path: root/libbuild2/cli/rule.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/cli/rule.cxx')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/cli/rule.cxx b/libbuild2/cli/rule.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c571d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/cli/rule.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+// file : libbuild2/cli/rule.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/cli/rule.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/depdb.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cli/target.hxx>
+namespace build2
+ namespace cli
+ {
+ // Figure out if name contains stem and, optionally, calculate prefix and
+ // suffix.
+ //
+ static bool
+ match_stem (const string& name, const string& stem,
+ string* prefix = nullptr, string* suffix = nullptr)
+ {
+ size_t p (name.find (stem));
+ if (p != string::npos)
+ {
+ if (prefix != nullptr)
+ prefix->assign (name, 0, p);
+ if (suffix != nullptr)
+ suffix->assign (name, p + stem.size (), string::npos);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool compile_rule::
+ match (action a, target& t) const
+ {
+ tracer trace ("cli::compile_rule::match");
+ // Find the .cli source file.
+ //
+ auto find = [&trace, a, &t] (auto&& r) -> optional<prerequisite_member>
+ {
+ for (prerequisite_member p: r)
+ {
+ // If excluded or ad hoc, then don't factor it into our tests.
+ //
+ if (include (a, t, p) != include_type::normal)
+ continue;
+ if (p.is_a<cli> ())
+ {
+ // Check that the stem match.
+ //
+ if (match_stem (t.name, p.name ()))
+ return p;
+ l4 ([&]{trace << ".cli file stem '" << p.name () << "' "
+ << "doesn't match target " << t;});
+ }
+ }
+ return nullopt;
+ };
+ if (cli_cxx* pt = t.is_a<cli_cxx> ())
+ {
+ // The cli.cxx{} group.
+ //
+ cli_cxx& t (*pt);
+ // See if we have a .cli source file.
+ //
+ if (!find (group_prerequisite_members (a, t)))
+ {
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "no .cli source file for target " << t;});
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Figure out the member list.
+ //
+ // At this stage, no further changes to cli.options are possible and
+ // we can determine whether the --suppress-inline option is present.
+ //
+ // Passing the group as a "reference target" is a bit iffy,
+ // conceptually.
+ //
+ t.h = &search<cxx::hxx> (t, t.dir, t.out, t.name);
+ t.c = &search<cxx::cxx> (t, t.dir, t.out, t.name);
+ t.i = find_option ("--suppress-inline", t, "cli.options")
+ ? nullptr
+ : &search<cxx::ixx> (t, t.dir, t.out, t.name);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // One of the ?xx{} members.
+ //
+ // Check if there is a corresponding cli.cxx{} group.
+ //
+ const cli_cxx* g (t.ctx.targets.find<cli_cxx> (t.dir, t.out, t.name));
+ // If not or if it has no prerequisites (happens when we use it to
+ // set cli.options) and this target has a cli{} prerequisite, then
+ // synthesize the dependency.
+ //
+ if (g == nullptr || !g->has_prerequisites ())
+ {
+ if (optional<prerequisite_member> p = find (
+ prerequisite_members (a, t)))
+ {
+ if (g == nullptr)
+ g = &t.ctx.targets.insert_implied<cli_cxx> (
+ t.dir, t.out, t.name, trace);
+ prerequisites ps;
+ ps.push_back (p->as_prerequisite ());
+ g->prerequisites (move (ps));
+ }
+ }
+ if (g == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ // For ixx{}, verify it is part of the group (i.e., not disabled
+ // via --suppress-inline).
+ //
+ if (t.is_a<cxx::ixx> () &&
+ find_option ("--suppress-inline", *g, "cli.options"))
+ return false;
+ t.group = g;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ recipe compile_rule::
+ apply (action a, target& xt) const
+ {
+ if (cli_cxx* pt = xt.is_a<cli_cxx> ())
+ {
+ cli_cxx& t (*pt);
+ // Derive file names for the members.
+ //
+ t.h->derive_path ();
+ t.c->derive_path ();
+ if (t.i != nullptr)
+ t.i->derive_path ();
+ // Inject dependency on the output directory.
+ //
+ inject_fsdir (a, t);
+ // Match prerequisites.
+ //
+ match_prerequisite_members (a, t);
+ // For update inject dependency on the CLI compiler target.
+ //
+ if (a == perform_update_id)
+ inject (a, t, ctgt);
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ case perform_update_id: return [this] (action a, const target& t)
+ {
+ return perform_update (a, t);
+ };
+ case perform_clean_id: return &perform_clean_group_depdb;
+ default: return noop_recipe; // Configure/dist update.
