path: root/psql/psql/buildfile
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Diffstat (limited to 'psql/psql/buildfile')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/psql/psql/buildfile b/psql/psql/buildfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30fa4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/psql/psql/buildfile
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# file : psql/buildfile
+# license : PostgreSQL License; see accompanying COPYRIGHT file
+import libs = libpq%lib{pq}
+# Note that psql doesn't use openssl directly. We however import libcrypto so
+# that the <openssl/opensslv.h> included by <downstream/pg_config.h> can be
+# found.
+import libs += libcrypto%lib{crypto}
+exe{psql}: src/{h c}{** -port/**} \
+ src/port/{ c}{** -strl* -win32* -getopt* -open -system} \
+ include/{h }{** } \
+ downstream/{h c}{** -strl* -libpq/version} \
+ downstream/{h }{ libpq/version}
+downstream/libpq/h{version}: downstream/libpq/in{version} $src_root/manifest
+ C_TARGET = $
+tclass = $
+tsys = $
+bsd = ($tclass == 'bsd')
+macos = ($tclass == 'macos')
+windows = ($tclass == 'windows')
+# Note that we never compile src/port/{strlcpy,strlcat}.c directly but rather
+# include them conditionally from our downstream/{strlcpy,strlcat}.c files if
+# HAVE_DECL_{STRLCPY,STRLCAT} macros are 0 (see downstream/pg_config.h for the
+# macro definitions).
+exe{psql}: src/port/c{strl*}: include = adhoc
+exe{psql}: downstream/c{strl*}: include = (!$bsd && !$macos)
+exe{psql}: src/port/c{win32* open system}: include = $windows
+exe{psql}: src/port/c{getopt*}: include = ($tsys == 'win32-msvc')
+exe{psql}: $libs
+# Build options.
+c.poptions += -DFRONTEND
+# Note that the upstream package defines the WIN32 macro for VC only. We,
+# however define it for MinGW GCC as well (see libpq's buildfile for the
+# reasoning).
+if $windows
+ c.poptions += -DWIN32
+# Note that we need to add "-I$src_root" for the headers auto-generating
+# machinery to work properly.
+c.poptions =+ "-I$out_root" "-I$src_root" \
+ "-I$out_base/downstream" "-I$src_base/downstream" \
+ "-I$src_base/src/psql" "-I$src_base/include" "-I$src_base"
+switch $tclass, $tsys
+ case 'linux'
+ c.poptions += -D_GNU_SOURCE
+ case 'windows', 'mingw32'
+ {
+ c.poptions =+ "-I$src_base/include/port/win32"
+ }
+ case 'windows'
+ {
+ # Probably some of the *WIN* macro definitions are not really required,
+ # but let's keep all of them for good measure.
+ #
+ c.poptions += -D__WINDOWS__ -D__WIN32__ -D_MBCS \
+ c.poptions =+ "-I$src_base/include/port/win32_msvc" \
+ "-I$src_base/include/port/win32"
+ }
+# Define path macros.
+# The only paths used in psql are SYSCONFDIR and PGBINDIR (see
+# set_pglocale_pgservice(), process_psqlrc(), and get_etc_path() for details).
+# The remaining path macros still need to be defined for src/port/path.c so
+# that we can compile it.
+# As it is noted in libpq's buildfile, the whole idea feels utterly broken and
+# so, similar to libpq, we just do bare minimum and wait and see.
+if ($install.root != [null])
+ root = $install.resolve($install.root)
+ sysconfdir = ($windows || $root != /usr ? $root/etc : /etc)
+ if! $regex.match("$sysconfdir", '.*(pgsql|postgresql).*')
+ sysconfdir = $sysconfdir/postgresql
+ pgbindir = $install.resolve($install.bin)
+ pgsharedir = $install.resolve($
+ includedir = $install.resolve($install.include)
+ pkgincludedir = $install.resolve($install.include)/postgresql
+ includedirserver = $install.resolve($install.include)/postgresql/server
+ libdir = $install.resolve($install.lib)
+ pkglibdir = $install.resolve($install.lib)/postgresql
+ localedir = $install.resolve($
+ docdir = $install.resolve($install.doc)
+ htmldir = $install.resolve($install.doc)
+ mandir = $install.resolve($
+ sysconfdir = ($windows ? $out_base : /usr/local/pgsql/etc)
+ pgbindir = $out_base
+ pgsharedir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/share)
+ includedir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/include)
+ pkgincludedir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/include/postgresql)
+ includedirserver = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/include/postgresql/server)
+ libdir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/lib)
+ pkglibdir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/lib/postgresql)
+ localedir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/share/locale)
+ docdir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/share/doc/postgresql)
+ htmldir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/share/doc/postgresql)
+ mandir = ($windows ? '' : /usr/local/share/man)
+# Escape backslashes and quotes in the directory paths prior to representing
+# them as C string literals.
+bnd = $regex.replace($pgbindir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+shd = $regex.replace($pgsharedir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+scd = $regex.replace($sysconfdir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+ind = $regex.replace($includedir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+pid = $regex.replace($pkgincludedir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+isd = $regex.replace($includedirserver, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+lbd = $regex.replace($libdir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+pld = $regex.replace($pkglibdir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+lcd = $regex.replace($localedir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+dcd = $regex.replace($docdir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+htd = $regex.replace($htmldir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+mnd = $regex.replace($mandir, '(\\|")', '\\\1')
+src/port/obj{path}: c.poptions += -DSYSCONFDIR="\"$scd\"" \
+ -DPGBINDIR="\"$bnd\"" \
+ -DPGSHAREDIR="\"$shd\"" \
+ -DSYSCONFDIR="\"$scd\"" \
+ -DINCLUDEDIR="\"$ind\"" \
+ -DPKGINCLUDEDIR="\"$pid\"" \
+ -DLIBDIR="\"$lbd\"" \
+ -DPKGLIBDIR="\"$pld\"" \
+ -DLOCALEDIR="\"$lcd\"" \
+ -DDOCDIR="\"$dcd\"" \
+ -DHTMLDIR="\"$htd\"" \
+ -DMANDIR="\"$mnd\""
+# The _cdecl specifier used in src/port/win32env.c is not recognized by
+# MinGW GCC. Let's replace it with the equivalent __cdecl.
+if $windows
+ src/port/obj{win32env}: c.poptions += -D_cdecl=__cdecl
+switch $c.class
+ case 'gcc'
+ {
+ # Omit -fexcess-precision=standard since -std=9x implies it.
+ #
+ c.coptions += -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv
+ # Disable warnings that pop up with -Wall -Wextra. Upstream doesn't seem
+ # to care about these and it is not easy to disable specific warnings in a
+ # way that works across compilers/versions (some -Wno-* options are only
+ # recognized in newer versions). There are still some warnings left that
+ # appear for certain platforms/compilers. We pass them through but disable
+ # treating them as errors.
+ #
+ # @@ TMP: try to re-enable on next release.
+ #
+ c.coptions += -Wno-all -Wno-extra -Wno-error -Wno-deprecated-declarations
+ }
+ case 'msvc'
+ {
+ c.coptions += /GF
+ # Disable warnings that pop up with /W3.
+ #
+ c.coptions += /wd4018 /wd4090 /wd4244 /wd4267
+ }
+switch $tclass, $tsys
+ case 'linux' | 'macos'
+ c.libs += -lm
+ case 'bsd'
+ c.libs += -lexecinfo -lm -pthread
+ case 'windows', 'mingw32'
+ c.libs += -lws2_32
+ case 'windows'
+ c.libs += ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib