cmd_end)
- return;
+ break;
// Check if-else block sequencing.
@@ -317,6 +553,29 @@ namespace build2
+ void parser::
+ pre_parse_loop (token& t, type& tt, line_type lt)
+ {
+ // enter: peeked first token of next line (type in tt)
+ // leave: newline
+ assert (lt == line_type::cmd_while ||
+ lt == line_type::cmd_for_stream ||
+ lt == line_type::cmd_for_args);
+ // Parse lines until we see closing 'end'.
+ //
+ for (;; tt = peek (lexer_mode::first_token))
+ {
+ size_t i (script_->body.size ());
+ pre_parse_block_line (t, tt, lt);
+ if (script_->body[i].type == line_type::cmd_end)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
command_expr parser::
parse_command_line (token& t, type& tt)
@@ -327,12 +586,12 @@ namespace build2
assert (!pre_parse_);
- pair<command_expr, here_docs> p (
+ parse_command_expr_result pr (
parse_command_expr (t, tt, lexer::redirect_aliases));
assert (tt == type::newline);
- parse_here_documents (t, tt, p);
+ parse_here_documents (t, tt, pr);
assert (tt == type::newline);
// @@ Note that currently running programs via a runner (e.g., see
@@ -345,7 +604,7 @@ namespace build2
// passed to the environment constructor, similar to passing the
// script deadline.
- return move (p.first);
+ return move (pr.expr);
@@ -354,9 +613,8 @@ namespace build2
optional<process_path> parser::
parse_program (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
- bool first,
- bool env,
- names& ns)
+ bool first, bool env,
+ names& ns, parse_names_result& pr)
const location l (get_location (t));
@@ -407,6 +665,12 @@ namespace build2
fail (l) << "'" << v << "' call via 'env' builtin";
+ auto diag_loc = [this] ()
+ {
+ assert (!diag_preamble_.empty ());
+ return diag_preamble_.back ().tokens[0].location ();
+ };
if (v == "diag")
verify ();
@@ -423,24 +687,41 @@ namespace build2
else // Custom diagnostics.
- assert (diag_line_);
fail (l) << "multiple 'diag' builtin calls" <<
- info (diag_line_->second) << "previous call is here";
+ info (diag_loc ()) << "previous call is here";
- // Instruct the parser to save the diag builtin line separately
- // from the script lines, when it is fully parsed. Note that it
- // will be executed prior to the script body execution to obtain
- // the custom diagnostics.
+ // Move the script body to the end of the diag preamble.
- diag_line_ = make_pair (line (), l);
- save_line_ = &diag_line_->first;
- diag_weight_ = 4;
+ // Note that we move into the preamble whatever is there and delay
+ // the check until the execution (see the depdb preamble
+ // collecting for the reasoning).
+ //
+ lines& ls (script_->body);
+ diag_preamble_.insert (diag_preamble_.end (),
+ make_move_iterator (ls.begin ()),
+ make_move_iterator (ls.end ()));
+ ls.clear ();
+ // Also move the body_temp_dir flag, if it is true.
+ //
+ if (script_->body_temp_dir)
+ {
+ script_->diag_preamble_temp_dir = true;
+ script_->body_temp_dir = false;
+ }
- diag_name_ = nullopt;
- diag_name2_ = nullopt;
+ // Similar to the depdb preamble collection, instruct the parser
+ // to save the depdb builtin line separately from the script
+ // lines.
+ //
+ diag_preamble_.push_back (line ());
+ save_line_ = &diag_preamble_.back ();
+ diag_weight_ = 4;
+ diag_name_ = nullopt;
+ diag_name2_ = nullopt;
// Note that the rest of the line contains the builtin argument to
// be printed, thus we parse it in the value lexer mode.
@@ -454,7 +735,7 @@ namespace build2
verify ();
// Verify that depdb is not used for anything other than
- // performing update.
+ // performing update on a file-based target.
assert (actions_ != nullptr);
@@ -462,13 +743,16 @@ namespace build2
if (a != perform_update_id)
fail (l) << "'depdb' builtin cannot be used to "
- << ctx.meta_operation_table[a.meta_operation ()].name
- << ' ' << ctx.operation_table[a.operation ()];
+ << ctx->meta_operation_table[a.meta_operation ()].name
+ << ' ' << ctx->operation_table[a.operation ()];
- if (diag_line_)
- fail (diag_line_->second)
- << "'diag' builtin call before 'depdb' call" <<
+ if (!file_based_)
+ fail (l) << "'depdb' builtin can only be used for file- or "
+ << "file group-based targets";
+ if (!diag_preamble_.empty ())
+ fail (diag_loc ()) << "'diag' builtin call before 'depdb' call" <<
info (l) << "'depdb' call is here";
// Note that the rest of the line contains the builtin command
@@ -482,7 +766,11 @@ namespace build2
next (t, tt);
if (tt != type::word ||
- (v != "clear" && v != "hash" && v != "string" && v != "env"))
+ (v != "clear" &&
+ v != "hash" &&
+ v != "string" &&
+ v != "env" &&
+ v != "dyndep"))
fail (get_location (t))
<< "expected 'depdb' builtin command instead of " << t;
@@ -522,12 +810,49 @@ namespace build2
// the referenced variable list, since it won't be used.
depdb_clear_ = l;
- save_line_ = nullptr;
+ save_line_ = nullptr;
script_->vars.clear ();
+ // Verify depdb-dyndep is last and detect the byproduct flavor.
+ //
+ if (v == "dyndep")
+ {
+ // Note that for now we do not allow multiple dyndep calls.
+ // But we may wan to relax this later (though alternating
+ // targets with prerequisites in depdb may be tricky -- maybe
+ // still only allow additional targets in the first call).
+ //
+ if (!depdb_dyndep_)
+ depdb_dyndep_ = make_pair (l, depdb_preamble_.size ());
+ else
+ fail (l) << "multiple 'depdb dyndep' calls" <<
+ info (depdb_dyndep_->first) << "previous call is here";
+ if (peek () == type::word)
+ {
+ const string& v (peeked ().value);
+ // Note: --byproduct and --dyn-target are mutually
+ // exclusive.
+ //
+ if (v == "--byproduct")
+ depdb_dyndep_byproduct_ = true;
+ else if (v == "--dyn-target")
+ depdb_dyndep_dyn_target_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (depdb_dyndep_)
+ fail (l) << "'depdb " << v << "' after 'depdb dyndep'" <<
+ info (depdb_dyndep_->first) << "'depdb dyndep' call is here";
+ }
+ depdb_value_ = depdb_value_ || (v == "string" || v == "hash");
// Move the script body to the end of the depdb preamble.
// Note that at this (pre-parsing) stage we cannot evaluate if
@@ -552,10 +877,12 @@ namespace build2
script_->body_temp_dir = false;
- // Reset the impure function call info since it's valid for the
- // depdb preamble.
+ // Reset the impure function call and computed variable
+ // expansion tracking since both are valid for the depdb
+ // preamble.
impure_func_ = nullopt;
+ computed_var_ = nullopt;
// Instruct the parser to save the depdb builtin line separately
// from the script lines, when it is fully parsed. Note that the
@@ -582,7 +909,6 @@ namespace build2
<< "with the 'diag' builtin";
- parse_names_result pr;
// During pre-parse, if the script name is not set manually we
// suspend pre-parse, parse the command names for real and try to
@@ -608,10 +934,53 @@ namespace build2
// This is also the reason why we add a diag frame.
+ // The problem turned out to be worse than originally thought: we
+ // may call a function (for example, as part of if) with invalid
+ // arguments. And this could happen in the depdb preamble, which
+ // means we cannot fix this by moving the depdb builtin (which must
+ // come after the preamble). So let's peek at what's ahead and omit
+ // the expansion if it's anything iffy, namely, eval context or
+ // function call.
+ //
+ bool skip_diag (false);
if (pre_parse_ && diag_weight_ != 4)
- pre_parse_ = false; // Make parse_names() perform expansions.
- pre_parse_suspended_ = true;
+ // Based on the buildfile expansion parsing logic.
+ //
+ if (tt == type::lparen) // Evaluation context.
+ skip_diag = true;
+ else if (tt == type::dollar)
+ {
+ type ptt (peek (lexer_mode::variable));
+ if (!peeked ().separated)
+ {
+ if (ptt == type::lparen)
+ {
+ // While strictly speaking this can also be a function call,
+ // this is highly unusual and we will assume it's a variable
+ // expansion.
+ }
+ else if (ptt == type::word)
+ {
+ pair<char, bool> r (lexer_->peek_char ());
+ if (r.first == '(' && !r.second) // Function call.
+ skip_diag = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!skip_diag)
+ {
+ // Sanity check: we should not be suspending the pre-parse mode
+ // turned on by the base parser.
+ //
+ assert (top_pre_parse_);
+ pre_parse_ = false; // Make parse_names() perform expansions.
+ pre_parse_suspended_ = true;
+ }
auto df = make_diag_frame (
@@ -639,7 +1008,7 @@ namespace build2
pre_parse_ = true;
- if (pre_parse_ && diag_weight_ == 4)
+ if (pre_parse_ && (diag_weight_ == 4 || skip_diag))
return nullopt;
@@ -661,6 +1030,19 @@ namespace build2
return nullopt;
+ // If this is a value of the special cmdline type, then only do
+ // certain tests below if the value is not quoted and doesn't contain
+ // any characters that would be consumed by re-lexing.
+ //
+ // This is somewhat of a hack but handling this properly would not
+ // only require unquoting but also keeping track of which special
+ // characters were quoted (and thus should be treated literally) and
+ // which were not (and thus should act as separators, etc).
+ //
+ bool qs (pr.type != nullptr &&
+ pr.type->is_a<cmdline> () &&
+ need_cmdline_relex (ns[0].value));
// We have to handle process_path[_ex] and executable target. The
// process_path[_ex] we may have to recognize syntactically because
// of the loss of type, for example:
@@ -686,16 +1068,22 @@ namespace build2
// syntactic cases to the typed ones.
names pp_ns;
+ const value_type* pp_vt (nullptr);
if (pr.type == &value_traits<process_path>::value_type ||
pr.type == &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type)
pp_ns = move (ns);
+ pp_vt = pr.type;
ns.clear ();
- else if (ns[0].file ())
+ else if (ns[0].file () && !qs)
// Find the end of the value.
+ // Note that here we ignore the whole cmdline issue (see above)
+ // for the further values assuming that they are unquoted and
+ // don't contain any special characters.
+ //
auto b (ns.begin ());
auto i (value_traits<process_path_ex>::find_end (ns));
@@ -705,9 +1093,9 @@ namespace build2
ns.erase (b, i);
- pr.type = i != b + 1
- ? &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type
- : &value_traits<process_path>::value_type;
+ pp_vt = (i != b + 1
+ ? &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type
+ : &value_traits<process_path>::value_type);
@@ -717,7 +1105,7 @@ namespace build2
// $cxx.path ...
// }}
- if (pr.type == &value_traits<process_path>::value_type)
+ if (pp_vt == &value_traits<process_path>::value_type)
auto pp (convert<process_path> (move (pp_ns)));
@@ -731,7 +1119,7 @@ namespace build2
return optional<process_path> (move (pp));
- else if (pr.type == &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type)
+ else if (pp_vt == &value_traits<process_path_ex>::value_type)
auto pp (convert<process_path_ex> (move (pp_ns)));
@@ -762,40 +1150,45 @@ namespace build2
else if (!ns[0].simple ())
- if (const target* t = search_existing (
- ns[0], *scope_, ns[0].pair ? ns[1].dir : empty_dir_path))
+ if (!qs)
- if (const auto* et = t->is_a<exe> ())
+ // This could be a script from src so search like a prerequisite.
+ //
+ if (const target* t = search_existing (
+ ns[0], *scope_, ns[0].pair ? ns[1].dir : empty_dir_path))
- if (pre_parse_)
+ if (const auto* et = t->is_a<exe> ())
- if (auto* n = et->lookup_metadata<string> ("name"))
+ if (pre_parse_)
- set_diag (*n, 3);
- return nullopt;
+ if (auto* n = et->lookup_metadata<string> ("name"))
+ {
+ set_diag (*n, 3);
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ // Fall through.
- // Fall through.
- }
- else
- {
- process_path pp (et->process_path ());
+ else
+ {
+ process_path pp (et->process_path ());
- if (pp.empty ())
- fail (l) << "target " << *et << " is out of date" <<
- info << "consider specifying it as a prerequisite of "
- << environment_->target;
+ if (pp.empty ())
+ fail (l) << "target " << *et << " is out of date" <<
+ info << "consider specifying it as a prerequisite of "
+ << environment_->target;
- ns.erase (ns.begin (), ns.begin () + (ns[0].pair ? 2 : 1));
- return optional<process_path> (move (pp));
+ ns.erase (ns.begin (), ns.begin () + (ns[0].pair ? 2 : 1));
+ return optional<process_path> (move (pp));
+ }
- }
- if (pre_parse_)
- {
- diag_record dr (fail (l));
- dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
- << "from target " << *t;
- suggest_diag (dr);
+ if (pre_parse_)
+ {
+ diag_record dr (fail (l));
+ dr << "unable to deduce low-verbosity script diagnostics name "
+ << "from target " << *t;
+ suggest_diag (dr);
+ }
@@ -813,26 +1206,29 @@ namespace build2
// If we are here, the name is simple and is not part of a pair.
- string& v (ns[0].value);
+ if (!qs)
+ {
+ string& v (ns[0].value);
- // Try to interpret the name as a builtin.
- //
- const builtin_info* bi (builtins.find (v));
+ // Try to interpret the name as a builtin.
+ //
+ const builtin_info* bi (builtins.find (v));
- if (bi != nullptr)
- {
- set_diag (move (v), bi->weight);
- return nullopt;
- }
- //
- // Try to interpret the name as a pseudo-builtin.
- //
- // Note that both of them has the zero weight and cannot be picked
- // up as a script name.
- //
- else if (v == "set" || v == "exit")
- {
- return nullopt;
+ if (bi != nullptr)
+ {
+ set_diag (move (v), bi->weight);
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ //
+ // Try to interpret the name as a pseudo-builtin.
+ //
+ // Note that both of them has the zero weight and cannot be picked
+ // up as a script name.
+ //
+ else if (v == "set" || v == "exit")
+ {
+ return nullopt;
+ }
diag_record dr (fail (l));
@@ -857,8 +1253,9 @@ namespace build2
// Note that we rely on "small function object" optimization here.
auto exec_cmd = [this] (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
- size_t li,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t li,
bool single,
+ const function<command_function>& cf,
const location& ll)
// We use the 0 index to signal that this is the only command.
@@ -869,7 +1266,7 @@ namespace build2
command_expr ce (
parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));
- runner_->run (*environment_, ce, li, ll);
+ runner_->run (*environment_, ce, ii, li, cf, ll);
exec_lines (s.body, exec_cmd);
@@ -878,129 +1275,189 @@ namespace build2
runner_->leave (e, s.end_loc);
+ // Return true if the specified expression executes the set builtin or
+ // is a for-loop.
+ //
+ static bool
+ valid_preamble_cmd (const command_expr& ce,
+ const function<command_function>& cf)
+ {
+ return find_if (
+ ce.begin (), ce.end (),
+ [&cf] (const expr_term& et)
+ {
+ const process_path& p (et.pipe.back ().program);
+ return p.initial == nullptr &&
+ (p.recall.string () == "set" ||
+ (cf != nullptr && p.recall.string () == "for"));
+ }) != ce.end ();
+ }
void parser::
- execute_depdb_preamble (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
- environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
- depdb& dd)
+ exec_depdb_preamble (action a, const scope& bs, const target& t,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ lines_iterator begin, lines_iterator end,
+ depdb& dd,
+ dynamic_targets* dyn_targets,
+ bool* update,
+ optional<timestamp> mt,
+ bool* deferred_failure,
+ dyndep_byproduct* byp)
- tracer trace ("execute_depdb_preamble");
+ tracer trace ("exec_depdb_preamble");
// The only valid lines in the depdb preamble are the depdb builtin
// itself as well as the variable assignments, including via the set
// builtin.
- pre_exec (rs, bs, e, &s, &r);
+ pre_exec (*bs.root_scope (), bs, e, &s, &r);
// Let's "wrap up" the objects we operate upon into the single object
// to rely on "small function object" optimization.
+ tracer& trace;
+ action a;
+ const scope& bs;
+ const target& t;
environment& env;
const script& scr;
depdb& dd;
- tracer& trace;
- } ctx {e, s, dd, trace};
- auto exec_cmd = [&ctx, this]
- (token& t,
- build2::script::token_type& tt,
- size_t li,
- bool /* single */,
- const location& ll)
+ dynamic_targets* dyn_targets;
+ bool* update;
+ bool* deferred_failure;
+ optional<timestamp> mt;
+ dyndep_byproduct* byp;
+ } data {
+ trace,
+ a, bs, t,
+ e, s,
+ dd, dyn_targets, update, deferred_failure, mt, byp};
+ auto exec_cmd = [this, &data] (token& t,
+ build2::script::token_type& tt,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t li,
+ bool /* single */,
+ const function<command_function>& cf,
+ const location& ll)
+ // Note that we never reset the line index to zero (as we do in
+ // execute_body()) assuming that there are some script body commands
+ // to follow.
+ //
if (tt == type::word && t.value == "depdb")
- names ns (exec_special (t, tt));
+ next (t, tt);
// This should have been enforced during pre-parsing.
- assert (!ns.empty ()); // <cmd> ... <newline>
+ assert (tt == type::word); // <cmd> ... <newline>
- const string& cmd (ns[0].value);
+ string cmd (move (t.value));
- if (cmd == "hash")
+ if (cmd == "dyndep")
- sha256 cs;
- for (auto i (ns.begin () + 1); i != ns.end (); ++i) // Skip <cmd>.
- to_checksum (cs, *i);
- if (ctx.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&] {
- ctx.trace (ll)
- << "'depdb hash' argument change forcing update of "
- << ctx.env.target;});
+ // Note: the cast is safe since the part where the target is
+ // modified is always executed in apply().
+ //
+ exec_depdb_dyndep (t, tt,
+ li, ll,
+ data.a, data.bs, const_cast<target&> (data.t),
+ data.dd,
+ *data.dyn_targets,
+ *data.update,
+ *data.mt,
+ *data.deferred_failure,
+ data.byp);
- else if (cmd == "string")
+ else
- string s;
- try
- {
- s = convert<string> (
- names (make_move_iterator (ns.begin () + 1),
- make_move_iterator (ns.end ())));
- }
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
- {
- fail (ll) << "invalid 'depdb string' argument: " << e;
- }
+ names ns (exec_special (t, tt, true /* skip <cmd> */));
- if (ctx.dd.expect (s) != nullptr)
- l4 ([&] {
- ctx.trace (ll)
- << "'depdb string' argument change forcing update of "
- << ctx.env.target;});
- }
- else if (cmd == "env")
- {
- sha256 cs;
- const char* pf ("invalid 'depdb env' argument: ");
+ string v;
+ const char* w (nullptr);
+ if (cmd == "hash")
+ {
+ sha256 cs;
+ for (const name& n: ns)
+ to_checksum (cs, n);
- try
+ v = cs.string ();
+ w = "argument";
+ }
+ else if (cmd == "string")
- // Skip <cmd>.
- //
- for (auto i (ns.begin () + 1); i != ns.end (); ++i)
+ try
- string vn (convert<string> (move (*i)));
- build2::script::verify_environment_var_name (vn, pf, ll);
- hash_environment (cs, vn);
+ v = convert<string> (move (ns));
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail (ll) << "invalid 'depdb string' argument: " << e;
+ }
+ w = "argument";
- catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ else if (cmd == "env")
- fail (ll) << pf << e;
+ sha256 cs;
+ const char* pf ("invalid 'depdb env' argument: ");
+ try
+ {
+ for (name& n: ns)
+ {
+ string vn (convert<string> (move (n)));
+ build2::script::verify_environment_var_name (vn, pf, ll);
+ hash_environment (cs, vn);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail (ll) << pf << e;
+ }
+ v = cs.string ();
+ w = "environment";
+ else
+ assert (false);
- if (ctx.dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ // Prefix the value with the type letter. This serves two
+ // purposes:
+ //
+ // 1. It makes sure the result is never a blank line. We use
+ // blank lines as anchors to skip directly to certain entries
+ // (e.g., dynamic targets).
+ //
+ // 2. It allows us to detect the beginning of prerequisites
+ // since an absolute path will be distinguishable from these
+ // entries (in the future we may want to add an explicit
+ // blank after such custom entries to make this easier).
+ //
+ v.insert (0, 1, ' ');
+ v.insert (0, 1, cmd[0]); // `h`, `s`, or `e`
+ if (data.dd.expect (v) != nullptr)
l4 ([&] {
- ctx.trace (ll)
- << "'depdb env' environment change forcing update of "
- << ctx.env.target;});
+ data.trace (ll)
+ << "'depdb " << cmd << "' " << w << " change forcing "
+ << "update of " << data.t;});
- else
- assert (false);
- // Note that we don't reset the line index to zero (as we do in
- // execute_body()) assuming that there are some script body
- // commands to follow.
- //
command_expr ce (
parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));
- // Verify that this expression executes the set builtin.
- //
- if (find_if (ce.begin (), ce.end (),
- [] (const expr_term& et)
- {
- const process_path& p (et.pipe.back ().program);
- return p.initial == nullptr &&
- p.recall.string () == "set";
- }) == ce.end ())
+ if (!valid_preamble_cmd (ce, cf))
- const replay_tokens& rt (ctx.scr.depdb_preamble.back ().tokens);
+ const replay_tokens& rt (data.scr.depdb_preamble.back ().tokens);
assert (!rt.empty ());
fail (ll) << "disallowed command in depdb preamble" <<
@@ -1009,11 +1466,84 @@ namespace build2
info (rt[0].location ()) << "depdb preamble ends here";
- runner_->run (*environment_, ce, li, ll);
+ runner_->run (*environment_, ce, ii, li, cf, ll);
+ }
+ };
+ exec_lines (begin, end, exec_cmd);
+ }
+ pair<names, location> parser::
+ execute_diag_preamble (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ bool diag, bool enter, bool leave)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("execute_diag_preamble");
+ assert (!s.diag_preamble.empty ());
+ const line& dl (s.diag_preamble.back ()); // Diag builtin line.
+ pre_exec (rs, bs, e, &s, &r);
+ if (enter)
+ runner_->enter (e, s.start_loc);
+ // Perform the variable assignments.
+ //
+ auto exec_cmd = [&dl, this] (token& t,
+ build2::script::token_type& tt,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t li,
+ bool /* single */,
+ const function<command_function>& cf,
+ const location& ll)
+ {
+ // Note that we never reset the line index to zero (as we do in
+ // execute_body()) assuming that there are some script body commands
+ // to follow.
+ //
+ command_expr ce (
+ parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));
+ if (!valid_preamble_cmd (ce, cf))
+ {
+ const replay_tokens& rt (dl.tokens);
+ assert (!rt.empty ());
+ fail (ll) << "disallowed command in diag preamble" <<
+ info << "only variable assignments are allowed in diag preamble"
+ << info (rt[0].location ()) << "diag preamble ends here";
+ runner_->run (*environment_, ce, ii, li, cf, ll);
- exec_lines (s.depdb_preamble, exec_cmd);
+ exec_lines (s.diag_preamble.begin (), s.diag_preamble.end () - 1,
+ exec_cmd);
+ // Execute the diag line, if requested.
+ //
+ names ns;
+ if (diag)
+ {
+ // Copy the tokens and start playing.
+ //
+ replay_data (replay_tokens (dl.tokens));
+ token t;
+ build2::script::token_type tt;
+ next (t, tt);
+ ns = exec_special (t, tt, true /* skip_first */);
+ replay_stop ();
+ }
+ if (leave)
+ runner_->leave (e, s.end_loc);
+ return make_pair (ns, dl.tokens.front ().location ());
void parser::
@@ -1022,7 +1552,7 @@ namespace build2
path_ = nullptr; // Set by replays.
- pre_parse_ = false;
+ top_pre_parse_ = pre_parse_ = false;
set_lexer (nullptr);
@@ -1045,7 +1575,7 @@ namespace build2
void parser::
- exec_lines (const lines& lns,
+ exec_lines (lines_iterator begin, lines_iterator end,
const function<exec_cmd_function>& exec_cmd)
// Note that we rely on "small function object" optimization for the
@@ -1072,63 +1602,1786 @@ namespace build2
apply_value_attributes (&var, lhs, move (rhs), kind);
- auto exec_if = [this] (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
- size_t li,
- const location& ll)
+ auto exec_cond = [this] (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t li,
+ const location& ll)
command_expr ce (
parse_command_line (t, static_cast<token_type&> (tt)));
- // Assume if-else always involves multiple commands.
+ // Assume a flow control construct always involves multiple
+ // commands.
- return runner_->run_if (*environment_, ce, li, ll);
+ return runner_->run_cond (*environment_, ce, ii, li, ll);
- build2::script::parser::exec_lines (lns.begin (), lns.end (),
- exec_set, exec_cmd, exec_if,
- environment_->exec_line,
- &environment_->var_pool);
+ auto exec_for = [this] (const variable& var,
+ value&& val,
+ const attributes& val_attrs,
+ const location&)
+ {
+ value& lhs (environment_->assign (var));
+ attributes_.push_back (val_attrs);
+ apply_value_attributes (&var, lhs, move (val), type::assign);
+ };
+ build2::script::parser::exec_lines (
+ begin, end,
+ exec_set, exec_cmd, exec_cond, exec_for,
+ nullptr /* iteration_index */,
+ environment_->exec_line,
+ &environment_->var_pool);
names parser::
- exec_special (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
- bool omit_builtin)
+ exec_special (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt, bool skip_first)
- if (omit_builtin)
+ if (skip_first)
assert (tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos);
next (t, tt);
return tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos
- ? parse_names (t, tt, pattern_mode::expand)
+ ? parse_names (t, tt, pattern_mode::ignore)
: names ();
- names parser::
- execute_special (const scope& rs, const scope& bs,
- environment& e,
- const line& ln,
- bool omit_builtin)
+ void parser::
+ exec_depdb_dyndep (token& lt, build2::script::token_type& ltt,
+ size_t li, const location& ll,
+ action a, const scope& bs, target& t,
+ depdb& dd,
+ dynamic_targets& dyn_targets,
+ bool& update,
+ timestamp mt,
+ bool& deferred_failure,
+ dyndep_byproduct* byprod_result)
- pre_exec (rs, bs, e, nullptr /* script */, nullptr /* runner */);
+ tracer trace ("exec_depdb_dyndep");
+ context& ctx (t.ctx);
+ depdb_dyndep_options ops;
+ bool prog (false);
+ bool byprod (false);
+ bool dyn_tgt (false);
- // Copy the tokens and start playing.
+ // Prerequisite update filter (--update-*).
- replay_data (replay_tokens (ln.tokens));
+ struct filter
+ {
+ location loc;
+ build2::name name;
+ bool include;
+ bool used = false;
- token t;
- build2::script::token_type tt;
- next (t, tt);
+ union
+ {
+ const target_type* type; // For patterns.
+ const build2::target* target; // For non-patterns.
+ };
- names r (exec_special (t, tt, omit_builtin));
+ filter (const location& l,
+ build2::name n, bool i, const target_type& tt)
+ : loc (l), name (move (n)), include (i), type (&tt) {}
- replay_stop ();
- return r;
+ filter (const location& l,
+ build2::name n, bool i, const build2::target& t)
+ : loc (l), name (move (n)), include (i), target (&t) {}
+ const char*
+ option () const
+ {
+ return include ? "--update-include" : "--update-exclude";
+ }
+ };
+ vector<filter> filters;
+ bool filter_default (false); // Note: incorrect if filter is empty.
+ // Similar approach to parse_env_builtin().
+ //
+ {
+ auto& t (lt);
+ auto& tt (ltt);
+ next (t, tt); // Skip the 'dyndep' command.
+ if (tt == type::word && ((byprod = (t.value == "--byproduct")) ||
+ (dyn_tgt = (t.value == "--dyn-target"))))
+ next (t, tt);
+ assert (byprod == (byprod_result != nullptr));
+ // Note that an option name and value can belong to different name
+ // chunks. That's why we parse the arguments in the chunking mode
+ // into the list up to the `--` separator and parse this list into
+ // options afterwards. Note that the `--` separator should be
+ // omitted if there is no program (i.e., additional dependency info
+ // is being read from one of the prerequisites).
+ //
+ strings args;
+ for (names ns; tt != type::newline && tt != type::eos; ns.clear ())
+ {
+ location l (get_location (t));
+ if (tt == type::word)
+ {
+ if (t.value == "--")
+ {
+ prog = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // See also the non-literal check in the options parsing below.
+ //
+ if ((t.value.compare (0, 16, "--update-include") == 0 ||
+ t.value.compare (0, 16, "--update-exclude") == 0) &&
+ (t.value[16] == '\0' || t.value[16] == '='))
+ {
+ string o;
+ if (t.value[16] == '\0')
+ {
+ o = t.value;
+ next (t, tt);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ o.assign (t.value, 0, 16);
+ t.value.erase (0, 17);
+ if (t.value.empty ()) // Think `--update-include=$yacc`.
+ {
+ next (t, tt);
+ if (t.separated) // Think `--update-include= $yacc`.
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: expected name after " << o;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!start_names (tt))
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: expected name instead of " << t
+ << " after " << o;
+ // The chunk may actually contain multiple (or zero) names
+ // (e.g., as a result of a variable expansion or {}-list). Oh,
+ // well, I guess it can be viewed as a feature (to compensate
+ // for the literal option names).
+ //
+ parse_names (t, tt,
+ ns,
+ pattern_mode::preserve,
+ true /* chunk */,
+ ("depdb dyndep " + o + " option value").c_str (),
+ nullptr);
+ if (ns.empty ())
+ continue;
+ bool i (o[9] == 'i');
+ for (name& n: ns)
+ {
+ // @@ Maybe we will want to support out-qualified targets
+ // one day (but they should not be patterns).
+ //
+ if (n.pair)
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: name pair in " << o << " value";
+ if (n.pattern)
+ {
+ if (*n.pattern != name::pattern_type::path)
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: non-path pattern in " << o
+ << " value";
+ n.canonicalize ();
+ // @@ TODO (here and below).
+ //
+ // The reasonable directory semantics for a pattern seems
+ // to be:
+ //
+ // - empty - any directory (the common case)
+ // - relative - complete with base scope and fall through
+ // - absolute - only match targets in subdirectories
+ //
+ // Plus things are complicated by the src/out split (feels
+ // like we should do this in terms of scopes).
+ //
+ // See also target type/pattern-specific vars (where the
+ // directory is used to open a scope) and ad hoc pattern
+ // rules (where we currently don't allow directories).
+ //
+ if (!n.dir.empty ())
+ {
+ if (path_pattern (n.dir))
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: pattern in directory in "
+ << o << " value";
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: directory in pattern " << o
+ << " value";
+ }
+ // Resolve target type. If none is specified, then it's
+ // file{}.
+ //
+ const target_type* tt (n.untyped ()
+ ? &file::static_type
+ : bs.find_target_type (n.type));
+ if (tt == nullptr)
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: unknown target type "
+ << n.type << " in " << o << " value";
+ filters.push_back (filter (l, move (n), i, *tt));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const target* t (search_existing (n, bs));
+ if (t == nullptr)
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: unknown target " << n
+ << " in " << o << " value";
+ filters.push_back (filter (l, move (n), i, *t));
+ }
+ }
+ // If we have --update-exclude, then the default is include.
+ //
+ if (!i)
+ filter_default = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!start_names (tt))
+ fail (l) << "depdb dyndep: expected option or '--' separator "
+ << "instead of " << t;
+ parse_names (t, tt,
+ ns,
+ pattern_mode::ignore,
+ true /* chunk */,
+ "depdb dyndep builtin argument",
+ nullptr);
+ for (name& n: ns)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ args.push_back (convert<string> (move (n)));
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument&)
+ {
+ diag_record dr (fail (l));
+ dr << "depdb dyndep: invalid string value ";
+ to_stream (dr.os, n, quote_mode::normal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (prog)
+ {
+ if (byprod)
+ fail (t) << "depdb dyndep: --byproduct cannot be used with "
+ << "program";
+ next (t, tt); // Skip '--'.
+ if (tt == type::newline || tt == type::eos)
+ fail (t) << "depdb dyndep: expected program name instead of "
+ << t;
+ }
+ // Parse the options.
+ //
+ // We would like to support both -I <dir> as well as -I<dir> forms
+ // for better compatibility. The latter requires manual parsing.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ for (cli::vector_scanner scan (args); scan.more (); )
+ {
+ if (ops.parse (scan, cli::unknown_mode::stop) && !scan.more ())
+ break;
+ const char* a (scan.peek ());
+ // Handle -I<dir>
+ //
+ if (a[0] == '-' && a[1] == 'I')
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ ops.include_path ().push_back (dir_path (a + 2));
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ throw cli::invalid_value ("-I", a + 2);
+ }
+ scan.next ();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Handle --byproduct and --dyn-target in the wrong place.
+ //
+ if (strcmp (a, "--byproduct") == 0)
+ {
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: "
+ << (dyn_tgt
+ ? "--byproduct specified with --dyn-target"
+ : "--byproduct must be first option");
+ }
+ if (strcmp (a, "--dyn-target") == 0)
+ {
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: "
+ << (byprod
+ ? "--dyn-target specified with --byproduct"
+ : "--dyn-target must be first option");
+ }
+ // Handle non-literal --update-*.
+ //
+ if ((strncmp (a, "--update-include", 16) == 0 ||
+ strncmp (a, "--update-exclude", 16) == 0) &&
+ (a[16] == '\0' || a[16] == '='))
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: " << a << " must be literal";
+ // Handle unknown option.
+ //
+ if (a[0] == '-')
+ throw cli::unknown_option (a);
+ // Handle unexpected argument.
+ //
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: unexpected argument '" << a << "'";
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const cli::exception& e)
+ {
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ // --format
+ //
+ dyndep_format format (dyndep_format::make);
+ if (ops.format_specified ())
+ {
+ const string& f (ops.format ());
+ if (f == "lines") format = dyndep_format::lines;
+ else if (f != "make")
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: invalid --format option value '"
+ << f << "'";
+ }
+ // Prerequisite-specific options.
+ //
+ // --what
+ //
+ const char* what (ops.what_specified ()
+ ? ops.what ().c_str ()
+ : "file");
+ // --cwd
+ //
+ optional<dir_path> cwd;
+ if (ops.cwd_specified ())
+ {
+ if (!byprod)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: --cwd only valid in --byproduct mode";
+ cwd = move (ops.cwd ());
+ if (cwd->relative ())
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: relative path specified with --cwd";
+ }
+ // --include
+ //
+ if (!ops.include_path ().empty ())
+ {
+ if (byprod)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: -I specified with --byproduct";
+ }
+ // --default-type
+ //
+ // Get the default prerequisite type falling back to file{} if not
+ // specified.
+ //
+ // The reason one would want to specify it is to make sure different
+ // rules "resolve" the same dynamic prerequisites to the same targets.
+ // For example, a rule that implements custom C compilation for some
+ // translation unit would want to make sure it resolves extracted
+ // system headers to h{} targets analogous to the c module's rule.
+ //
+ const target_type* def_pt (&file::static_type);
+ if (ops.default_type_specified ())
+ {
+ const string& t (ops.default_type ());
+ def_pt = bs.find_target_type (t);
+ if (def_pt == nullptr)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: unknown target type '" << t
+ << "' specified with --default-type";
+ }
+ // --adhoc
+ //
+ if (ops.adhoc ())
+ {
+ if (byprod)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: --adhoc specified with --byproduct";
+ }
+ // Target-specific options.
+ //
+ // --target-what
+ //
+ const char* what_tgt ("file");
+ if (ops.target_what_specified ())
+ {
+ if (!dyn_tgt)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: --target-what specified without "
+ << "--dyn-target";
+ what_tgt = ops.target_what ().c_str ();
+ }
+ // --target-cwd
+ //
+ optional<dir_path> cwd_tgt;
+ if (ops.target_cwd_specified ())
+ {
+ if (!dyn_tgt)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: --target-cwd specified without "
+ << "--dyn-target";
+ cwd_tgt = move (ops.target_cwd ());
+ if (cwd_tgt->relative ())
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: relative path specified with "
+ << "--target-cwd";
+ }
+ // --target-default-type
+ //
+ const target_type* def_tt (&file::static_type);
+ if (ops.target_default_type_specified ())
+ {
+ if (!dyn_tgt)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: --target-default-type specified "
+ << "without --dyn-target";
+ const string& t (ops.target_default_type ());
+ def_tt = bs.find_target_type (t);
+ if (def_tt == nullptr)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: unknown target type '" << t
+ << "' specified with --target-default-type";
+ }
+ map<string, const target_type*> map_tt;
+ if (ops.target_extension_type_specified ())
+ {
+ if (!dyn_tgt)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: --target-extension-type specified "
+ << "without --dyn-target";
+ for (pair<const string, string>& p: ops.target_extension_type ())
+ {
+ const target_type* tt (bs.find_target_type (p.second));
+ if (tt == nullptr)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: unknown target type '" << p.second
+ << "' specified with --target-extension-type";
+ map_tt[p.first] = tt;
+ }
+ }
+ // --file (last since need --*cwd)
+ //
+ // Note that if --file is specified without a program, then we assume
+ // it is one of the static prerequisites.
+ //
+ optional<path> file;
+ if (ops.file_specified ())
+ {
+ file = move (ops.file ());
+ if (file->relative ())
+ {
+ if (!cwd && !cwd_tgt)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: relative path specified with --file";
+ *file = (cwd ? *cwd : *cwd_tgt) / *file;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!prog)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: program or --file expected";
+ // Update prerequisite targets.
+ //
+ using dyndep = dyndep_rule;
+ auto& pts (t.prerequisite_targets[a]);
+ for (prerequisite_target& p: pts)
+ {
+ if (const target* pt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ p.adhoc () ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data)
+ : nullptr))
+ {
+ // Automatically skip update=unmatch that we could not unmatch.
+ //
+ // Note that we don't skip update=match here (unless filtered out)
+ // in order to incorporate the result into our out-of-date'ness.