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const cli_cxx& g (xt.group->as<cli_cxx> ());
+ match_sync (a, g);
+ return group_recipe; // Execute the group's recipe.
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ append_extension (cstrings& args,
+ const path_target& t,
+ const char* option,
+ const char* default_extension)
+ {
+ const string* e (t.ext ());
+ assert (e != nullptr); // Should have been figured out in apply().
+ if (*e != default_extension)
+ {
+ // CLI needs the extension with the leading dot (unless it is empty)
+ // while we store the extension without. But if there is an extension,
+ // then we can get it (with the dot) from the file name.
+ //
+ args.push_back (option);
+ args.push_back (e->empty ()
+ ? e->c_str ()
+ : t.path ().extension_cstring () - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ target_state compile_rule::
+ perform_update (action a, const target& xt) const
+ {
+ tracer trace ("cli::compile_rule::perform_update");
+ // The rule has been matched which means the members should be resolved
+ // and paths assigned. We use the header file as our "target path" for
+ // timestamp, depdb, etc.
+ //
+ const cli_cxx& t (xt.as<cli_cxx> ());
+ const path& tp (t.h->path ());
+ context& ctx (t.ctx);
+ // Update prerequisites and determine if any relevant ones render us
+ // out-of-date. Note that currently we treat all the prerequisites as
+ // potentially affecting the result (think prologues/epilogues, CLI
+ // compiler target itself, etc).
+ //
+ timestamp mt (t.load_mtime (tp));
+ auto pr (execute_prerequisites<cli> (a, t, mt));
+ bool update (!pr.first);
+ target_state ts (update ? target_state::changed : *pr.first);
+ const cli& s (pr.second);
+ // We use depdb to track changes to the .cli file name, options,
+ // compiler, etc.
+ //
+ depdb dd (tp + ".d");
+ {
+ // First should come the rule name/version.
+ //
+ if (dd.expect ("cli.compile 1") != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "rule mismatch forcing update of " << t;});
+ // Then the compiler checksum.
+ //
+ if (dd.expect (csum) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "compiler mismatch forcing update of " << t;});
+ // Then the options checksum.
+ //
+ sha256 cs;
+ append_options (cs, t, "cli.options");
+ if (dd.expect (cs.string ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "options mismatch forcing update of " << t;});
+ // Finally the .cli input file.
+ //
+ if (dd.expect (s.path ()) != nullptr)
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "input file mismatch forcing update of " << t;});
+ }
+ // Update if depdb mismatch.
+ //
+ if (dd.writing () || dd.mtime > mt)
+ update = true;
+ dd.close ();
+ // If nothing changed, then we are done.
+ //
+ if (!update)
+ return ts;
+ // Translate paths to relative (to working directory). This results in
+ // easier to read diagnostics.
+ //
+ path relo (relative (t.dir));
+ path rels (relative (s.path ()));
+ const process_path& pp (ctgt.process_path ());
+ cstrings args {pp.recall_string ()};
+ // See if we need to pass --output-{prefix,suffix}
+ //
+ string prefix, suffix;
+ match_stem (t.name, s.name, &prefix, &suffix);
+ if (!prefix.empty ())
+ {
+ args.push_back ("--output-prefix");
+ args.push_back (prefix.c_str ());
+ }
+ if (!suffix.empty ())
+ {
+ args.push_back ("--output-suffix");
+ args.push_back (suffix.c_str ());
+ }
+ // See if we need to pass any --?xx-suffix options.
+ //
+ append_extension (args, *t.h, "--hxx-suffix", "hxx");
+ append_extension (args, *t.c, "--cxx-suffix", "cxx");
+ if (t.i != nullptr)
+ append_extension (args, *t.i, "--ixx-suffix", "ixx");
+ append_options (args, t, "cli.options");
+ if (!relo.empty ())
+ {
+ args.push_back ("-o");
+ args.push_back (relo.string ().c_str ());
+ }
+ args.push_back (rels.string ().c_str ());
+ args.push_back (nullptr);
+ if (verb >= 2)
+ print_process (args);
+ else if (verb)
+ print_diag ("cli", s, t);
+ if (!ctx.dry_run)
+ {
+ run (ctx, pp, args, 1 /* finish_verbosity */);
+ dd.check_mtime (tp);
+ }
+ t.mtime (system_clock::now ());
+ return target_state::changed;
+ }
+ }