path: root/libbuild2/cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/cc')
13 files changed, 876 insertions, 182 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/common.hxx b/libbuild2/cc/common.hxx
index f072591..856c0ce 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/common.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/common.hxx
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace build2
const variable& config_x_loptions;
const variable& config_x_aoptions;
const variable& config_x_libs;
- const variable* config_x_translatable_headers;
+ const variable* config_x_translate_include;
const variable& x_path; // Compiler process path.
const variable& x_mode; // Compiler mode options.
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ namespace build2
const variable& x_loptions;
const variable& x_aoptions;
const variable& x_libs;
- const variable* x_translatable_headers;
+ const variable* x_translate_include;
const variable& c_poptions; // cc.*
const variable& c_coptions;
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ namespace build2
const variable& c_type; // cc.type
const variable& c_system; // cc.system
const variable& c_module_name; // cc.module_name
+ const variable& c_importable; // cc.importable
const variable& c_reprocess; // cc.reprocess
const variable& x_preprocessed; // x.preprocessed
@@ -172,8 +173,7 @@ namespace build2
bool modules; // x.features.modules
bool symexport; // x.features.symexport
- const strings* xlate_hdr; // x.translatable_headers (NULL if
- // unused/empty).
+ build2::cc::importable_headers* importable_headers;
// The order of sys_*_dirs is the mode entries first, followed by the
// compiler built-in entries, and finished off with any extra entries
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ namespace build2
ctgt (tgt), tsys (ctgt.system), tclass (ctgt.class_),
modules (fm),
symexport (fs),
- xlate_hdr (nullptr),
+ importable_headers (nullptr),
sys_lib_dirs (sld), sys_inc_dirs (sid), sys_mod_dirs (smd),
sys_lib_dirs_mode (slm), sys_inc_dirs_mode (sim),
sys_mod_dirs_mode (smm),
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx
index b96c39d..531f2a4 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.cxx
@@ -943,9 +943,30 @@ namespace build2
if (ut == unit_type::module_intf) // Note: still unrefined.
cs.append (&md.symexport, sizeof (md.symexport));
- if (xlate_hdr != nullptr)
- append_options (cs, *xlate_hdr);
+ // If we track translate_include then we should probably also track
+ // the cc.importable flag for each header we include, which would be
+ // quite heavy-handed indeed. Or maybe we shouldn't bother with this
+ // at all: after all include translation is an optimization so why
+ // rebuild an otherwise up-to-date target?
+ //
+#if 0
+ if (modules)
+ {
+ // While there is also the companion importable_headers map, it's
+ // unlikely to change in a way that affects us without changes to
+ // other things that we track (e.g., compiler version, etc).
+ //
+ if (const auto* v = cast_null<translatable_headers> (
+ t[x_translate_include]))
+ {
+ for (const auto& p: *v)
+ {
+ cs.append (p.first);
+ cs.append (!p.second || *p.second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (md.pp != preprocessed::all)
append_options (cs, t, x_poptions);
@@ -1813,6 +1834,10 @@ namespace build2
size_t header_units = 0; // Number of header units imported.
module_imports& imports; // Unused (potentially duplicate suppression).
+ // Include translation (looked up lazily).
+ //
+ optional<const build2::cc::translatable_headers*> translatable_headers;
small_vector<string, 2> batch; // Reuse buffers.
module_mapper_state (size_t s, module_imports& i)
@@ -2094,21 +2119,85 @@ namespace build2
// Now handle INCLUDE and IMPORT differences.
- const string& hp (ht->path ().string ());
+ const path& hp (ht->path ());
+ const string& hs (hp.string ());
// Reduce include translation to the import case.
- if (!imp && xlate_hdr != nullptr)
+ if (!imp)
- auto i (lower_bound (
- xlate_hdr->begin (), xlate_hdr->end (),
- hp,
- [] (const string& x, const string& y)
- {
- return path_traits::compare (x, y) < 0;
- }));
+ if (!st.translatable_headers)
+ st.translatable_headers =
+ cast_null<translatable_headers> (t[x_translate_include]);
+ if (*st.translatable_headers != nullptr)
+ {
+ auto& ths (**st.translatable_headers);
+ // First look for the header path in the translatable headers
+ // itself.
+ //
+ auto i (ths.find (hs)), ie (ths.end ());
- imp = (i != xlate_hdr->end () && *i == hp);
+ // Next look it up in the importable headers and then look up
+ // the associated groups in the translatable headers.
+ //
+ if (i == ie)
+ {
+ slock l (importable_headers->mutex);
+ auto& ihs (importable_headers->header_map);
+ auto j (ihs.find (hp)), je (ihs.end ());
+ if (j != je)
+ {
+ // The groups are ordered from the most to least
+ // specific.
+ //
+ for (const string& g: j->second)
+ if ((i = ths.find (g)) != ie)
+ break;
+ }
+ // Finally look for the `all` groups.
+ //
+ if (i == ie)
+ {
+ i = ths.find (header_group_all_importable);
+ if (i != ie)
+ {
+ // See if this header is marked as importable.
+ //
+ if (lookup l = (*ht)[c_importable])
+ {
+ if (!cast<bool> (l))
+ i = ie;
+ }
+ else if (j != je)
+ {
+ // See if this is one of ad hoc *-importable groups
+ // (currently only std-importable).
+ //
+ const auto& gs (j->second);
+ if (find (gs.begin (),
+ gs.end (),
+ header_group_std_importable) == gs.end ())
+ i = ie;
+ }
+ else
+ i = ie;
+ }
+ if (i == ie)
+ i = ths.find (header_group_all);
+ }
+ }
+ // Translate if we found an entry and it's not false.
+ //
+ imp = (i != ie && (!i->second || *i->second));
+ }
if (imp)
@@ -2151,7 +2240,7 @@ namespace build2
catch (const failed&)
- r = "ERROR 'unable to update header unit "; r += hp; r += '\'';
+ r = "ERROR 'unable to update header unit "; r += hs; r += '\'';
@@ -2160,7 +2249,7 @@ namespace build2
if (skip)
- dd.expect (hp);
+ dd.expect (hs);
// Confusingly, TRUE means include textually and FALSE means we
// don't know.
@@ -2925,82 +3014,12 @@ namespace build2
- // We used to just normalize the path but that could result in an
- // invalid path (e.g., for some system/compiler headers on CentOS 7
- // with Clang 3.4) because of the symlinks (if a directory component
- // is a symlink, then any following `..` are resolved relative to the
- // target; see path::normalize() for background).
- //
- // Initially, to fix this, we realized (i.e., realpath(3)) it instead.
- // But that turned out also not to be quite right since now we have
- // all the symlinks resolved: conceptually it feels correct to keep
- // the original header names since that's how the user chose to
- // arrange things and practically this is how the compilers see/report
- // them (e.g., the GCC module mapper).
- //
- // So now we have a pretty elaborate scheme where we try to use the
- // normalized path if possible and fallback to realized. Normalized
- // paths will work for situations where `..` does not cross symlink
- // boundaries, which is the sane case. And for the insane case we only
- // really care about out-of-project files (i.e., system/compiler
- // headers). In other words, if you have the insane case inside your
- // project, then you are on your own.
- //
- // All of this is unless the path comes from the depdb, in which case
+ // Normalize the path unless it comes from the depdb, in which case
// we've already done that (normally). This is also where we handle
// src-out remap (again, not needed if cached).
if (!cache || norm)
- {
- // Interestingly, on most paltforms and with most compilers (Clang
- // on Linux being a notable exception) most system/compiler headers
- // are already normalized.
- //
- path_abnormality a (f.abnormalities ());
- if (a != path_abnormality::none)
- {
- // While we can reasonably expect this path to exit, things do go
- // south from time to time (like compiling under wine with file
- // wlantypes.h included as WlanTypes.h).
- //
- try
- {
- // If we have any parent components, then we have to verify the
- // normalized path matches realized.
- //
- path r;
- if ((a & path_abnormality::parent) == path_abnormality::parent)
- {
- r = f;
- r.realize ();
- }
- try
- {
- f.normalize ();
- // Note that we might still need to resolve symlinks in the
- // normalized path.
- //
- if (!r.empty () && f != r && path (f).realize () != r)
- f = move (r);
- }
- catch (const invalid_path&)
- {
- assert (!r.empty ()); // Shouldn't have failed if no `..`.
- f = move (r); // Fallback to realize.
- }
- }
- catch (const invalid_path&)
- {
- fail << "invalid header path '" << f.string () << "'";
- }
- catch (const system_error& e)
- {
- fail << "invalid header path '" << f.string () << "': " << e;
- }
- }
- }
+ normalize_header (f);
if (!cache)
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
index 9afa29e..d068c20 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
@@ -3218,5 +3218,180 @@ namespace build2
return r;
+ // Table 23 [tab:headers.cpp].
+ //
+ // In the future we will probably have to maintain per-standard additions.
+ //
+ static const char* std_importable[] = {
+ "<algorithm>",
+ "<any>",
+ "<array>",
+ "<atomic>",
+ "<barrier>",
+ "<bit>",
+ "<bitset>",
+ "<charconv>",
+ "<chrono>",
+ "<codecvt>",
+ "<compare>",
+ "<complex>",
+ "<concepts>",
+ "<condition_variable>",
+ "<coroutine>",
+ "<deque>",
+ "<exception>",
+ "<execution>",
+ "<filesystem>",
+ "<format>",
+ "<forward_list>",
+ "<fstream>",
+ "<functional>",
+ "<future>",
+ "<initializer_list>",
+ "<iomanip>",
+ "<ios>",
+ "<iosfwd>",
+ "<iostream>",
+ "<istream>",
+ "<iterator>",
+ "<latch>",
+ "<limits>",
+ "<list>",
+ "<locale>",
+ "<map>",
+ "<memory>",
+ "<memory_resource>",
+ "<mutex>",
+ "<new>",
+ "<numbers>",
+ "<numeric>",
+ "<optional>",
+ "<ostream>",
+ "<queue>",
+ "<random>",
+ "<ranges>",
+ "<ratio>",
+ "<regex>",
+ "<scoped_allocator>",
+ "<semaphore>",
+ "<set>",
+ "<shared_mutex>",
+ "<source_location>",
+ "<span>",
+ "<sstream>",
+ "<stack>",
+ "<stdexcept>",
+ "<stop_token>",
+ "<streambuf>",
+ "<string>",
+ "<string_view>",
+ "<strstream>",
+ "<syncstream>",
+ "<system_error>",
+ "<thread>",
+ "<tuple>",
+ "<typeindex>",
+ "<typeinfo>",
+ "<type_traits>",
+ "<unordered_map>",
+ "<unordered_set>",
+ "<utility>",
+ "<valarray>",
+ "<variant>",
+ "<vector>",
+ "<version>"
+ };
+ // Table 24 ([tab:headers.cpp.c])
+ //
+ static const char* std_non_importable[] = {
+ "<cassert>",
+ "<cctype>",
+ "<cerrno>",
+ "<cfenv>",
+ "<cfloat>",
+ "<cinttypes>",
+ "<climits>",
+ "<clocale>",
+ "<cmath>",
+ "<csetjmp>",
+ "<csignal>",
+ "<cstdarg>",
+ "<cstddef>",
+ "<cstdint>",
+ "<cstdio>",
+ "<cstdlib>",
+ "<cstring>",
+ "<ctime>",
+ "<cuchar>",
+ "<cwchar>",
+ "<cwctype>"
+ };
+ void
+ guess_std_importable_headers (const compiler_info& ci,
+ const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs,
+ importable_headers& hs)
+ {
+ hs.group_map.emplace (header_group_std, 0);
+ hs.group_map.emplace (header_group_std_importable, 0);
+ // For better performance we make compiler-specific assumptions.
+ //
+ // For example, we can assume that all these headers are found in the
+ // same header search directory. This is at least the case for GCC's
+ // libstdc++.
+ //
+ // Note also that some headers could be missing. For example, <format>
+ // is currently not provided by GCC. Though entering missing headers
+ // should be harmless.
+ //
+ pair<const path, importable_headers::groups>* p;
+ auto add_groups = [&p] (bool imp)
+ {
+ if (imp)
+ p->second.push_back (header_group_std_importable); // More specific.
+ p->second.push_back (header_group_std);
+ };
+ if (ci.id.type != compiler_type::gcc)
+ {
+ for (const char* f: std_importable)
+ if ((p = hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, f)) != nullptr)
+ add_groups (true);
+ for (const char* f: std_non_importable)
+ if ((p = hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, f)) != nullptr)
+ add_groups (false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, std_importable[0]);
+ assert (p != nullptr);
+ add_groups (true);
+ dir_path d (p->first.directory ());
+ auto add_header = [&hs, &d, &p, add_groups] (const char* f, bool imp)
+ {
+ path fp (d);
+ fp.combine (f + 1, strlen (f) - 2, '\0'); // Assuming simple.
+ p = &hs.insert_angle (move (fp), f);
+ add_groups (imp);
+ };
+ for (size_t i (1);
+ i != sizeof (std_importable) / sizeof (std_importable[0]);
+ ++i)
+ add_header (std_importable[i], true);
+ for (const char* f: std_non_importable)
+ add_header (f, false);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/guess.hxx b/libbuild2/cc/guess.hxx
index 868e925..a141fa3 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/guess.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/guess.hxx
@@ -265,6 +265,16 @@ namespace build2
const string& cid,
const string& pattern,
const strings& mode);
+ // Insert importable/non-importable C++ standard library headers
+ // ([headers]/4).
+ //
+ // Note that the importable_headers instance should be unique-locked.
+ //
+ void
+ guess_std_importable_headers (const compiler_info&,
+ const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs,
+ importable_headers&);
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/init.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/init.cxx
index bb50d07..e8b0e6f 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/init.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/init.cxx
@@ -146,6 +146,14 @@ namespace build2
vp.insert<string> ("cc.module_name", v_t);
+ // Importable header marker (normally set via the x.importable alias).
+ //
+ // Note that while at first it might seem like a good idea to allow
+ // setting it on a scope, that will cause translation of inline/template
+ // includes which is something we definitely don't want.
+ //
+ vp.insert<bool> ("cc.importable", v_t);
// Ability to disable using preprocessed output for compilation.
vp.insert<bool> ("config.cc.reprocess");
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/link-rule.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/link-rule.cxx
index f500389..9b75e8d 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/link-rule.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/link-rule.cxx
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ namespace build2
- if (!p.is_a<objx> () && !p.is_a<bmix> ())
+ if (!p.is_a<objx> () && !p.is_a<bmix> () && !x_header (p, true))
// @@ Temporary hack until we get the default outer operation
// for update. This allows operations like test and install to
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/module.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/module.cxx
index 8241a01..1709c23 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/module.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/module.cxx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <libbuild2/cc/module.hxx>
+#include <map>
#include <iomanip> // left, setw()
#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
@@ -426,20 +427,21 @@ namespace build2
translate_std (xi, tt, rs, mode, v);
- // config.x.translatable_header
+ // config.x.translate_include
// It's still fuzzy whether specifying (or maybe tweaking) this list in
// the configuration will be a common thing to do so for now we use
- // omitted. It's also probably too early to think whether we should have
- // the cc.* version and what the semantics should be.
+ // omitted.
- if (x_translatable_headers != nullptr)
+ if (x_translate_include != nullptr)
- lookup l (lookup_config (rs, *config_x_translatable_headers));
- // @@ MODHDR: if(modules) ?
- //
- rs.assign (x_translatable_headers) += cast_null<strings> (l);
+ if (lookup l = lookup_config (rs, *config_x_translate_include))
+ {
+ // @@ MODHDR: if(modules) ? Yes.
+ //
+ rs.assign (x_translate_include).prepend (
+ cast<translatable_headers> (l));
+ }
// Extract system header/library search paths from the compiler and
@@ -718,8 +720,19 @@ namespace build2
+ // Global cache of ad hoc importable headers.
+ //
+ // The key is a hash of the system header search directories
+ // (sys_inc_dirs) where we search for the headers.
+ //
+ static map<string, importable_headers> importable_headers_cache;
+ static mutex importable_headers_mutex;
void module::
- init (scope& rs, const location& loc, const variable_map&)
+ init (scope& rs,
+ const location& loc,
+ const variable_map&,
+ const compiler_info& xi)
tracer trace (x, "init");
@@ -740,71 +753,76 @@ namespace build2
load_module (rs, rs, "cc.core", loc);
- // Process, sort, and cache (in this->xlate_hdr) translatable headers.
- // Keep the cache NULL if unused or empty.
+ // Search include translation headers and groups.
- // @@ MODHDR TODO: support exclusions entries (e.g., -<stdio.h>)?
- //
- if (modules && x_translatable_headers != nullptr)
+ if (modules)
- strings* ih (cast_null<strings> (rs.assign (x_translatable_headers)));
+ {
+ sha256 k;
+ for (const dir_path& d: sys_inc_dirs)
+ k.append (d.string ());
+ mlock l (importable_headers_mutex);
+ importable_headers = &importable_headers_cache[k.string ()];
+ }
+ auto& hs (*importable_headers);
- if (ih != nullptr && !ih->empty ())
+ ulock ul (hs.mutex);
+ if (hs.group_map.find (header_group_std) == hs.group_map.end ())
+ guess_std_importable_headers (xi, sys_inc_dirs, hs);
+ // Process x.translate_include.
+ //
+ const variable& var (*x_translate_include);
+ if (auto* v = cast_null<translatable_headers> (rs[var]))
- // Translate <>-style header names to absolute paths using the
- // compiler's include search paths. Otherwise complete and normalize
- // since when searching in this list we always use the absolute and
- // normalized header target path.
- //
- for (string& h: *ih)
+ for (const auto& p: *v)
- if (h.empty ())
- continue;
+ const string& k (p.first);
- path f;
- if (h.front () == '<' && h.back () == '>')
+ if (k.front () == '<' && k.back () == '>')
- h.pop_back ();
- h.erase (0, 1);
+ if (path_pattern (k))
+ {
+ size_t n (hs.insert_angle_pattern (sys_inc_dirs, k));
- for (const dir_path& d: sys_inc_dirs)
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "pattern " << k << " searched to " << n
+ << " headers";});
+ }
+ else
- if (file_exists ((f = d, f /= h),
- true /* follow_symlinks */,
- true /* ignore_errors */))
- goto found;
+ // What should we do if not found? While we can fail, this
+ // could be too drastic if, for example, the header is
+ // "optional" and may or may not be present/used. So for now
+ // let's ignore (we could have also removed it from the map as
+ // an indication).
+ //
+ const auto* r (hs.insert_angle (sys_inc_dirs, k));
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "header " << k << " searched to "
+ << (r ? r->first.string ().c_str () : "<none>");});
- // What should we do if not found? While we can fail, this could
- // be too drastic if, for example, the header is "optional" and
- // may or may not be present/used. So for now let's restore the
- // original form to aid debugging (it can't possibly match any
- // absolute path).
+ }
+ else if (path_traits::find_separator (k) == string::npos)
+ {
+ // Group name.
- h.insert (0, 1, '<');
- h.push_back ('>');
- continue;
- found:
- ; // Fall through.