+ // So there is a nuanced interaction between update=match and
+ // --update-*.
+ //
+ if ((p.include & adhoc_buildscript_rule::include_unmatch) != 0)
+ {
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "skipping unmatched " << *pt;});
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Apply the --update-* filter.
+ //
+ if (!p.adhoc () && !filters.empty ())
+ {
+ // Compute and cache "effective" name that we will be pattern-
+ // matching (similar code to variable_type_map::find()).
+ //
+ auto ename = [pt, en = optional<string> ()] () mutable
+ -> const string&
+ {
+ if (!en)
+ {
+ en = string ();
+ pt->key ().effective_name (*en);
+ }
+ return en->empty () ? pt->name : *en;
+ };
+ bool i (filter_default);
+ for (filter& f: filters)
+ {
+ if (f.name.pattern)
+ {
+ const name& n (f.name);
+#if 0
+ // Match directory if any.
+ //
+ if (!n.dir.empty ())
+ {
+ // @@ TODO (here and above).
+ }
+ // Match type.
+ //
+ if (!pt->is_a (*f.type))
+ continue;
+ // Match name.
+ //
+ if (n.value == "*" || butl::path_match (ename (), n.value))
+ {
+ i = f.include;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (pt == f.target)
+ {
+ i = f.include;
+ f.used = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!i)
+ continue;
+ }
+ update = dyndep::update (
+ trace, a, *pt, update ? timestamp_unknown : mt) || update;
+ // While implicit, it is for a static prerequisite, so marking it
+ // feels correct.
+ //
+ p.include |= prerequisite_target::include_udm;
+ // Mark as updated (see execute_update_prerequisites() for
+ // details.
+ //
+ if (!p.adhoc ())
+ p.data = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Detect target filters that do not match anything.
+ //
+ for (const filter& f: filters)
+ {
+ if (!f.name.pattern && !f.used)
+ fail (f.loc) << "depdb dyndep: target " << f.name << " in "
+ << f.option () << " value does not match any "
+ << "prerequisites";
+ }
+ if (byprod)
+ {
+ *byprod_result = dyndep_byproduct {
+ ll,
+ format,
+ move (cwd),
+ move (*file),
+ ops.what_specified () ? move (ops.what ()) : string (what),
+ def_pt,
+ ops.drop_cycles ()};
+ return;
+ }
+ const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
+ group* g (t.is_a<group> ()); // If not group then file.
+ // This code is based on the prior work in the cc module (specifically
+ // extract_headers()) where you can often find more detailed rationale
+ // for some of the steps performed.
+ // Build the maps lazily, only if/when needed.
+ //
+ using prefix_map = dyndep::prefix_map;
+ using srcout_map = dyndep::srcout_map;
+ function<dyndep::map_extension_func> map_ext (
+ [] (const scope& bs, const string& n, const string& e)
+ {
+ // NOTE: another version in adhoc_buildscript_rule::apply().
+ // @@ TODO: allow specifying base target types.
+ //
+ // Feels like the only reason one would want to specify base types
+ // is to tighten things up (as opposed to making some setup work)
+ // since it essentially restricts the set of registered target
+ // types that we will consider.
+ //
+ // Note also that these would be this project's target types while
+ // the file could be from another project.
+ //
+ return dyndep::map_extension (bs, n, e, nullptr);
+ // @@ TODO: should we return something as fallback (file{},
+ // def_pt)? Note: not the same semantics as enter_file()'s
+ // fallback. Feels like it could conceivably be different
+ // (e.g., h{} for fallback and hxx{} for some "unmappable" gen
+ // header). It looks like the "best" way currently is to define
+ // a custom target types for it (see moc{} in libQt5Core).
+ //
+ // Note also that we should only do this if bs is in our
+ // project.
+ });
+ // Don't we want to insert a "local"/prefixless mapping in case the
+ // user did not specify any -I's? But then will also need src-out
+ // remapping. So it will be equivalent to -I$out_base -I$src_base? But
+ // then it's not hard to add explicitly...
+ //
+ function<dyndep::prefix_map_func> pfx_map;
+ struct
+ {
+ tracer& trace;
+ const location& ll;
+ const depdb_dyndep_options& ops;
+ optional<prefix_map> map;
+ } pfx_data {trace, ll, ops, nullopt};
+ if (!ops.include_path ().empty ())
+ {
+ pfx_map = [this, &pfx_data] (action,
+ const scope& bs,
+ const target& t) -> const prefix_map&
+ {
+ if (!pfx_data.map)
+ {
+ pfx_data.map = prefix_map ();
+ const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
+ for (dir_path d: pfx_data.ops.include_path ())
+ {
+ if (d.relative ())
+ fail (pfx_data.ll) << "depdb dyndep: relative include "
+ << "search path " << d;
+ if (!d.normalized (false /* canonical dir seperators */))
+ d.normalize ();
+ // If we are not inside our project root, then ignore.
+ //
+ if (d.sub (rs.out_path ()))
+ dyndep::append_prefix (
+ pfx_data.trace, *pfx_data.map, t, move (d));
+ }
+ }
+ return *pfx_data.map;
+ };
+ }
+ // Parse the remainder of the command line as a program (which can be
+ // a pipe). If file is absent, then we save the command's stdout to a
+ // pipe. Otherwise, assume the command writes to file and add it to
+ // the cleanups.
+ //
+ // Note that MSVC /showInclude sends its output to stderr (and so
+ // could do other broken tools). However, the user can always merge
+ // stderr to stdout (2>&1).
+ //
+ command_expr cmd;
+ srcout_map so_map;
+ // Save/restore script cleanups.
+ //
+ struct cleanups
+ {
+ build2::script::cleanups ordinary;
+ paths special;
+ };
+ optional<cleanups> script_cleanups;
+ auto cleanups_guard = make_guard (
+ [this, &script_cleanups] ()
+ {
+ if (script_cleanups)
+ {
+ swap (environment_->cleanups, script_cleanups->ordinary);
+ swap (environment_->special_cleanups, script_cleanups->special);
+ }
+ });
+ auto init_run = [this, &ctx,
+ &lt, &ltt, &ll,
+ prog, &file, &ops,
+ &cmd, &so_map, &script_cleanups] ()
+ {
+ // Populate the srcout map with the -I$out_base -I$src_base pairs.
+ //
+ {
+ dyndep::srcout_builder builder (ctx, so_map);
+ for (dir_path d: ops.include_path ())
+ builder.next (move (d));
+ }
+ if (prog)
+ {
+ script_cleanups = cleanups {};
+ swap (environment_->cleanups, script_cleanups->ordinary);
+ swap (environment_->special_cleanups, script_cleanups->special);
+ cmd = parse_command_line (lt, static_cast<token_type&> (ltt));
+ // If the output goes to stdout, then this should be a single
+ // pipeline without any logical operators (&& or ||).
+ //
+ if (!file && cmd.size () != 1)
+ fail (ll) << "depdb dyndep: command with stdout output cannot "
+ << "contain logical operators";
+ // Note that we may need to run this command multiple times. The
+ // two potential issues here are the re-registration of the
+ // clenups and re-use of the special files (stdin, stdout, etc;
+ // they include the line index in their names to avoid clashes
+ // between lines).
+ //
+ // Cleanups are not an issue, they will simply be replaced. And
+ // overriding the contents of the special files seems harmless and
+ // consistent with what would happen if the command redirects its
+ // output to a non-special file.
+ }
+ };
+ // Enter as a target, update, and add to the list of prerequisite
+ // targets a file.
+ //
+ size_t skip_count (0);
+ auto add = [this, &trace, what,
+ a, &bs, &t, g, &pts, pts_n = pts.size (),
+ &ops, &map_ext, def_pt, &pfx_map, &so_map,
+ &dd, &skip_count] (path fp,
+ size_t* skip,
+ timestamp mt) -> optional<bool>
+ {
+ context& ctx (t.ctx);
+ bool cache (skip == nullptr);
+ // Handle fsdir{} prerequisite separately.
+ //
+ // Note: inspired by inject_fsdir().
+ //
+ if (fp.to_directory ())
+ {
+ if (!cache)
+ {
+ // Note: already absolute since cannot be non-existent.
+ //
+ fp.normalize ();
+ }
+ const fsdir* dt (&search<fsdir> (t,
+ path_cast<dir_path> (fp),
+ dir_path (),
+ string (), nullptr, nullptr));
+ // Subset of code for file below.
+ //
+ if (!cache)
+ {
+ for (size_t i (0); i != pts_n; ++i)
+ {
+ const prerequisite_target& p (pts[i]);
+ if (const target* pt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ p.adhoc () ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data) :
+ nullptr))
+ {
+ if (dt == pt)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*skip != 0)
+ {
+ --(*skip);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ match_sync (a, *dt);
+ pts.push_back (
+ prerequisite_target (
+ nullptr, true /* adhoc */, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (dt)));
+ if (!cache)
+ dd.expect (fp.representation ());
+ skip_count++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We can only defer the failure if we will be running the recipe
+ // body.
+ //
+ auto fail = [this, what, &ctx] (const auto& f) -> optional<bool>
+ {
+ bool df (!ctx.match_only && !ctx.dry_run_option);
+ diag_record dr;
+ dr << error << what << ' ' << f << " not found and no rule to "
+ << "generate it";
+ if (df)
+ dr << info << "failure deferred to recipe body diagnostics";
+ if (verb < 4)
+ dr << info << "re-run with --verbose=4 for more information";
+ if (df)
+ return nullopt;
+ else
+ dr << endf;
+ };
+ if (const build2::file* ft = dyndep::enter_file (
+ trace, what,
+ a, bs, t,
+ fp, cache, cache /* normalized */,
+ map_ext, *def_pt, pfx_map, so_map).first)
+ {
+ // We don't need to do these tests for the cached case since such
+ // prerequisites would have been skipped (and we won't get here if
+ // the target/prerequisite set changes since we hash them).
+ //
+ if (!cache)
+ {
+ // Skip if this is one of the static prerequisites provided it
+ // was updated.
+ //
+ for (size_t i (0); i != pts_n; ++i)
+ {
+ const prerequisite_target& p (pts[i]);
+ if (const target* pt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ p.adhoc () ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data) :
+ nullptr))
+ {
+ if (ft == pt && (p.adhoc () || p.data == 1))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip if this is one of the targets.
+ //
+ // Note that for dynamic targets this only works if we see the
+ // targets before prerequisites (like in the make dependency
+ // format).
+ //
+ if (ops.drop_cycles ())
+ {
+ if (g != nullptr)
+ {
+ auto& ms (g->members);
+ if (find (ms.begin (), ms.end (), ft) != ms.end ())
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ {
+ if (ft == m)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip until where we left off.
+ //
+ // Note that we used to do this outside of this lambda and
+ // before calling enter_file() but due to the above skips we can
+ // only do it here if we want to have a consistent view of the
+ // prerequisite lists between the cached and non-cached cases.
+ //
+ if (*skip != 0)
+ {
+ --(*skip);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Note: mark the injected prerequisite target as updated (see
+ // execute_update_prerequisites() for details).
+ //
+ if (optional<bool> u = dyndep::inject_file (
+ trace, what,
+ a, t,
+ *ft, mt,
+ false /* fail */,
+ ops.adhoc () /* adhoc */))
+ {
+ prerequisite_target& pt (pts.back ());
+ // Note: set the include_target flag for consistency (the
+ // updated_during_match() check does not apply since it's a
+ // dynamic prerequisite).
+ //
+ if (pt.adhoc ())
+ {
+ pt.data = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (pt.target);
+ pt.target = nullptr;
+ pt.include |= prerequisite_target::include_target;
+ }
+ else
+ pt.data = 1; // Already updated.
+ if (!cache)
+ dd.expect (ft->path ()); // @@ Use fp (or verify match)?
+ skip_count++;
+ return *u;
+ }
+ else if (cache)
+ {
+ dd.write (); // Invalidate this line.
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return fail (*ft);
+ }
+ else
+ return fail (fp);
+ };
+ // If things go wrong (and they often do in this area), give the user
+ // a bit extra context.
+ //
+ auto df = make_diag_frame (
+ [this, &ll, &t] (const diag_record& dr)
+ {
+ if (verb != 0)
+ dr << info (ll) << "while extracting dynamic dependencies for "
+ << t;
+ });
+ // While in the make format targets come before prerequisites, in
+ // depdb we store them after since any change to prerequisites can
+ // invalidate the set of targets. So we save them first and process
+ // later.
+ //
+ // Note also that we need to return them to the caller in case we are
+ // updating.
+ // If nothing so far has invalidated the dependency database, then try
+ // the cached data before running the program.
+ //
+ bool cache (!update);
+ bool skip_blank (false);
+ for (bool restart (true), first_run (true); restart; cache = false)
+ {
+ // Clear the state in case we are restarting.
+ //
+ if (dyn_tgt)
+ dyn_targets.clear ();
+ restart = false;
+ if (cache)
+ {
+ // If any, this is always the first run.
+ //
+ assert (skip_count == 0);
+ // We should always end with a blank line after the list of
+ // dynamic prerequisites.
+ //
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ string* l (dd.read ());
+ // If the line is invalid, run the compiler.
+ //
+ if (l == nullptr)
+ {
+ restart = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (l->empty ()) // Done with prerequisites, nothing changed.
+ {
+ skip_blank = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (optional<bool> r = add (path (move (*l)), nullptr, mt))
+ {
+ restart = *r;
+ if (restart)
+ {
+ update = true;
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "restarting (cache)";});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Trigger rebuild and mark as expected to fail.
+ //
+ update = true;
+ deferred_failure = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!restart) // Nothing changed.
+ {
+ if (dyn_tgt)
+ {
+ // We should always end with a blank line after the list of
+ // dynamic targets.
+ //
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ string* l (dd.read ());
+ // If the line is invalid, run the compiler.
+ //
+ if (l == nullptr)
+ {
+ restart = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (l->empty ()) // Done with targets.
+ break;
+ // Split into type and path (see below for background).
+ //
+ size_t p (l->find (' '));
+ if (p == string::npos || // Invalid format.
+ p == 0 || // Empty type.
+ p + 1 == l->size ()) // Empty path.
+ {
+ dd.write (); // Invalidate this line.
+ restart = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ string t (*l, 0, p);
+ l->erase (0, p + 1);
+ dyn_targets.push_back (
+ dynamic_target {move (t), path (move (*l))});
+ }
+ }
+ if (!restart) // Done, nothing changed.
+ break; // Break earliy to keep cache=true.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (first_run)
+ {
+ init_run ();
+ first_run = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!prog)
+ fail (ll) << "generated " << what << " without program to retry";
+ // Drop dyndep cleanups accumulated on the previous run.
+ //
+ assert (script_cleanups); // Sanity check.
+ environment_->cleanups.clear ();
+ environment_->special_cleanups.clear ();
+ }
+ // Save the timestamp just before we run the command. If we depend
+ // on any file that has been updated since, then we should assume
+ // we have "seen" the old copy and restart.
+ //
+ timestamp rmt (prog ? system_clock::now () : mt);
+ // Run the command if any and reduce outputs to common istream.
+ //
+ // Note that the resulting stream should tolerate partial read.
+ //
+ // While reading the entire stdout into a string is not the most
+ // efficient way to do it, this does simplify things quite a bit,
+ // not least of which is not having to parse the output before
+ // knowing the program exist status.
+ //
+ istringstream iss;
+ if (prog)
+ {
+ // Note: depdb is disallowed inside flow control constructs.
+ //
+ if (!file)
+ {
+ function<command_function> cf (
+ [&iss]
+ (build2::script::environment&,
+ const strings&,
+ auto_fd in,
+ pipe_command* pipe,
+ const optional<deadline>& dl,
+ const location& ll)
+ {
+ read (move (in),
+ false /* whitespace */,
+ false /* newline */,
+ true /* exact */,
+ [&iss] (string&& s) {iss.str (move (s));},
+ pipe,
+ dl,
+ ll,
+ "depdb-dyndep");
+ });
+ build2::script::run (*environment_,
+ cmd,
+ nullptr /* iteration_index */, li,
+ ll,
+ cf, false /* last_cmd */);
+ iss.exceptions (istream::badbit);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ build2::script::run (
+ *environment_, cmd, nullptr /* iteration_index */, li, ll);
+ // Note: make it a maybe-cleanup in case the command cleans it
+ // up itself.
+ //
+ environment_->clean (
+ {build2::script::cleanup_type::maybe, *file},
+ true /* implicit */);
+ }
+ }
+ ifdstream ifs (ifdstream::badbit);
+ if (file)
+ try
+ {
+ ifs.open (*file);
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ fail (ll) << "unable to open file " << *file << ": " << e;
+ }
+ istream& is (file
+ ? static_cast<istream&> (ifs)
+ : static_cast<istream&> (iss));
+ const path_name& in (file
+ ? path_name (*file)
+ : path_name ("<stdin>"));
+ location il (in, 1);
+ size_t skip (skip_count);
+ // The way we parse things is format-specific.
+ //
+ // Note: similar code in
+ // adhoc_buildscript_rule::perform_update_file_dyndep_byproduct().
+ //
+ switch (format)
+ {
+ case dyndep_format::make:
+ {
+ using make_state = make_parser;
+ using make_type = make_parser::type;
+ make_parser make;
+ for (string l; !restart; ++il.line) // Reuse the buffer.
+ {
+ if (eof (getline (is, l)))
+ {
+ if (make.state != make_state::end)
+ fail (il) << "incomplete make dependency declaration";
+ break;
+ }
+ size_t pos (0);
+ do
+ {
+ pair<make_type, path> r;
+ {
+ auto df = make_diag_frame (
+ [this, &l] (const diag_record& dr)
+ {
+ if (verb != 0)
+ dr << info << "while parsing make dependency "
+ << "declaration line '" << l << "'";
+ });
+ r = make.next (l, pos, il);
+ }
+ if (r.second.empty ())
+ continue;
+ // Skip targets unless requested to extract.
+ //
+ // BTW, if you are wondering why don't we extract targets
+ // by default, take GCC as an example, where things are
+ // quite messed up: by default it ignores -o and just
+ // takes the source file name and replaces the extension
+ // with a platform-appropriate object file extension. One
+ // can specify a custom target (or even multiple targets)
+ // with -MT or with -MQ (quoting). So in this case it's
+ // definitely easier for the user to ignore the targets
+ // and just specify everything in the buildfile.
+ //
+ if (r.first == make_type::target)
+ {
+ // NOTE: similar code below.
+ //
+ if (dyn_tgt)
+ {
+ path& f (r.second);
+ if (f.relative ())
+ {
+ if (!cwd_tgt)
+ fail (il) << "relative " << what_tgt
+ << " target path '" << f
+ << "' in make dependency declaration" <<
+ info << "consider using --target-cwd to specify "
+ << "relative path base";
+ f = *cwd_tgt / f;
+ }
+ // Note that unlike prerequisites, here we don't need
+ // normalize_external() since we expect the targets to
+ // be within this project.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ f.normalize ();
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ fail (il) << "invalid " << what_tgt << " target "
+ << "path '" << f.string () << "'";
+ }
+ // The target must be within this project.
+ //
+ if (!f.sub (rs.out_path ()))
+ {
+ fail (il) << what_tgt << " target path " << f
+ << " must be inside project output "
+ << "directory " << rs.out_path ();
+ }
+ // Note: type is resolved later.
+ //
+ dyn_targets.push_back (
+ dynamic_target {string (), move (f)});
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // NOTE: similar code below.
+ //
+ if (optional<bool> u = add (move (r.second), &skip, rmt))
+ {
+ restart = *u;
+ if (restart)
+ {
+ update = true;
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "restarting";});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Trigger recompilation, mark as expected to fail, and
+ // bail out.
+ //
+ update = true;
+ deferred_failure = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (pos != l.size ());
+ if (make.state == make_state::end || deferred_failure)
+ break;
+ }
+ break; // case
+ }
+ case dyndep_format::lines:
+ {
+ bool tgt (dyn_tgt); // Reading targets or prerequisites.
+ for (string l; !restart; ++il.line) // Reuse the buffer.
+ {
+ if (eof (getline (is, l)))
+ break;
+ if (l.empty ())
+ {
+ if (!tgt)
+ fail (il) << "blank line in prerequisites list";
+ tgt = false; // Targets/prerequisites separating blank.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // See if this line start with space to indicate a non-
+ // existent prerequisite. This variable serves both as a
+ // flag and as a position of the beginning of the path.
+ //
+ size_t n (l.front () == ' ' ? 1 : 0);
+ if (tgt)
+ {
+ // NOTE: similar code above.
+ //
+ path f;
+ try
+ {
+ // Non-existent target doesn't make sense.
+ //
+ if (n)
+ throw invalid_path ("");
+ f = path (l);
+ if (f.relative ())
+ {
+ if (!cwd_tgt)
+ fail (il) << "relative " << what_tgt
+ << " target path '" << f
+ << "' in lines dependency declaration" <<
+ info << "consider using --target-cwd to specify "
+ << "relative path base";
+ f = *cwd_tgt / f;
+ }
+ // Note that unlike prerequisites, here we don't need
+ // normalize_external() since we expect the targets to
+ // be within this project.
+ //
+ f.normalize ();
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ fail (il) << "invalid " << what_tgt << " target path '"
+ << l << "'";
+ }
+ // The target must be within this project.
+ //
+ if (!f.sub (rs.out_path ()))
+ {
+ fail (il) << what_tgt << " target path " << f
+ << " must be inside project output directory "
+ << rs.out_path ();
+ }
+ // Note: type is resolved later.
+ //
+ dyn_targets.push_back (
+ dynamic_target {string (), move (f)});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ path f;
+ try
+ {
+ f = path (l.c_str () + n, l.size () - n);
+ if (f.empty () ||
+ (n && f.to_directory ())) // Non-existent fsdir{}.
+ throw invalid_path ("");
+ if (f.relative ())
+ {
+ if (!n)
+ {
+ if (!cwd)
+ fail (il) << "relative " << what
+ << " prerequisite path '" << f
+ << "' in lines dependency declaration" <<
+ info << "consider using --cwd to specify "
+ << "relative path base";
+ f = *cwd / f;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (n)
+ {
+ // @@ TODO: non-existent absolute paths.
+ //
+ throw invalid_path ("");
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ fail (il) << "invalid " << what << " prerequisite path '"
+ << l << "'";
+ }
+ // NOTE: similar code above.
+ //
+ if (optional<bool> u = add (move (f), &skip, rmt))
+ {
+ restart = *u;
+ if (restart)
+ {
+ update = true;
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "restarting";});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Trigger recompilation, mark as expected to fail, and
+ // bail out.
+ //
+ update = true;
+ deferred_failure = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break; // case
+ }
+ }
+ if (file)
+ ifs.close ();
+ // Bail out early if we have deferred a failure.
+ //
+ if (deferred_failure)
+ return;
+ // Clean after each depdb-dyndep execution.
+ //
+ if (prog)
+ clean (*environment_, ll);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the dynamic prerequisites terminating blank line if we are
+ // updating depdb and unless it's already there.
+ //
+ if (!cache && !skip_blank)
+ dd.expect ("");
+ // Handle dynamic targets.
+ //
+ if (dyn_tgt)
+ {
+ if (g != nullptr && g->members_static == 0 && dyn_targets.empty ())
+ fail (ll) << "group " << *g << " has no static or dynamic members";
+ // There is one more level (at least that we know of) to this rabbit
+ // hole: if the set of dynamic targets changes between clean and
+ // update and we do a `clean update` batch, then we will end up with
+ // old targets (as entered by clean from old depdb information)
+ // being present during update. So we need to clean them out.
+ //
+ // Optimize this for a first/single batch (common case) by noticing
+ // that there are only real targets to start with.
+ //
+ // Note that this doesn't affect explicit groups where we reset the
+ // members on each update (see adhoc_rule_buildscript::apply()).
+ //
+ optional<vector<const target*>> dts;
+ if (g == nullptr)
+ {
+ for (const target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ {
+ if (m->decl != target_decl::real)
+ dts = vector<const target*> ();
+ }
+ }
+ struct map_ext_data
+ {
+ const char* what_tgt;
+ const map<string, const target_type*>& map_tt;
+ const path* f; // Updated on each iteration.
+ } d {what_tgt, map_tt, nullptr};
+ function<dyndep::map_extension_func> map_ext (
+ [this, &d] (const scope& bs, const string& n, const string& e)
+ {
+ small_vector<const target_type*, 2> tts;
+ // Check the custom mapping first.
+ //
+ auto i (d.map_tt.find (e));
+ if (i != d.map_tt.end ())
+ tts.push_back (i->second);
+ else
+ {
+ tts = dyndep::map_extension (bs, n, e, nullptr);
+ // Issue custom diagnostics suggesting --target-extension-type.
+ //
+ if (tts.size () > 1)
+ {
+ diag_record dr (fail);
+ dr << "mapping of " << d.what_tgt << " target path " << *d.f
+ << " to target type is ambiguous";
+ for (const target_type* tt: tts)
+ dr << info << "can be " << tt->name << "{}";
+ dr << info << "use --target-extension-type to provide custom "
+ << "mapping";
+ }
+ }
+ return tts;
+ });
+ function<dyndep::group_filter_func> filter;
+ if (g != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Skip static/duplicate members in explicit group.
+ //
+ filter = [] (mtime_target& g, const build2::file& m)
+ {
+ auto& ms (g.as<group> ().members);
+ return find (ms.begin (), ms.end (), &m) == ms.end ();
+ };
+ }
+ // Unlike for prerequisites, for targets we store in depdb both the
+ // resolved target type and path. The target type is used in clean
+ // (see adhoc_rule_buildscript::apply()) where we cannot easily get
+ // hold of all the dyndep options to map the path to target type.
+ // So the format of the target line is:
+ //
+ // <type> <path>
+ //
+ string l; // Reuse the buffer.
+ for (dynamic_target& dt: dyn_targets)
+ {
+ const path& f (dt.path);
+ d.f = &f; // Current file being mapped.
+ // Note that this logic should be consistent with what we have in
+ // adhoc_buildscript_rule::apply() for perform_clean.
+ //
+ const build2::file* ft (nullptr);
+ if (g != nullptr)
+ {
+ pair<const build2::file&, bool> r (
+ dyndep::inject_group_member (
+ what_tgt,
+ a, bs, *g,
+ f, // Can't move since need to return dyn_targets.
+ map_ext, *def_tt, filter));
+ // Note: no target_decl shenanigans since reset the members on
+ // each update.
+ //
+ if (!r.second)
+ {
+ dt.type.clear (); // Static indicator.
+ continue;
+ }
+ ft = &r.first;
+ // Note: we only currently support dynamic file members so it
+ // will be file if first.
+ //
+ g->members.push_back (ft);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pair<const build2::file&, bool> r (
+ dyndep::inject_adhoc_group_member (
+ what_tgt,
+ a, bs, t,
+ f, // Can't move since need to return dyn_targets.
+ map_ext, *def_tt));
+ // Note that we have to track the dynamic target even if it was
+ // already a member (think `b update && b clean update`).
+ //
+ if (!r.second && r.first.decl == target_decl::real)
+ {
+ dt.type.clear (); // Static indicator.
+ continue;
+ }
+ ft = &r.first;
+ if (dts)
+ dts->push_back (ft);
+ }
+ const char* tn (ft->type ().name);
+ if (dt.type.empty ())
+ dt.type = tn;
+ else if (dt.type != tn)
+ {
+ // This can, for example, happen if the user changed the
+ // extension to target type mapping. Say swapped extension
+ // variable values of two target types.
+ //
+ fail << "mapping of " << what_tgt << " target path " << f
+ << " to target type has changed" <<
+ info << "previously mapped to " << dt.type << "{}" <<
+ info << "now mapped to " << tn << "{}" <<
+ info << "perform from scratch rebuild of " << t;
+ }
+ if (!cache)
+ {
+ l = dt.type;
+ l += ' ';
+ l += f.string ();
+ dd.expect (l);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the dynamic targets terminating blank line.
+ //
+ if (!cache)
+ dd.expect ("");
+ // Clean out old dynamic targets (skip the primary member).
+ //
+ if (dts)
+ {
+ assert (g == nullptr);
+ for (target* p (&t); p->adhoc_member != nullptr; )
+ {
+ target* m (p->adhoc_member);
+ if (m->decl != target_decl::real)
+ {
+ // While there could be quite a few dynamic targets (think
+ // something like Doxygen), this will hopefully be optimized
+ // down to a contiguous memory region scan for an integer and
+ // so should be fast.
+ //
+ if (find (dts->begin (), dts->end (), m) == dts->end ())
+ {
+ p->adhoc_member = m->adhoc_member; // Drop m.
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ p = m;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reload $< and $> to make sure they contain the newly discovered
+ // prerequisites and targets.
+ //
+ if (update)
+ environment_->set_special_variables (a);
- // When add a special variable don't forget to update lexer::word().
+ // When add a special variable don't forget to update lexer::word() and
+ // for-loop parsing in pre_parse_line().
bool parser::
special_variable (const string& n) noexcept
@@ -1137,15 +3390,24 @@ namespace build2
lookup parser::
- lookup_variable (name&& qual, string&& name, const location& loc)
+ lookup_variable (names&& qual, string&& name, const location& loc)
// In the pre-parse mode collect the referenced variable names for the
// script semantics change tracking.
+ // Note that during pre-parse a computed (including qualified) name
+ // is signalled as an empty name.
+ //
if (pre_parse_ || pre_parse_suspended_)
lookup r;
+ // Note that pre-parse can be switched on by the base parser even
+ // during execute.
+ //
+ if (!top_pre_parse_)
+ return r;
// Add the variable name skipping special variables and suppressing
// duplicates, unless the default variables change tracking is
// canceled with `depdb clear`. While at it, check if the script
@@ -1161,10 +3423,8 @@ namespace build2
if (pre_parse_suspended_)
- const variable* pvar (scope_->ctx.var_pool.find (name));
- if (pvar != nullptr)
- r = (*scope_)[*pvar];
+ if (const variable* var = scope_->var_pool ().find (name))
+ r = (*scope_)[*var];
if (!depdb_clear_)
@@ -1175,12 +3435,27 @@ namespace build2
vars.push_back (move (name));
+ else
+ {
+ // What about pre_parse_suspended_? Don't think it makes sense to
+ // diagnose this since it can be indirect (that is, via an
+ // intermediate variable).
+ //
+ if (perform_update_ && file_based_ && !computed_var_)
+ computed_var_ = loc;
+ }
return r;
if (!qual.empty ())
- fail (loc) << "qualified variable name";
+ {
+ // Qualified variable is computed and we expect the user to track
+ // its changes manually.
+ //
+ return build2::script::parser::lookup_variable (
+ move (qual), move (name), loc);
+ }
lookup r (environment_->lookup (name));
@@ -1191,13 +3466,13 @@ namespace build2
// diag builtin argument change (which can be affected by such a
// variable expansion) doesn't affect the script semantics and the
// depdb argument is specifically used for the script semantics change
- // tracking. We also omit this check it the depdb builtin is used in
- // the script, assuming that such variables are tracked manually, if
- // required.
+ // tracking. We also omit this check if the depdb "value" (string,
+ // hash) builtin is used in the script, assuming that such variables
+ // are tracked manually, if required.
if (script_ != nullptr &&
!script_->depdb_clear &&
- script_->depdb_preamble.empty ())
+ !script_->depdb_value)
if (r.defined () && !r.belongs (*environment_))
@@ -1215,9 +3490,12 @@ namespace build2
void parser::
lookup_function (string&& name, const location& loc)
- if (perform_update_ && !impure_func_)
+ // Note that pre-parse can be switched on by the base parser even
+ // during execute.
+ //
+ if (top_pre_parse_ && perform_update_ && file_based_ && !impure_func_)
- const function_overloads* f (ctx.functions.find (name));
+ const function_overloads* f (ctx->functions.find (name));
if (f != nullptr && !f->pure)
impure_func_ = make_pair (move (name), loc);
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx
index 948c381..8f86b24 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
#include <libbuild2/forward.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>
-#include <libbuild2/depdb.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/script/parser.hxx>
@@ -46,7 +45,9 @@ namespace build2
// we will end up with mismatching diagnostics.
- pre_parse (const scope&, const small_vector<action, 1>&,
+ pre_parse (const scope&,
+ const target_type&,
+ const small_vector<action, 1>&,
istream&, const path_name&, uint64_t line,
optional<string> diag_name, const location& diag_loc);
@@ -64,11 +65,18 @@ namespace build2
pre_parse_script ();
- pre_parse_line (token&, token_type&, bool if_line = false);
+ pre_parse_line (token&, token_type&,
+ optional<line_type> flow_control_type = nullopt);
+ void
+ pre_parse_block_line (token&, token_type&, line_type block_type);
pre_parse_if_else (token&, token_type&);
+ void
+ pre_parse_loop (token&, token_type&, line_type);
parse_command_line (token&, token_type&);
@@ -80,31 +88,122 @@ namespace build2
// initialize/clean up the environment before/after the script
// execution.
+ // Note: having both root and base scopes for testing (where we pass
+ // global scope for both).
+ //
execute_body (const scope& root, const scope& base,
environment&, const script&, runner&,
bool enter = true, bool leave = true);
+ // Execute the first or the second (dyndep) half of the depdb
+ // preamble.
+ //
// Note that it's the caller's responsibility to make sure that the
// runner's enter() function is called before the first preamble/body
// command execution and leave() -- after the last command.
+ // Note: target must be file or group.
+ //
- execute_depdb_preamble (const scope& root, const scope& base,
- environment&, const script&, runner&,
- depdb&);
+ execute_depdb_preamble (action a, const scope& base, const target& t,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ depdb& dd)
+ {
+ auto b (s.depdb_preamble.begin ());
+ exec_depdb_preamble (
+ a, base, t,
+ e, s, r,
+ b,
+ (s.depdb_dyndep
+ ? b + *s.depdb_dyndep
+ : s.depdb_preamble.end ()),
+ dd);
+ }
+ struct dynamic_target
+ {
+ string type; // Target type name (absent if static member).
+ build2::path path;
+ };
+ using dynamic_targets = vector<dynamic_target>;
- // Parse a special builtin line into names, performing the variable
- // and pattern expansions. If omit_builtin is true, then omit the
- // builtin name from the result.
+ void
+ execute_depdb_preamble_dyndep (
+ action a, const scope& base, target& t,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ depdb& dd,
+ dynamic_targets& dyn_targets,
+ bool& update, timestamp mt, bool& deferred_failure)
+ {
+ exec_depdb_preamble (
+ a, base, t,
+ e, s, r,
+ s.depdb_preamble.begin () + *s.depdb_dyndep,
+ s.depdb_preamble.end (),
+ dd, &dyn_targets, &update, mt, &deferred_failure);
+ }
+ // This version doesn't actually execute the depdb-dyndep builtin (but
+ // may execute some variable assignments) instead returning all the
+ // information (extracted from options) necessary to implement the
+ // depdb-dyndep --byproduct logic (which fits better into the rule
+ // implementation).
+ //
+ enum class dyndep_format {make, lines};
+ struct dyndep_byproduct
+ {
+ location_value location;
+ dyndep_format format;
+ optional<dir_path> cwd;
+ path file;
+ string what;
+ const target_type* default_type;
+ bool drop_cycles;
+ };
+ dyndep_byproduct
+ execute_depdb_preamble_dyndep_byproduct (
+ action a, const scope& base, const target& t,
+ environment& e, const script& s, runner& r,
+ depdb& dd, bool& update, timestamp mt)
+ {
+ // Dummies.
+ //
+ // This is getting a bit ugly (we also don't really need to pass
+ // depdb here). One day we will find a better way...
+ //
+ dynamic_targets dyn_targets;
+ bool deferred_failure;
+ dyndep_byproduct v;
+ exec_depdb_preamble (
+ a, base, t,
+ e, s, r,
+ s.depdb_preamble.begin () + *s.depdb_dyndep,
+ s.depdb_preamble.end (),
+ dd, &dyn_targets, &update, mt, &deferred_failure, &v);
+ return v;
+ }
+ // If the diag argument is true, then execute the preamble including
+ // the (trailing) diagnostics line and return the resulting names and
+ // its location (see exec_special() for the diagnostics line execution
+ // semantics). Otherwise, execute the preamble excluding the
+ // diagnostics line and return an empty names list and location. If
+ // requested, call the runner's enter() and leave() functions that
+ // initialize/clean up the environment before/after the preamble
+ // execution.
- names
- execute_special (const scope& root, const scope& base,
- environment&,
- const line&,
- bool omit_builtin = true);
+ // Note: having both root and base scopes for testing (where we pass
+ // global scope for both).
+ //
+ pair<names, location>
+ execute_diag_preamble (const scope& root, const scope& base,
+ environment&, const script&, runner&,
+ bool diag, bool enter, bool leave);
// Setup the parser for subsequent exec_*() function calls.
@@ -113,12 +212,50 @@ namespace build2
pre_exec (const scope& root, const scope& base,
environment&, const script*, runner*);
+ using lines_iterator = lines::const_iterator;
- exec_lines (const lines&, const function<exec_cmd_function>&);
+ exec_lines (lines_iterator, lines_iterator,
+ const function<exec_cmd_function>&);
+ void
+ exec_lines (const lines& l, const function<exec_cmd_function>& c)
+ {
+ exec_lines (l.begin (), l.end (), c);
+ }
+ // Parse a special builtin line into names, performing the variable
+ // and pattern expansions. Optionally, skip the first token (builtin
+ // name, etc).
+ //
- exec_special (token& t, build2::script::token_type& tt,
- bool omit_builtin = true);
+ exec_special (token&, build2::script::token_type&, bool skip_first);
+ // Note: target must be file or group.
+ //
+ void
+ exec_depdb_preamble (action, const scope& base, const target&,
+ environment&, const script&, runner&,
+ lines_iterator begin, lines_iterator end,
+ depdb&,
+ dynamic_targets* dyn_targets = nullptr,
+ bool* update = nullptr,
+ optional<timestamp> mt = nullopt,
+ bool* deferred_failure = nullptr,
+ dyndep_byproduct* = nullptr);
+ // Note: target must be file or group.
+ //
+ void
+ exec_depdb_dyndep (token&, build2::script::token_type&,
+ size_t line_index, const location&,
+ action, const scope& base, target&,
+ depdb&,
+ dynamic_targets& dyn_targets,
+ bool& update,
+ timestamp,
+ bool& deferred_failure,
+ dyndep_byproduct*);
// Helpers.
@@ -130,7 +267,7 @@ namespace build2
virtual lookup
- lookup_variable (name&&, string&&, const location&) override;
+ lookup_variable (names&&, string&&, const location&) override;
virtual void
lookup_function (string&&, const location&) override;
@@ -148,17 +285,18 @@ namespace build2
virtual optional<process_path>
parse_program (token&, build2::script::token_type&,
- bool first,
- bool env,
- names&) override;
+ bool first, bool env,
+ names&, parse_names_result&) override;
script* script_;
const small_vector<action, 1>* actions_; // Non-NULL during pre-parse.
- // True if performing update is one of the actions. Only set for the
- // pre-parse mode.
+ // True if this script is for file- or file group-based targets and
+ // performing update is one of the actions, respectively. Only set for
+ // the pre-parse mode.
+ bool file_based_;
bool perform_update_;
// Current low-verbosity script diagnostics and its weight.
@@ -186,18 +324,24 @@ namespace build2
// If the diag builtin is encountered, then its whole line is saved
// (including the leading 'diag' word) for later execution and the
- // diagnostics weight is set to 4.
+ // diagnostics weight is set to 4. The preceding lines, which can only
+ // contain variable assignments (including via the set builtin,
+ // potentially inside the flow control constructs), are also saved.
// Any attempt to manually set the custom diagnostics twice (the diag
// builtin after the script name or after another diag builtin) is
// reported as ambiguity.
- // At the end of pre-parsing either diag_name_ or diag_line_ (but not
- // both) are present.
+ // If no script name is deduced by the end of pre-parsing and the
+ // script is used for a single operation, then use this operation's
+ // name as a script name.
+ //
+ // At the end of pre-parsing either diag_name_ is present or
+ // diag_preamble_ is not empty (but not both).
optional<pair<string, location>> diag_name_;
optional<pair<string, location>> diag_name2_; // Ambiguous script name.
- optional<pair<line, location>> diag_line_;
+ lines diag_preamble_;
uint8_t diag_weight_ = 0;
// Custom dependency change tracking.
@@ -216,11 +360,27 @@ namespace build2
// depdb env <var-names> - Track the environment variables change as a
// hash.
- optional<location> depdb_clear_; // 'depdb clear' location if any.
- lines depdb_preamble_; // Note: excludes 'depdb clear'.
+ // depdb dyndep ... - Extract dynamic dependency information. Can
+ // only be the last depdb builtin call in the
+ // preamble. Note that such dependencies don't
+ // end up in $<. We also don't cause clean of
+ // such dependencies (since there may be no .d
+ // file) -- they should also be listed as
+ // static prerequisites of some other target
+ // (e.g., lib{} for headers) or a custom clean
+ // recipe should be provided.
+ //
+ //
+ optional<location> depdb_clear_; // depdb-clear location.
+ bool depdb_value_ = false; // depdb-{string,hash}
+ optional<pair<location, size_t>>
+ depdb_dyndep_; // depdb-dyndep location/position.
+ bool depdb_dyndep_byproduct_ = false; // --byproduct
+ bool depdb_dyndep_dyn_target_ = false; // --dyn-target
+ lines depdb_preamble_; // Note: excluding depdb-clear.
// If present, the first impure function called in the body of the
- // script that performs update.
+ // script that performs update of a file-based target.
// Note that during the line pre-parsing we cannot tell if this is a
// body or depdb preamble line. Thus, if we encounter an impure
@@ -230,7 +390,18 @@ namespace build2
optional<pair<string, location>> impure_func_;
- // True during pre-parsing when the pre-parse mode is temporarily
+ // Similar to the impure function above but for a computed (e.g.,
+ // target-qualified) variable expansion. In this case we don't have a
+ // name (it's computed).
+ //
+ optional<location> computed_var_;
+ // True if we (rather than the base parser) turned on the pre-parse
+ // mode.
+ //
+ bool top_pre_parse_;
+ // True during top-pre-parsing when the pre-parse mode is temporarily
// suspended to perform expansion.
bool pre_parse_suspended_ = false;
@@ -240,19 +411,19 @@ namespace build2
// Before the script line gets parsed, it is set to a temporary value
// that will by default be appended to the script. However,
// parse_program() can point it to a different location where the line
- // should be saved instead (e.g., diag_line_, etc) or set it to NULL
- // if the line is handled in an ad-hoc way and should be dropped
- // (e.g., depdb_clear_, etc).
+ // should be saved instead (e.g., diag_preamble_ back, etc) or set it
+ // to NULL if the line is handled in an ad-hoc way and should be
+ // dropped (e.g., depdb_clear_, etc).
line* save_line_;
- // The if-else nesting level (and in the future for other flow
- // control constructs).
+ // The flow control constructs nesting level.
- // Maintained during pre-parsing and is incremented when the cmd_if or
- // cmd_ifn lines are encountered, which in particular means that it is
- // already incremented by the time the if-condition expression is
- // pre-parsed. Decremented when the cmd_end line is encountered.
+ // Maintained during pre-parsing and is incremented when flow control
+ // construct condition lines are encountered, which in particular
+ // means that it is already incremented by the time the condition
+ // expression is pre-parsed. Decremented when the cmd_end line is
+ // encountered.
size_t level_ = 0;
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.test.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.test.cxx
index c9356a8..1b28ec3 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/parser.test.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/parser.test.cxx
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
// file : libbuild2/build/script/parser.test.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
-#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
@@ -16,6 +15,9 @@
#include <libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx>
+#undef NDEBUG
+#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
namespace build2
@@ -27,35 +29,58 @@ namespace build2
class print_runner: public runner
- print_runner (bool line): line_ (line) {}
+ print_runner (bool line, bool iterations):
+ line_ (line),
+ iterations_ (iterations) {}
virtual void
enter (environment&, const location&) override {}
virtual void
- run (environment&,
+ run (environment& env,
const command_expr& e,
- size_t i,
- const location&) override
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t i,
+ const function<command_function>& cf,
+ const location& ll) override
+ // If the functions is specified, then just execute it with an empty
+ // stdin so it can perform the housekeeping (stop replaying tokens,
+ // increment line index, etc).
+ //
+ if (cf != nullptr)
+ {
+ assert (e.size () == 1 && !e[0].pipe.empty ());
+ const command& c (e[0].pipe.back ());
+ // Must be enforced by the caller.
+ //
+ assert (!c.out && !c.err && !c.exit);
+ cf (env, c.arguments,
+ fdopen_null (), nullptr /* pipe */,
+ nullopt /* deadline */,
+ ll);
+ }
cout << e;
- if (line_)
- cout << " # " << i;
+ if (line_ || iterations_)
+ print_line_info (ii, i);
cout << endl;
virtual bool
- run_if (environment&,
- const command_expr& e,
- size_t i,
- const location&) override
+ run_cond (environment&,
+ const command_expr& e,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t i,
+ const location&) override
cout << "? " << e;
- if (line_)
- cout << " # " << i;
+ if (line_ || iterations_)
+ print_line_info (ii, i);
cout << endl;
@@ -66,16 +91,36 @@ namespace build2
leave (environment&, const location&) override {}
+ void
+ print_line_info (const iteration_index* ii, size_t i) const
+ {
+ cout << " #";
+ if (line_)
+ cout << ' ' << i;
+ if (iterations_ && ii != nullptr)
+ {
+ string s;
+ for (const iteration_index* i (ii); i != nullptr; i = i->prev)
+ s.insert (0, " i" + to_string (i->index));
+ cout << s;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
bool line_;
+ bool iterations_;
// Usages:
- // argv[0] [-l]
+ // argv[0] [-l] [-r]
// argv[0] -b [-t]
// argv[0] -d [-t]
+ // argv[0] -g [-t] [<diag-name>]
// argv[0] -q
- // argv[0] -g [<diag-name>]
// In the first form read the script from stdin and trace the script
// body execution to stdout using the custom print runner.
@@ -86,26 +131,33 @@ namespace build2
// In the third form read the script from stdin, parse it and dump the
// depdb preamble lines to stdout.
- // In the forth form read the script from stdin, parse it and print
- // line tokens quoting information to stdout.
- //
- // In the fifth form read the script from stdin, parse it and print the
+ // In the forth form read the script from stdin, parse it and print the
// low-verbosity script diagnostics name or custom low-verbosity
// diagnostics to stdout. If the script doesn't deduce any of them, then
// print the diagnostics and exit with non-zero code.
+ // In the fifth form read the script from stdin, parse it and print
+ // line tokens quoting information to stdout.
+ //
// -l
// Print the script line number for each executed expression.
+ // -r
+ // Print the loop iteration numbers for each executed expression.
+ //
// -b
// Dump the parsed script body to stdout.
// -d
// Dump the parsed script depdb preamble to stdout.
+ // -g
+ // Dump the low-verbosity script diagnostics name or custom
+ // low-verbosity diagnostics to stdout.
+ //
// -t
- // Print true if the body (-b) or depdb preamble (-d) references the
- // temporary directory and false otherwise.
+ // Print true if the body (-b), depdb preamble (-d), or diag preamble
+ // (-g) references the temporary directory and false otherwise.
// -q
// Print the parsed script tokens quoting information to sdout. If a
@@ -115,10 +167,6 @@ namespace build2
// <quoting> := 'S' | 'D' | 'M'
// <completeness> := 'C' | 'P'
- // -g
- // Dump the low-verbosity script diagnostics name or custom
- // low-verbosity diagnostics to stdout.
- //
main (int argc, char* argv[])
@@ -129,11 +177,12 @@ namespace build2
- quoting,
- diag
+ diag,
+ quoting
} m (mode::run);
bool print_line (false);
+ bool print_iterations (false);
optional<string> diag_name;
bool temp_dir (false);
@@ -143,19 +192,23 @@ namespace build2
if (a == "-l")
print_line = true;
+ else if (a == "-r")
+ print_iterations = true;
else if (a == "-b")
m = mode::body;
else if (a == "-d")
m = mode::depdb_preamble;
+ else if (a == "-g")
+ m = mode::diag;
else if (a == "-t")
- assert (m == mode::body || m == mode::depdb_preamble);
+ assert (m == mode::body ||
+ m == mode::depdb_preamble ||
+ m == mode::diag);
temp_dir = true;
else if (a == "-q")
m = mode::quoting;
- else if (a == "-g")
- m = mode::diag;
if (m == mode::diag)
@@ -168,19 +221,20 @@ namespace build2
- assert (!print_line || m == mode::run);
- assert (!diag_name || m == mode::diag);
+ assert (!print_line || m == mode::run || m == mode::diag);
+ assert (!print_iterations || m == mode::run || m == mode::diag);
+ assert (!diag_name || m == mode::diag);
// Fake build system driver, default verbosity.
init_diag (1);
- init (nullptr, argv[0]);
+ init (nullptr, argv[0], true);
// Serial execution.
scheduler sched (1);
global_mutexes mutexes (1);
- file_cache fcache;
+ file_cache fcache (true);
context ctx (sched, mutexes, fcache);
@@ -193,14 +247,16 @@ namespace build2
// really care.
file& tt (
- ctx.targets.insert<file> (work,
- dir_path (),
- "driver",
- string (),
- trace));
+ ctx.targets.insert_implied<file> (work,
+ dir_path (),
+ "driver",
+ string (),
+ trace));
tt.path (path ("driver"));
+ const scope& bs (tt.base_scope ());
small_vector<action, 1> acts {perform_update_id};
// Parse and run.
@@ -208,7 +264,7 @@ namespace build2
parser p (ctx);
path_name nm ("buildfile");
- script s (p.pre_parse (tt.base_scope (), acts,
+ script s (p.pre_parse (bs, tt.type (), acts,
cin, nm,
11 /* line */,
(m != mode::diag
@@ -220,9 +276,29 @@ namespace build2
case mode::run:
- environment e (perform_update_id, tt, s.body_temp_dir);
- print_runner r (print_line);
- p.execute_body (ctx.global_scope, ctx.global_scope, e, s, r);
+ environment e (perform_update_id, tt, bs, false /* temp_dir */);
+ print_runner r (print_line, print_iterations);
+ bool exec_diag (!s.diag_preamble.empty ());
+ if (exec_diag)
+ {
+ if (s.diag_preamble_temp_dir)
+ e.set_temp_dir_variable ();
+ p.execute_diag_preamble (ctx.global_scope, ctx.global_scope,
+ e, s, r,
+ false /* diag */,
+ true /* enter */,
+ false /* leave */);
+ }
+ if (s.body_temp_dir && !s.diag_preamble_temp_dir)
+ e.set_temp_dir_variable ();
+ p.execute_body (ctx.global_scope, ctx.global_scope,
+ e, s, r,
+ !exec_diag /* enter */);
case mode::diag:
@@ -233,14 +309,26 @@ namespace build2
- assert (s.diag_line);
+ if (!temp_dir)
+ {
+ environment e (perform_update_id,
+ tt,
+ bs,
+ s.diag_preamble_temp_dir);
- environment e (perform_update_id, tt, false /* temp_dir */);
+ print_runner r (print_line, print_iterations);
- cout << "diag: " << p.execute_special (ctx.global_scope,
+ names diag (p.execute_diag_preamble (ctx.global_scope,
- e,
- *s.diag_line) << endl;
+ e, s, r,
+ true /* diag */,
+ true /* enter */,
+ true /* leave */).first);
+ cout << "diag: " << diag << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ cout << (s.diag_preamble_temp_dir ? "true" : "false") << endl;
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/runner.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/runner.cxx
index 2a59505..5d9764b 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/runner.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/runner.cxx
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx>
-#include <libbutl/filesystem.mxx> // try_rmdir()
+#include <libbutl/filesystem.hxx> // try_rmdir()
#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/script/run.hxx>
@@ -28,12 +28,37 @@ namespace build2
for (auto i (env.cleanups.begin ()); i != env.cleanups.end (); )
- const target* m (&env.target);
- for (; m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ const target* m (nullptr);
+ if (const group* g = env.target.is_a<group> ())
- if (const path_target* pm = m->is_a<path_target> ())
- if (i->path == pm->path ())
- break;
+ for (const target* gm: g->members)
+ {
+ if (const path_target* pm = gm->is_a<path_target> ())
+ {
+ if (i->path == pm->path ())
+ {
+ m = gm;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const fsdir* fd = env.target.is_a<fsdir> ())
+ {
+ // Compare ignoring the trailing directory separator.
+ //
+ if (path_traits::compare (i->path.string (),
+ fd->dir.string ()) == 0)
+ m = fd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (m = &env.target; m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ {
+ if (const path_target* pm = m->is_a<path_target> ())
+ if (i->path == pm->path ())
+ break;
+ }
if (m != nullptr)
@@ -96,39 +121,43 @@ namespace build2
void default_runner::
run (environment& env,
const command_expr& expr,
- size_t li,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t li,
+ const function<command_function>& cf,
const location& ll)
if (verb >= 3)
text << ": " << expr;
// Run the expression if we are not in the dry-run mode or if it
- // executes the set or exit builtin and just print the expression
- // otherwise at verbosity level 2 and up.
+ // executes the set or exit builtin or it is a for-loop. Otherwise,
+ // just print the expression otherwise at verbosity level 2 and up.
if (!env.context.dry_run ||
find_if (expr.begin (), expr.end (),
- [] (const expr_term& et)
+ [&cf] (const expr_term& et)
const process_path& p (et.pipe.back ().program);
return p.initial == nullptr &&
(p.recall.string () == "set" ||
- p.recall.string () == "exit");
+ p.recall.string () == "exit" ||
+ (cf != nullptr &&
+ p.recall.string () == "for"));
}) != expr.end ())
- build2::script::run (env, expr, li, ll);
+ build2::script::run (env, expr, ii, li, ll, cf);
else if (verb >= 2)
text << expr;
bool default_runner::
- run_if (environment& env,
- const command_expr& expr,
- size_t li, const location& ll)
+ run_cond (environment& env,
+ const command_expr& expr,
+ const iteration_index* ii, size_t li,
+ const location& ll)
if (verb >= 3)
text << ": ?" << expr;
- return build2::script::run_if (env, expr, li, ll);
+ return build2::script::run_cond (env, expr, ii, li, ll);
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx
index 431c446..ec8a948 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/runner.hxx
@@ -32,17 +32,21 @@ namespace build2
// Location is the start position of this command line in the script.
// It can be used in diagnostics.
+ // Optionally, execute the specified function instead of the last
+ // pipe command.
+ //
virtual void
run (environment&,
const command_expr&,
- size_t index,
+ const iteration_index*, size_t index,
+ const function<command_function>&,
const location&) = 0;
virtual bool
- run_if (environment&,
- const command_expr&,
- size_t,
- const location&) = 0;
+ run_cond (environment&,
+ const command_expr&,
+ const iteration_index*, size_t,
+ const location&) = 0;
// Location is the script end location (for diagnostics, etc).
@@ -52,9 +56,9 @@ namespace build2
// Run command expressions.
- // In dry-run mode don't run the expressions unless they are if-
- // conditions or execute the set or exit builtins, but prints them at
- // verbosity level 2 and up.
+ // In dry-run mode don't run the expressions unless they are flow
+ // control construct conditions or execute the set or exit builtins, but
+ // print them at verbosity level 2 and up.
class default_runner: public runner
@@ -65,14 +69,15 @@ namespace build2
virtual void
run (environment&,
const command_expr&,
- size_t,
+ const iteration_index*, size_t,
+ const function<command_function>&,
const location&) override;
virtual bool
- run_if (environment&,
- const command_expr&,
- size_t,
- const location&) override;
+ run_cond (environment&,
+ const command_expr&,
+ const iteration_index*, size_t,
+ const location&) override;
virtual void
leave (environment&, const location&) override;
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/script.cxx b/libbuild2/build/script/script.cxx
index 14dd9e1..0d96cc3 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/script.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/script.cxx
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
#include <libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx>
-#include <libbutl/filesystem.mxx>
+#include <libbutl/filesystem.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/adhoc-rule-buildscript.hxx> // include_unmatch*
#include <libbuild2/script/timeout.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/build/script/parser.hxx>
@@ -28,54 +30,92 @@ namespace build2
environment (action a,
const target_type& t,
+ const scope_type& s,
bool temp,
const optional<timestamp>& dl)
: build2::script::environment (
- cast<target_triplet> (t.ctx.global_scope["build.host"]),
+ *t.ctx.build_host,
dir_name_view (&work, &wd_name),
temp_dir.path, false /* temp_dir_keep */,
redirect (redirect_type::none),
redirect (redirect_type::merge, 2),
redirect (redirect_type::pass)),
target (t),
- vars (context, false /* global */),
+ scope (s),
+ vars (context, false /* shared */), // Note: managed.
+ var_ts (var_pool.insert (">")),
+ var_ps (var_pool.insert ("<")),
script_deadline (to_deadline (dl, false /* success */))
- // Set special variables.
- //
+ set_special_variables (a);
+ if (temp)
+ set_temp_dir_variable ();
+ }
+ void environment::
+ set_special_variables (action a)
+ {
// $>
+ // What should it contain for an explicit group? While it may seem
+ // that just the members should be enough (and analogous to the ad
+ // hoc case), this won't let us get the group name for diagnostics.
+ // So the group name followed by all the members seems like the
+ // logical choice.
+ //
names ns;
- for (const target_type* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
- m->as_name (ns);
- assign (var_pool.insert (">")) = move (ns);
+ if (const group* g = target.is_a<group> ())
+ {
+ g->as_name (ns);
+ for (const target_type* m: g->members)
+ m->as_name (ns);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (const target_type* m (&target);
+ m != nullptr;
+ m = m->adhoc_member)
+ m->as_name (ns);
+ }
+ assign (var_ts) = move (ns);
// $<
- // Note that at this stage (after execute_prerequisites()) ad hoc
- // prerequisites are no longer in prerequisite_targets which means
- // they won't end up in $< either. While at first thought ad hoc
- // prerequisites in ad hoc recipes don't seem to make much sense,
- // they could be handy to exclude certain preresquisites from $<
- // while still treating them as such.
+ // Note that ad hoc prerequisites don't end up in $<. While at first
+ // thought ad hoc prerequisites in ad hoc recipes don't seem to make
+ // much sense, they could be handy to exclude certain prerequisites
+ // from $< while still treating them as such, especially in rule.
+ //
+ // While initially we treated update=unmatch prerequisites as
+ // implicitly ad hoc, this turned out to be not quite correct, so
+ // now we add them unless they are explicitly marked ad hoc.
names ns;
- for (const target_type* pt: t.prerequisite_targets[a])
+ for (const prerequisite_target& p: target.prerequisite_targets[a])
- if (pt != nullptr)
+ // See adhoc_buildscript_rule::execute_update_prerequisites().
+ //
+ if (const target_type* pt =
+ p.target != nullptr ? (p.adhoc () ? nullptr : p.target) :
+ (p.include & adhoc_buildscript_rule::include_unmatch) != 0 &&
+ (p.include & prerequisite_target::include_adhoc) == 0 &&
+ (p.include & adhoc_buildscript_rule::include_unmatch_adhoc) == 0
+ ? reinterpret_cast<target_type*> (p.data)
+ : nullptr)
+ {
pt->as_name (ns);
+ }
- assign (var_pool.insert ("<")) = move (ns);
+ assign (var_ps) = move (ns);
- if (temp)
- set_temp_dir_variable ();
void environment::
@@ -146,7 +186,7 @@ namespace build2
void environment::
- set_variable (string&& nm,
+ set_variable (string nm,
names&& val,
const string& attrs,
const location& ll)
@@ -225,7 +265,7 @@ namespace build2
// in parallel). Plus, if there is no such variable, then we cannot
// possibly find any value.
- const variable* pvar (context.var_pool.find (n));
+ const variable* pvar (scope.var_pool ().find (n));
if (pvar == nullptr)
return lookup_type ();
diff --git a/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx b/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx
index e11cb45..08f1bf4 100644
--- a/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/build/script/script.hxx
@@ -20,14 +20,22 @@ namespace build2
namespace script
using build2::script::line;
- using build2::script::lines;
using build2::script::line_type;
+ using build2::script::lines;
using build2::script::redirect;
using build2::script::redirect_type;
+ using build2::script::command;
using build2::script::expr_term;
using build2::script::command_expr;
+ using build2::script::iteration_index;
using build2::script::deadline;
using build2::script::timeout;
+ using build2::script::pipe_command;
+ using build2::script::command_function;
+ // Forward declarations.
+ //
+ class default_runner;
// Notes:
@@ -40,13 +48,11 @@ namespace build2
class script
- using lines_type = build::script::lines;
// Note that the variables are not pre-entered into a pool during the
// parsing phase, so the line variable pointers are NULL.
- lines_type body;
- bool body_temp_dir = false; // True if the body references $~.
+ lines body;
+ bool body_temp_dir = false; // True if the body references $~.
// Referenced ordinary (non-special) variables.
@@ -61,18 +67,24 @@ namespace build2
small_vector<string, 2> vars; // 2 for command and options.
// Command name for low-verbosity diagnostics and custom low-verbosity
- // diagnostics line. Note: cannot be both (see the script parser for
+ // diagnostics line, potentially preceded with the variable
+ // assignments. Note: cannot be both (see the script parser for
// details).
optional<string> diag_name;
- optional<line> diag_line;
+ lines diag_preamble;
+ bool diag_preamble_temp_dir = false; // True if refs $~.
// The script's custom dependency change tracking lines (see the
// script parser for details).
- bool depdb_clear;
- lines_type depdb_preamble;
- bool depdb_preamble_temp_dir = false; // True if references $~.
+ bool depdb_clear;
+ bool depdb_value; // String or hash.
+ optional<size_t> depdb_dyndep; // Pos of first dyndep.
+ bool depdb_dyndep_byproduct = false; // dyndep --byproduct
+ bool depdb_dyndep_dyn_target = false;// dyndep --dyn-target
+ lines depdb_preamble; // Note include vars.
+ bool depdb_preamble_temp_dir = false;// True if refs $~.
location start_loc;
location end_loc;
@@ -81,24 +93,38 @@ namespace build2
class environment: public build2::script::environment
+ using scope_type = build2::scope;
using target_type = build2::target;
environment (action,
const target_type&,
+ const scope_type&,
bool temp_dir,
const optional<timestamp>& deadline = nullopt);
+ // (Re)set special $< and $> variables.
+ //
+ void
+ set_special_variables (action);
+ // Create the temporary directory (if it doesn't exist yet) and set
+ // the $~ special variable to its path.
+ //
+ void
+ set_temp_dir_variable ();
environment (environment&&) = delete;
environment (const environment&) = delete;
environment& operator= (environment&&) = delete;
environment& operator= (const environment&) = delete;
- // Primary target this environment is for.
+ // Primary target this environment is for and its base scope;
const target_type& target;
+ const scope_type& scope;
- // Script-local variable pool and map.
+ // Script-private variable pool and map.
// Note that it may be tempting to reuse the rule-specific variables
// for this but they should not be modified during execution (i.e.,
@@ -111,6 +137,9 @@ namespace build2
variable_pool var_pool;
variable_map vars;
+ const variable& var_ts; // $>
+ const variable& var_ps; // $<
// Temporary directory for the script run.
// Currently this directory is removed regardless of the script
@@ -140,14 +169,8 @@ namespace build2
size_t exec_line = 1;
- // Create the temporary directory (if it doesn't exist yet) and set
- // the $~ special variable to its path.
- //
- void
- set_temp_dir_variable ();
virtual void
- set_variable (string&& name,
+ set_variable (string name,
const string& attrs,
const location&) override;