+ if (k != header_group_all_importable &&
+ k != header_group_std_importable &&
+ k != header_group_all &&
+ k != header_group_std)
+ fail (loc) << "unknown header group '" << k << "' in " << var;
- f = path (move (h));
- if (f.relative ())
- f.complete ();
+ // Absolute and normalized header path.
+ //
+ if (!path_traits::absolute (k))
+ fail (loc) << "relative header path '" << k << "' in " << var;
- // @@ MODHDR: should we use the more elaborate but robust
- // normalize/realize scheme so the we get the same
- // path? Feels right.
- f.normalize ();
- h = move (f).string ();
- sort (ih->begin (), ih->end ());
- xlate_hdr = ih;
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/module.hxx b/libbuild2/cc/module.hxx
index 85b7158..ac170da 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/module.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/module.hxx
@@ -103,7 +103,10 @@ namespace build2
libux_install_rule (move (d), *this) {}
- init (scope&, const location&, const variable_map&);
+ init (scope&,
+ const location&,
+ const variable_map&,
+ const compiler_info&);
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx
index 6a1b3c8..be7674a 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx
@@ -1142,15 +1142,17 @@ namespace build2
return r;
- // Parse modules and add them to the prerequisites.
+ // Parse modules, enter them as targets, and add them to the
+ // prerequisites.
- auto parse_modules = [&trace, &next, &s, this]
- (const pkgconf& pc, prerequisites& ps)
+ auto parse_modules = [&trace, this,
+ &next, &s, &lt] (const pkgconf& pc,
+ prerequisites& ps)
- string mstr (pc.variable ("cxx_modules"));
+ string val (pc.variable ("cxx_modules"));
string m;
- for (size_t b (0), e (0); !(m = next (mstr, b, e)).empty (); )
+ for (size_t b (0), e (0); !(m = next (val, b, e)).empty (); )
// The format is <name>=<path> with `..` used as a partition
// separator (see pkgconfig_save() for details).
@@ -1159,7 +1161,7 @@ namespace build2
if (p == string::npos ||
p == 0 || // Empty name.
p == m.size () - 1) // Empty path.
- fail << "invalid module information in '" << mstr << "'" <<
+ fail << "invalid module information in '" << val << "'" <<
info << "while parsing pkg-config --variable=cxx_modules "
<< pc.path;
@@ -1193,12 +1195,12 @@ namespace build2
// If the target already exists, then setting its variables is not
// MT-safe. So currently we only do it if we have the lock (and thus
- // nobody can see this target yet) assuming that this has already
+ // nobody can see this target yet) verifying that this has already
// been done otherwise.
// @@ This is not quite correct, though: this target could already
// exist but for a "different purpose" (e.g., it could be used as
- // a header).
+ // a header). Well, maybe it shouldn't.
// @@ Could setting it in the rule-specific vars help? (But we
// are not matching a rule for it.) Note that we are setting
@@ -1211,7 +1213,7 @@ namespace build2
// Set module properties. Note that if unspecified we should still
// set them to their default values since the hosting project may
- // have them set to incompatible value.
+ // have them set to incompatible values.
value& v (mt.vars.assign (x_preprocessed)); // NULL
@@ -1224,11 +1226,68 @@ namespace build2
tl.second.unlock ();
+ else
+ {
+ if (!mt.vars[c_module_name])
+ fail << "unexpected metadata for module target " << mt <<
+ info << "module is expected to have assigned name" <<
+ info << "make sure this module is used via " << lt
+ << " prerequisite";
+ }
ps.push_back (prerequisite (mt));
+ // Parse importable headers and enter them as targets.
+ //
+ auto parse_headers = [&trace, this,
+ &next, &s, &lt] (const pkgconf& pc,
+ const target_type& tt,
+ const char* lang)
+ {
+ string var (string (lang) + "_importable_headers");
+ string val (pc.variable (var));
+ string h;
+ for (size_t b (0), e (0); !(h = next (val, b, e)).empty (); )
+ {
+ path hp (move (h));
+ path hf (hp.leaf ());
+ auto tl (
+ s.ctx.targets.insert_locked (
+ tt,
+ hp.directory (),
+ dir_path (),
+ hf.base ().string (),
+ hf.extension (),
+ target_decl::implied,
+ trace));
+ target& ht (tl.first);
+ // If the target already exists, then setting its variables is not
+ // MT-safe. So currently we only do it if we have the lock (and thus
+ // nobody can see this target yet) verifying that this has already
+ // been done otherwise.
+ //
+ if (tl.second.owns_lock ())
+ {
+ ht.vars.assign (c_importable) = true;
+ tl.second.unlock ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!cast_false<bool> (ht.vars[c_importable]))
+ fail << "unexpected metadata for existing header target " << ht <<
+ info << "header is expected to be marked importable" <<
+ info << "make sure this header is used via " << lt
+ << " prerequisite";
+ }
+ }
+ };
// For now we only populate prerequisites for lib{}. To do it for
// liba{} would require weeding out duplicates that are already in
// lib{}.
@@ -1291,13 +1350,21 @@ namespace build2
parse_cflags (*st, spc, false);
// For now we assume static and shared variants export the same set of
- // modules. While technically possible, having a different set will most
- // likely lead to all sorts of complications (at least for installed
- // libraries) and life is short.
+ // modules/importable headers. While technically possible, having
+ // different sets will most likely lead to all sorts of complications
+ // (at least for installed libraries) and life is short.
if (modules)
+ {
parse_modules (ipc, prs);
+ // We treat headers outside of any project as C headers (see
+ // enter_header() for details).
+ //
+ parse_headers (ipc, h::static_type /* **x_hdr */, x);
+ parse_headers (ipc, h::static_type, "c");
+ }
assert (!lt.has_prerequisites ());
if (!prs.empty ())
lt.prerequisites (move (prs));
@@ -1614,32 +1681,46 @@ namespace build2
- // If we have modules, list them in the modules variable. We also save
- // some extra info about them (yes, the rabbit hole runs deep). This
- // code is pretty similar to compiler::search_modules().
+ // If we have modules and/or importable headers, list them in the
+ // respective variables. We also save some extra info about modules
+ // (yes, the rabbit hole runs deep). This code is pretty similar to
+ // compiler::search_modules().
+ //
+ // Note that we want to convey the importable headers information even
+ // if modules are not enabled.
- if (modules)
struct module
string name;
path file;
- string pp;
+ string preprocessed;
bool symexport;
- vector<module> modules;
+ vector<module> mods;
+ // If we were to ever support another C-based language (e.g.,
+ // Objective-C) and libraries that can use a mix of languages (e.g.,
+ // C++ and Objective-C), then we would need to somehow reverse-
+ // lookup header target type to language. Let's hope we don't.
+ //
+ vector<path> x_hdrs;
+ vector<path> c_hdrs;
// Note that the prerequisite targets are in the member, not the
- // group (for now we don't support different sets of modules for
- // static/shared library; see load above for details).
+ // group (for now we don't support different sets of modules/headers
+ // for static/shared library; see load above for details).
for (const target* pt: l.prerequisite_targets[a])
+ if (pt == nullptr)
+ continue;
// @@ UTL: we need to (recursively) see through libu*{} (and
// also in search_modules()).
- if (pt != nullptr && pt->is_a<bmix> ())
+ if (modules && pt->is_a<bmix> ())
// What we have is a binary module interface. What we need is
// a module interface source it was built from. We assume it's
@@ -1666,7 +1747,7 @@ namespace build2
if (const string* v = cast_null<string> ((*mt)[x_preprocessed]))
pp = *v;
- modules.push_back (
+ mods.push_back (
module {
cast<string> (pt->state[a].vars[c_module_name]),
move (p),
@@ -1674,9 +1755,21 @@ namespace build2
+ else if (pt->is_a (**x_hdr) || pt->is_a<h> ())
+ {
+ if (cast_false<bool> ((*pt)[c_importable]))
+ {
+ path p (install::resolve_file (pt->as<file> ()));
+ if (p.empty ()) // Not installed.
+ continue;
+ (pt->is_a<h> () ? c_hdrs : x_hdrs).push_back (move (p));
+ }
+ }
- if (!modules.empty ())
+ if (size_t n = mods.size ())
os << endl
<< "cxx_modules =";
@@ -1688,7 +1781,7 @@ namespace build2
// for example hello.print..impl. While in the variable values we
// can use `:`, for consistency we use `..` there as well.
- for (module& m: modules)
+ for (module& m: mods)
size_t p (m.name.find (':'));
if (p != string::npos)
@@ -1696,7 +1789,8 @@ namespace build2
// Module names shouldn't require escaping.
- os << ' ' << m.name << '=' << escape (m.file.string ());
+ os << (n != 1 ? " \\\n" : " ")
+ << m.name << '=' << escape (m.file.string ());
os << endl;
@@ -1705,16 +1799,38 @@ namespace build2
// <lang>_module_<property>.<module> = <value>
- for (const module& m: modules)
+ for (const module& m: mods)
- if (!m.pp.empty ())
- os << "cxx_module_preprocessed." << m.name << " = " << m.pp
- << endl;
+ if (!m.preprocessed.empty ())
+ os << "cxx_module_preprocessed." << m.name << " = "
+ << m.preprocessed << endl;
if (m.symexport)
os << "cxx_module_symexport." << m.name << " = true" << endl;
+ if (size_t n = c_hdrs.size ())
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "c_importable_headers =";
+ for (const path& h: c_hdrs)
+ os << (n != 1 ? " \\\n" : " ") << escape (h.string ());
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ if (size_t n = x_hdrs.size ())
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << x << "_importable_headers =";
+ for (const path& h: x_hdrs)
+ os << (n != 1 ? " \\\n" : " ") << escape (h.string ());
+ os << endl;
+ }
os.close ();
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/types.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/types.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666b048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/types.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// file : libbuild2/cc/types.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/cc/types.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+namespace build2
+ namespace cc
+ {
+ const string header_group_all ("all");
+ const string header_group_all_importable ("all-importable");
+ const string header_group_std ("std");
+ const string header_group_std_importable ("std-importable");
+ // Find the position where the group should be inserted unless the group
+ // is already there.
+ //
+ using groups = importable_headers::groups;
+ static inline optional<groups::const_iterator>
+ find_angle (const groups& gs, const string& g)
+ {
+ for (auto i (gs.begin ()); i != gs.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ // After last angle-bracket file.
+ //
+ if (i->front () != '<' || i->back () != '>' || path_pattern (*i))
+ return i;
+ if (*i == g)
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ return gs.begin ();
+ }
+ static inline optional<groups::const_iterator>
+ find_angle_pattern (const groups& gs, const string& g)
+ {
+ for (auto i (gs.begin ()); i != gs.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ // After last angle-bracket file pattern.
+ //
+ if (i->front () != '<' || i->back () != '>')
+ return i;
+ if (*i == g)
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ return gs.begin ();
+ }
+ auto importable_headers::
+ insert_angle (const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs,
+ const string& s) -> pair<const path, groups>*
+ {
+ assert (s.front () == '<' && s.back () == '>');
+ // First see if it has already been inserted.
+ //
+ auto i (group_map.find (s));
+ if (i == group_map.end ())
+ {
+ path f (s, 1, s.size () - 2);
+ path p;
+ for (const dir_path& d: sys_inc_dirs)
+ {
+ if (file_exists ((p = d, p /= f),
+ true /* follow_symlinks */,
+ true /* ignore_errors */))
+ goto found;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ found:
+ normalize_header (p);
+ // Note that it's possible this header has already been entered as
+ // part of a different group.
+ //
+ auto j (header_map.emplace (move (p), groups {}).first);
+ if (auto p = find_angle (j->second, s))
+ j->second.insert (*p, s);
+ i = group_map.emplace (s, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (&*j)).first;
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast<pair<const path, groups>*> (i->second);
+ }
+ auto importable_headers::
+ insert_angle (path p, const string& s) -> pair<const path, groups>&
+ {
+ assert (s.front () == '<' && s.back () == '>');
+ // First see if it has already been inserted.
+ //
+ auto i (group_map.find (s));
+ if (i == group_map.end ())
+ {
+ // Note that it's possible this header has already been entered as
+ // part of a different group.
+ //
+ auto j (header_map.emplace (move (p), groups {}).first);
+ if (auto p = find_angle (j->second, s))
+ j->second.insert (*p, s);
+ i = group_map.emplace (s, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (&*j)).first;
+ }
+ return *reinterpret_cast<pair<const path, groups>*> (i->second);
+ }
+ size_t importable_headers::
+ insert_angle_pattern (const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs, const string& pat)
+ {
+ assert (pat.front () == '<' && pat.back () == '>' && path_pattern (pat));
+ // First see if it has already been inserted.
+ //
+ auto i (group_map.find (pat));
+ if (i == group_map.end ())
+ {
+ path f (pat, 1, pat.size () - 2);
+ struct data
+ {
+ uintptr_t n;
+ const string& pat;
+ const dir_path* dir;
+ } d {0, pat, nullptr};
+ auto process = [&d, this] (path&& pe, const string&, bool interm)
+ {
+ if (interm)
+ return true;
+ path p (*d.dir / pe);
+ normalize_header (p);
+ string s (move (pe).string ());
+ s.insert (0, 1, '<');
+ s.push_back ('>');
+ // Note that it's possible this header has already been entered as
+ // part of a different group.
+ //
+ auto j (header_map.emplace (move (p), groups {}).first);
+ if (auto p = find_angle (j->second, s))
+ j->second.insert (*p, move (s));
+ if (auto p = find_angle_pattern (j->second, d.pat))
+ j->second.insert (*p, d.pat);
+ d.n++;
+ return true;
+ };
+ for (const dir_path& dir: sys_inc_dirs)
+ {
+ d.dir = &dir;
+ try
+ {
+ path_search (f, process, dir);
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to scan " << dir << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ i = group_map.emplace (pat, d.n).first;
+ }
+ return static_cast<size_t> (i->second);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/types.hxx b/libbuild2/cc/types.hxx
index 20b67c2..70a6340 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/types.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/types.hxx
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
+#include <map>
+#include <unordered_map>
#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>
@@ -81,6 +84,80 @@ namespace build2
build2::cc::module_info module_info;
+ // Ad hoc (as opposed to marked with x.importable) importable headers.
+ //
+ // Note that these are only searched for in the system header search
+ // directories (sys_inc_dirs).
+ //
+ struct importable_headers
+ {
+ mutable shared_mutex mutex;
+ using groups = small_vector<string, 3>;
+ // Map of groups (e.g., std, <vector>, <boost/*.hpp>) that have already
+ // been inserted.
+ //
+ // For angle-bracket file groups (e.g., <vector>), the value is a
+ // pointer to the corresponding header_map element. For angle-bracket
+ // file pattern groups (e.g., <boost/**.hpp>), the value is the number
+ // of files in the group.
+ //
+ // Note that while the case-sensitivity of header names in #include
+ // directives is implementation-defined, our group names are case-
+ // sensitive (playing loose with the case will lead to portability
+ // issues sooner or later so we don't bother with any more elborate
+ // solutions).
+ //
+ std::unordered_map<string, uintptr_t> group_map;
+ // Map of absolute and normalized header paths to groups (e.g., std,
+ // <vector>, <boost/**.hpp>) to which they belong. The groups are
+ // ordered from the most to least specific (e.g., <vector> then std).
+ //
+ std::unordered_map<path, groups> header_map;
+ // Note that all these functions assume the instance is unique-locked.
+ //
+ // Search for and insert an angle-bracket file, for example <vector>,
+ // making it belong to the angle-bracket file group itself. Return the
+ // pointer to the corresponding header_map element if the file has been
+ // found and NULL otherwise (so can be used as bool).
+ //
+ pair<const path, groups>*
+ insert_angle (const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs, const string& file);
+ // As above but for a manually-searched absolute and normalized path.
+ //
+ pair<const path, groups>&
+ insert_angle (path, const string& file);
+ // Search for and insert an angle-bracket file pattern, for example
+ // <boost/**.hpp>, making each header belong to the angle-bracket file
+ // group (e.g., <boost/any.hpp>) and the angle-bracket file pattern
+ // group itself. Return the number of files found that match the
+ // pattern.
+ //
+ size_t
+ insert_angle_pattern (const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs, const string& pat);
+ };
+ // Headers and header groups whose inclusion should or should not be
+ // translated to the corresponding header unit imports.
+ //
+ // The key is either an absolute and normalized header path or a reference
+ // to an importable_headers group (e.g., <vector>, std).
+ //
+ using translatable_headers = std::map<string, optional<bool>>;
+ // Special translatable header groups.
+ //
+ extern const string header_group_all;
+ extern const string header_group_all_importable;
+ extern const string header_group_std;
+ extern const string header_group_std_importable;
// Compiler language.
enum class lang {c, cxx};
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/utility.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/utility.cxx
index 283e1b4..ffe3e03 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/utility.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/utility.cxx
@@ -17,5 +17,58 @@ namespace build2
const dir_path module_build_dir (dir_path (module_dir) /= "build");
const dir_path module_build_modules_dir (
dir_path (module_build_dir) /= "modules");
+ void
+ normalize_header (path& f)
+ {
+ // Interestingly, on most paltforms and with most compilers (Clang on
+ // Linux being a notable exception) most system/compiler headers are
+ // already normalized.
+ //
+ path_abnormality a (f.abnormalities ());
+ if (a != path_abnormality::none)
+ {
+ // While we can reasonably expect this path to exit, things do go
+ // south from time to time (like compiling under wine with file
+ // wlantypes.h included as WlanTypes.h).
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ // If we have any parent components, then we have to verify the
+ // normalized path matches realized.
+ //
+ path r;
+ if ((a & path_abnormality::parent) == path_abnormality::parent)
+ {
+ r = f;
+ r.realize ();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ f.normalize ();
+ // Note that we might still need to resolve symlinks in the
+ // normalized path.
+ //
+ if (!r.empty () && f != r && path (f).realize () != r)
+ f = move (r);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ assert (!r.empty ()); // Shouldn't have failed if no `..`.
+ f = move (r); // Fallback to realize.
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ fail << "invalid header path '" << f.string () << "'";
+ }
+ catch (const system_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "invalid header path '" << f.string () << "': " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx b/libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx
index a856fd0..42e53e3 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx
@@ -48,6 +48,32 @@ namespace build2
compile_types (otype);
+ // Normalize an absolute path to an existing header.
+ //
+ // We used to just normalize the path but that could result in an invalid
+ // path (e.g., for some system/compiler headers on CentOS 7 with Clang
+ // 3.4) because of the symlinks (if a directory component is a symlink,
+ // then any following `..` are resolved relative to the target; see
+ // path::normalize() for background).
+ //
+ // Initially, to fix this, we realized (i.e., realpath(3)) it instead.
+ // But that turned out also not to be quite right since now we have all
+ // the symlinks resolved: conceptually it feels correct to keep the
+ // original header names since that's how the user chose to arrange things
+ // and practically this is how the compilers see/report them (e.g., the
+ // GCC module mapper).
+ //
+ // So now we have a pretty elaborate scheme where we try to use the
+ // normalized path if possible and fallback to realized. Normalized paths
+ // will work for situations where `..` does not cross symlink boundaries,
+ // which is the sane case. And for the insane case we only really care
+ // about out-of-project files (i.e., system/compiler headers). In other
+ // words, if you have the insane case inside your project, then you are on
+ // your own.
+ //
+ void
+ normalize_header (path&);